16 research outputs found

    Parrots Eat Nutritious Foods despite Toxins

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    Generalist herbivores are challenged not only by the low nitrogen and high indigestibility of their plant foods, but also by physical and chemical defenses of plants. This study investigated the foods of wild parrots in the Peruvian Amazon and asked whether these foods contain dietary components that are limiting for generalist herbivores (protein, lipids, minerals) and in what quantity; whether parrots chose foods based on nutrient content; and whether parrots avoid plants that are chemically defended.We made 224 field observations of free-ranging parrots of 17 species in 8 genera foraging on 102 species of trees in an undisturbed tropical rainforest, in two dry seasons (July-August 1992-1993) and one wet season (January-February1994). We performed laboratory analyses of parts of plants eaten and not eaten by parrots and brine shrimp assays of toxicity as a proxy for vertebrates. Parrots ate seeds, fruits, flowers, leaves, bark, and insect larvae, but up to 70% of their diet comprised seeds of many species of tropical trees, in various stages of ripeness. Plant parts eaten by parrots were rich in protein, lipid, and essential minerals, as well as potentially toxic chemicals. Seeds were higher than other plant materials in protein and lipid and lower in fiber. Large macaws of three species ate foods higher in protein and lipids and lower in fiber compared to plant parts available but not eaten. Macaws ate foods that were lower in phenolic compounds than foods they avoided. Nevertheless, foods eaten by macaws contained measurable levels of toxicity. Macaws did not appear to make dietary selections based on mineral content.Parrots represent a remarkable example of a generalist herbivore that consumes seeds destructively despite plant chemical defenses. With the ability to eat toxic foods, rainforest-dwelling parrots exploited a diversity of nutritious foods, even in the dry season when food was scarce for other frugivores and granivores

    Fruit tracking, frugivore satiation, and their consequences for seed dispersal

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    Vertebrate frugivore communities are easily satiated by abundant fruit supplies and, contrary to abiotic dispersal agents, typically disperse only part of the available seed pool. This frugivore satiation is likely to be a widespread phenomenon and should be an influential predictor of plants’ ability to disperse their offspring to suitable establishment sites; yet it has never been systematically quantified. Here I investigate patterns of fruit abundance, frugivore activity and frugivore satiation, and their consequences for seed dispersal in the fleshy-fruited tree Frangula alnus. Based on constant-effort seed trapping conducted over 3 years, I assess densities of total and frugivore-consumed seedfall across two spatial (within/between populations) and two temporal (within/between ripening seasons) scales. Furthermore, I examine relationships between fruit abundance and the amount of seeds that are actually dispersed away from fruiting trees. Frugivore activity tightly matched fruit abundance, although some differences existed between scales. This marked fruit tracking did not prevent a significant frugivore satiation, however, and only 53% of the available fruit crops were actually consumed. The extent of satiation varied most at the within-population level, likely due to the territorial behaviour of important frugivore species. In contrast, levels of satiation remained remarkably invariable through time, suggesting that frugivores behave as opportunists and closely adjust the composition of their diet to the available food supply. Overall, greater fruit abundance resulted in a higher proportion of seeds falling beneath fruiting trees, but it also helped increase the (absolute) number of seeds dispersed. This study shows that frugivore satiation can be an important phenomenon even when frugivores tightly track fruit abundance. Its negative effects on recruitment may be attenuated, however, if greater fruit crops help increase population-wide frugivore activity and the amount of seeds being dispersed to suitable establishment sites

    Seasonal variation in seed dispersal by tamarins alters seed rain in a secondary rainforest

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    Reduced dispersal of large seeds into degraded areas is one of the major factors limiting rain forest regeneration, as many seed dispersers capable of transporting large seeds avoid these sites with a limited forest cover. However, the small size of tamarins allows them to use small trees, and hence to disperse seeds into young secondary forests. Seasonal variations in diet and home range use might modify their contribution to forest regeneration through an impact on the seed rain. For a 2-yr period, we followed a mixed-species group of tamarins in Peru to determine how their role as seed dispersers in a 9-yr-old secondary-growth forest varied across seasons. These tamarins dispersed small to large seeds of 166 tree species, 63 of which were into a degraded area. Tamarins’ efficiency in dispersing seeds from primary to secondary forest varied across seasons. During the late wet season, high dietary diversity and long forays in secondary forest allowed them to disperse large seeds involved in later stages of regeneration. This occurred precisely when tamarins spent a more equal amount of time eating a high diversity of fruit species in primary forest and pioneer species in secondary forest. We hypothesized that well-balanced fruit availability induced the movement of seed dispersers between these 2 habitats. The noteworthy number of large-seeded plant species dispersed by such small primates suggests that tamarins play an important, but previously neglected, role in the regeneration and maintenance of forest structure. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10764-010-9413-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users