22 research outputs found

    Regulation of human endometrial function: mechanisms relevant to uterine bleeding

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    This review focuses on the complex events that occur in the endometrium after progesterone is withdrawn (or blocked) and menstrual bleeding ensues. A detailed understanding of these local mechanisms will enhance our knowledge of disturbed endometrial/uterine function – including problems with excessively heavy menstrual bleeding, endometriosis and breakthrough bleeding with progestin only contraception. The development of novel strategies to manage these clinically significant problems depends on such new understanding as does the development of new contraceptives which avoid the endometrial side effect of breakthrough bleeding

    The use of biodiversity as source of new chemical entities against defined molecular targets for treatment of malaria, tuberculosis, and T-cell mediated diseases: a review

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    Acne da mulher adulta: aspectos epidemiológicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos Acne in adult women: epidemiological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects

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    FUNDAMENTOS: A acne da mulher adulta (AMA) é uma dermatose de incidência crescente; o hiperandrogenismo está presente em muitos casos, mas há pacientes sem anormalidades hormonais. OBJETIVO: Analisar as características prevalentes na mulher adulta com acne sem hiperandrogenismo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Um levantamento de 226 prontuários com queixa de AMA foi realizado; 116 pacientes (51,3%) possuíam perfil hormonal normal e, portanto, foram incluídas no estudo. Foram pesquisados idade, etnia, perfil clínico da acne, exames complementares, tratamentos anteriores, tratamentos prescritos e evolução. RESULTADOS: A média das idades foi de 33,9 anos e o grau clínico predominante foi o inflamatório moderado (grau II); a face foi a área mais acometida. Os retinoides tópicos foram as drogas mais prescritas, e a medicação sistêmica foi indicada em 53,4% das pacientes. A regressão total foi observada em 31 pacientes (26,7%) até 12 semanas de tratamento. Houve reação adversa ao tratamento tópico em 21,5% das pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: O quadro clínico da AMA em pacientes sem hiperandrogenismo é de moderada intensidade, com predomínio de lesões inflamatórias. Seu tratamento é similar ao da acne vulgar; entretanto, atenção especial deve ser tomada com medicações de maior potencial irritante, uma vez que esse grupo parece ter uma maior predisposição a irritações cutâneas.<br>BACKGROUND: Adult female acne (AFA) is a dermatosis of increasing incidence; hyperandrogenism is present in many cases, but there are patients without hormonal abnormalities. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prevalent characteristics in adult women with acne without hyperandrogenism. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A survey of 226 medical records with AFA complaints was conducted; of these, 116 (51.3%) had a normal hormonal profile and were, therefore, included in the study. We investigated age, ethnicity, clinical profile of acne, complementary exams, previous treatment, prescribed treatment and evolution. RESULTS: The mean age was 33.9 years and the predominant clinical grade of acne was moderate inflammatory (grade 2). The face was the most affected area. Topical retinoids were the most prescribed drugs, and systemic medication was prescribed to 53.4% of the patients. Total regression was observed in 31 patients (26.7%) within 12 weeks of treatment. Adverse reactions to topical treatment occurred in 21.5% of the patients. CONCLUSION: The clinical manifestations of AFA in patients without hyperandrogenism are moderate, with predominance of inflammatory lesions. Treatment is similar to that of acne vulgaris; however, special attention should be taken with more irritating medication since this group appears to be more predisposed to skin irritations