10 research outputs found

    Reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled on-line to estrogen receptor bioaffinity detection based on fluorescence polarization

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    We describe the development and validation of a high-resolution screening (HRS) platform which couples gradient reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) on-line to estrogen receptor α (ERα) affinity detection using fluorescence polarization (FP). FP, which allows detection at high wavelengths, limits the occurrence of interference from the autofluorescence of test compounds in the bioassay. A fluorescein-labeled estradiol derivative (E2-F) was synthesized and a binding assay was optimized in platereader format. After subsequent optimization in flow-injection analysis (FIA) mode, the optimized parameters were translated to the on-line HRS bioassay. Proof of principle was demonstrated by separating a mixture of five compounds known to be estrogenic (17β-estradiol, 17α-ethinylestradiol and the phytoestrogens coumestrol, coumarol and zearalenone), followed by post-column bioaffinity screening of the individual affinities for ERα. Using the HRS-based FP setup, we were able to screen affinities of off-line-generated metabolites of zearalenone for ERα. It is concluded that the on-line FP-based bioassay can be used to screen for the affinity of compounds without the disturbing occurrence of autofluorescence

    Advances in mass spectrometry-based post-column bioaffinity profiling of mixtures

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    In the screening of complex mixtures, for example combinatorial libraries, natural extracts, and metabolic incubations, different approaches are used for integrated bioaffinity screening. Four major strategies can be used for screening of bioactive mixtures for protein targets—pre-column and post-column off-line, at-line, and on-line strategies. The focus of this review is on recent developments in post-column on-line screening, and the role of mass spectrometry (MS) in these systems. On-line screening systems integrate separation sciences, mass spectrometry, and biochemical methodology, enabling screening for active compounds in complex mixtures. There are three main variants of on-line MS based bioassays: the mass spectrometer is used for ligand identification only; the mass spectrometer is used for both ligand identification and bioassay readout; or MS detection is conducted in parallel with at-line microfractionation with off-line bioaffinity analysis. On the basis of the different fields of application of on-line screening, the principles are explained and their usefulness in the different fields of drug research is critically evaluated. Furthermore, off-line screening is discussed briefly with the on-line and at-line approaches

    Development of an online p38α mitogen-activated protein kinase binding assay and integration of LC–HR-MS

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    A high-resolution screening method was developed for the p38α mitogen-activated protein kinase to detect and identify small-molecule binders. Its central role in inflammatory diseases makes this enzyme a very important drug target. The setup integrates separation by high-performance liquid chromatography with two parallel detection techniques. High-resolution mass spectrometry gives structural information to identify small molecules while an online enzyme binding detection method provides data on p38α binding. The separation step allows the individual assessment of compounds in a mixture and links affinity and structure information via the retention time. Enzyme binding detection was achieved with a competitive binding assay based on fluorescence enhancement which has a simple principle, is inexpensive, and is easy to interpret. The concentrations of p38α and the fluorescence tracer SK&F86002 were optimized as well as incubation temperature, formic acid content of the LC eluents, and the material of the incubation tubing. The latter notably improved the screening of highly lipophilic compounds. For optimization and validation purposes, the known kinase inhibitors BIRB796, TAK715, and MAPKI1 were used among others. The result is a high-quality assay with Z′ factors around 0.8, which is suitable for semi-quantitative affinity measurements and applicable to various binding modes. Furthermore, the integrated approach gives affinity data on individual compounds instead of averaged ones for mixtures

    Evaluation of a school-based depression prevention program among adolescents with elevated depressive symptoms: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Adolescents are at risk of developing depressive symptoms. Given the prevalence, recurrence and negative consequences of adolescent depression, it is crucial to implement prevention programs for high-risk adolescents. Prevention programs at an indicated level have shown to be successful in reducing depressive symptoms in adolescents. This study will evaluate the (cost)effectiveness of the prevention program 'Op Volle Kracht (OVK 2.0)' for adolescents with elevated depressive symptoms. Methods: We will perform a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) with an intervention and control condition to test the effectiveness of an indicated prevention program aimed at depression in adolescents. Adolescents in their second year of secondary education (11-15 year) will be screened for depressive symptoms. Those with heightened levels of depressive symptoms (CDI-2 ≥ 14) will be randomly assigned to the intervention (N = 80) or control group (N = 80). The participants in the intervention condition will receive a prevention program comprising eight meetings of 60 min each. The participants in the control condition will receive psycho-educational information. All participants and their parents will complete assessment at baseline, post-intervention, and 6-, 12- and 24- month follow-up. Primary outcome will be depressive symptoms. Additionally, the present study will identify mechanisms that mediate and moderate the program effects and test the effect of OVK 2.0 on secondary outcomes. Discussion: This paper describes a study designed to screen adolescents for depressive symptoms and offer them a prevention program to prevent the onset of depressive symptomatology. Adolescents in the intervention condition are expected to show lower levels of depressive symptoms at 12 month follow-up compared to adolescents in the control condition. If OVK 2.0 proves to be effective, the screening and intervention program could be implemented in schools on a large scale. Trial registration: Dutch Trial Register NTR5725. Date registered: 11th of March 2016