11 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi konsumen dalam melakukan keputusan dalam pembelian jamu tetes Mking, studi kasus pada konsumen Gerai Sehat Empunala. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer. Sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 150 responden. Jumlah variabel yang diteliti adalah 27 variabel. Data yang diolah dengan menggunakan analisis faktor sebanyak 24 faktor variabel yang bisa dianalisa lebih lanjut. Sisanya 3 variabel dikeluarkan karena nilai Loading Faktor kurang dari 0,5. Data yang diperoleh dari responden diolah dengan menggunakan SPSS 17.0.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Faktor-faktor tersebut terdiri dari 9 faktor yaitu Faktor Citra Merek dengan eigenvalue 7.272, Faktor Kualitas Harga dengan eigenvalue 2.847, Faktor Promosi Menarik dengan eigenvalue 2.373, Faktor Persepsi Produk dengan eigenvalue 1.852, Faktor Fasilitas Pelayanan dengan eigenvalue 1.707, Faktor Kualitas Pelayanan dengan eigenvalue 1.461, Faktor Kualitas Produk dengan eigenvalue 1.386, Faktor Model Promosi dengan eigenvalue 1.067, Faktor Lokasi dengan eigenvalue 1.018

    High School Students' Proficiency and Confidence Levels in Displaying Their Understanding of Basic Electrolysis Concepts

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    This study was conducted with 330 Form 4 (grade 10) students (aged 15 – 16 years) who were involved in a course of instruction on electrolysis concepts. The main purposes of this study were (1) to assess high school chemistry students’ understanding of 19 major principles of electrolysis using a recently developed 2-tier multiple-choice diagnostic instrument, the Electrolysis Diagnostic Instrument (EDI), and (2) to assess students’ confidence levels in displaying their knowledge and understanding of these electrolysis concepts. Analysis of students’ responses to the EDI showed that they displayed very limited understanding of the electrolytic processes involving molten compounds and aqueous solutions of compounds, with a mean score of 6.82 (out of a possible maximum of 17). Students were found to possess content knowledge about several electrolysis processes but did not provide suitable explanations for the changes that had occurred, with less than 45 % of students displaying scientifically acceptable understandings about electrolysis. In addition, students displayed limited confidence about making the correct selections for the items; yet, in 16 of the 17 items, the percentage of students who were confident that they had selected the correct answer to an item was higher than the actual percentage of students who correctly answered the corresponding item. The findings suggest several implications for classroom instruction on the electrolysis topic that need to be addressed in order to facilitate better understanding by students of electrolysis concepts

    Clitoria ternatea L.Fabaceae

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    Clitoria albiflora Mattei; Clitoria bracteata Poir.; Clitoria mearnsii De Wild.; Clitoria philippensis Perr.; Clitoria spectabilis Salisb.; Clitoria tanganicensis Micheli; Clitoria ternatea f. fasciculata Fantz; Clitoria ternatea var. major Paxton; Clitoria ternatea var. pleniflora Fantz; Clitoria ternatensium Crantz; Clitoria zanzibarensis Vatke; Deguelia javanica (Miq.) Taub.; Derris javanica Miq.; Lathyrus spectabilis Forssk.; Nauchea bracteata Dupuis ex Descourt.; Nauchea ternatea (L.) Descourt.; Phaseolus clitorius Noronha; Pterocarpus javanicus (Miq.) Kuntze; Ternatea indica J.St.-Hil.; Ternatea ternatea (L.) Kuntze; Ternatea vulgaris Kunth (POWO 2019

    Nitrogen acquisition by roots: physiological and developmental mechanisms ensuring plant adaptation to a fluctuating resource

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