17 research outputs found

    Environmental Controls on Tropical Sea Breeze Convection and Resulting Aerosol Redistribution

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    Sea breeze fronts propagate inland from the coastline, driving convective initiation and aerosol redistribution. Forecasting sea breezes is challenging due to uncertainties in the initial conditions, as well as the covariance and interaction of various meteorological and surface parameters. Using the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System coupled to an interactive land‐surface model, we conduct an ensemble of 130 idealized cloud‐resolving simulations by simultaneously perturbing six atmospheric and four surface parameters describing the initial conditions. To identify the key parameters impacting the inland characteristics and the intensity of the sea breeze convection in a tropical rainforest, we apply statistical emulation and variance‐based sensitivity analysis techniques. This study extends a previous study which explored the impacts of various parameters on sea breeze characteristics in arid environments devoid of moist convection. Wind speed is identified as the main contributor to the inland extent, similar to the arid environment study. However, the relative impacts of surface properties on the inland extent are less significant in the moist environment where land‐surface heating can be suppressed via moist convective processes and vegetation‐atmosphere interactions. Two sea breeze‐initiated convection regimes are also identified: shallow and deep. Over the shallow regime, where convective available potential energy is limited, the inversion layer strength is the primary control of the convective intensity. Over the deep regime, boundary layer temperature exerts a robust control over the convective available potential energy and hence the convective intensity. The potential vertical redistribution of aerosols is closely related to the convective intensity

    Seroprevalence of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 in Pregnant Women in China: An Observational Study

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated the seropositive rates and persistence of antibody against pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus (pH1N1) in pregnant women and voluntary blood donors after the second wave of the pandemic in Nanjing, China. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Serum samples of unvaccinated pregnant women (n = 720) and voluntary blood donors (n = 320) were collected after the second wave of 2009 pandemic in Nanjing. All samples were tested against pH1N1 strain (A/California/7/2009) with hemagglutination inhibition assay. A significant decline in seropositive rates, from above 50% to about 20%, was observed in pregnant women and voluntary blood donors fifteen weeks after the second wave of the pandemic. A quarter of the samples were tested against a seasonal H1N1 strain (A/Brisbane/59/2007). The antibody titers against pH1N1 strain were found to correlate positively with those against seasonal H1N1 strain. The correlation was modest but statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: The high seropositive rates in both pregnant women and voluntary blood donors suggested that the pH1N1 virus had widely spread in these two populations. Immunity derived from natural infection seemed not to be persistent well

    Aerosol effect on the evolution of the thermodynamic properties of warm convective cloud fields

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    Convective cloud formation and evolution strongly depend on environmental temperature and humidity profiles. The forming clouds change the profiles that created them by redistributing heat and moisture. Here we show that the evolution of the field’s thermodynamic properties depends heavily on the concentration of aerosol, liquid or solid particles suspended in the atmosphere. Under polluted conditions, rain formation is suppressed and the non-precipitating clouds act to warm the lower part of the cloudy layer (where there is net condensation) and cool and moisten the upper part of the cloudy layer (where there is net evaporation), thereby destabilizing the layer. Under clean conditions, precipitation causes net warming of the cloudy layer and net cooling of the sub-cloud layer (driven by rain evaporation), which together act to stabilize the atmosphere with time. Previous studies have examined different aspects of the effects of clouds on their environment. Here, we offer a complete analysis of the cloudy atmosphere, spanning the aerosol effect from instability-consumption to enhancement, below, inside and above warm clouds, showing the temporal evolution of the effects. We propose a direct measure for the magnitude and sign of the aerosol effect on thermodynamic instability