26 research outputs found

    Dietary geranylgeraniol can limit the activity of pitavastatin as a potential treatment for drug-resistant ovarian cancer

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    Pre-clinical and retrospective studies of patients using statins to reduce plasma cholesterol have suggested that statins may be useful to treat cancer. However, prospective clinical trials have yet to demonstrate significant efficacy. We have previously shown that this is in part because a hydrophobic statin with a long half-life is necessary. Pitavastatin, the only statin with this profile, has not undergone clinical evaluation in oncology. The target of pitavastatin, hydroxymethylglutarate coenzyme-A reductase (HMGCR), was found to be over-expressed in all ovarian cancer cell lines examined and upregulated by mutated TP53, a gene commonly altered in ovarian cancer. Pitavastatin-induced apoptosis was blocked by geranylgeraniol and mevalonate, products of the HMGCR pathway, confirming that pitavastatin causes cell death through inhibition of HMGCR. Solvent extracts of human and mouse food were also able to block pitavastatin-induced apoptosis, suggesting diet might influence the outcome of clinical trials. When nude mice were maintained on a diet lacking geranylgeraniol, oral pitavastatin caused regression of Ovcar-4 tumour xenografts. However, when the animal diet was supplemented with geranylgeraniol, pitavastatin failed to prevent tumour growth. This suggests that a diet containing geranylgeraniol can limit the anti-tumour activity of pitavastatin and diet should be controlled in clinical trials of statins

    Phosphorylation of the Drosophila melanogaster RNA–Binding Protein HOW by MAPK/ERK Enhances Its Dimerization and Activity

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    Drosophila melanogaster Held Out Wings (HOW) is a conserved RNA–binding protein (RBP) belonging to the STAR family, whose closest mammalian ortholog Quaking (QKI) has been implicated in embryonic development and nervous system myelination. The HOW RBP modulates a variety of developmental processes by controlling mRNA levels and the splicing profile of multiple key regulatory genes; however, mechanisms regulating its activity in tissues have yet to be elucidated. Here, we link receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling to the regulation of QKI subfamily of STAR proteins, by showing that HOW undergoes phosphorylation by MAPK/ERK. Importantly, we show that this modification facilitates HOW dimerization and potentiates its ability to bind RNA and regulate its levels. Employing an antibody that specifically recognizes phosphorylated HOW, we show that HOW is phosphorylated in embryonic muscles and heart cardioblasts in vivo, thus documenting for the first time Serine/Threonine (Ser/Thr) phosphorylation of a STAR protein in the context of an intact organism. We also identify the sallimus/D-titin (sls) gene as a novel muscle target of HOW–mediated negative regulation and further show that this regulation is phosphorylation-dependent, underscoring the physiological relevance of this modification. Importantly, we demonstrate that HOW Thr phosphorylation is reduced following muscle-specific knock down of Drosophila MAPK rolled and that, correspondingly, Sls is elevated in these muscles, similarly to the HOW RNAi effect. Taken together, our results provide a coherent mechanism of differential HOW activation; MAPK/ERK-dependent phosphorylation of HOW promotes the formation of HOW dimers and thus enhances its activity in controlling mRNA levels of key muscle-specific genes. Hence, our findings bridge between MAPK/ERK signaling and RNA regulation in developing muscles

    Verification of in vivo accuracy of Trumatch™ patient-specific instrumentation in total knee replacement using pin-less computer navigation

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    Purpose Accurate component alignment in total knee replacement (TKR) is one of the important factors in determining long-term survivorship. This has been achieved by conventional jigs, computer-assisted technology (CAS) and more recently patient-specific instrumentation (PSI). The purpose of the current study was to investigate the in vivo accuracy of Trumatch™ PSI using validated pin-less computer navigation system. Method Twenty consecutive selected patients that fulfilled our inclusion/exclusion criteria underwent TKR using PSI. Coronal alignment, posterior slope, resection thickness and femoral sagittal alignment were recorded using pin-less navigation. The position of the actual cutting block was appropriately adjusted prior to proceeding to definitive resections. Results The coronal alignment using PSI without the assistance of navigation would have resulted in 14 (70 %) within ±3°, 11 (55 %) within ±2° and 6 (30 %) outside acceptable alignment. Thirty-five percentage of proposed femur sagittal alignment and 55 % of posterior tibial slope were achieved within ±3°. Components size was accurately predicted in 95 % of femurs and 90 % of tibia. Conclusion The purported advantages in restoring alignments using Trumatch™ PSI alone over standard equipment are debatable. However, it predicts sizing well, and femoral coronal alignment is reasonable. Combining Trumatch™ PSI with CAS will allow in vivo verification and necessary corrections