44 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional (p,q) AdS superspaces and matter couplings

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    We introduce N-extended (p,q) AdS superspaces in three space-time dimensions, with p+q=N and p>=q, and analyse their geometry. We show that all (p,q) AdS superspaces with X^{IJKL}=0 are conformally flat. Nonlinear sigma-models with (p,q) AdS supersymmetry exist for p+q4 the target space geometries are highly restricted). Here we concentrate on studying off-shell N=3 supersymmetric sigma-models in AdS_3. For each of the cases (3,0) and (2,1), we give three different realisations of the supersymmetric action. We show that (3,0) AdS supersymmetry requires the sigma-model to be superconformal, and hence the corresponding target space is a hyperkahler cone. In the case of (2,1) AdS supersymmetry, the sigma-model target space must be a non-compact hyperkahler manifold endowed with a Killing vector field which generates an SO(2) group of rotations of the two-sphere of complex structures.Comment: 52 pages; V3: minor corrections, version published in JHE

    Renal cancer and Wegener's granulomatosis: a case report

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    Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) is a systemic disorder characterized by necrotizing vasculitis involving the respiratory tract, and in most cases, the kidneys. The most common manifestation of WG in the kidneys is segmental necrotizing glomerulonephritis. The presence of a renal mass as a manifestation of WG is rare. We report a patient with WG in whom a CT scan revealed an infiltrating mass in the lower portion of the left kidney. After surgical exploration, we performed an open radical nephrectomy. Histopathology showed clear cell type renal cell carcinoma (RCC). RCC associated with WG has been reported in only a few cases, and in most of them, the diseases started simultaneously, suggesting common pathogenetic pathways. Long-term immunosuppressive treatment is a known risk factor in the development of malignancies, so occurrence of RCC in WG has been proposed as a side effect of cyclophosphamide treatment. Furthermore, it is important to make a differential diagnosis between RCC and pseudotumors in WG as they cannot be distinguished solely on basis of imaging findings. Due to the higher risk of urologic malignancies, more frequent checkups and screening of WG patients should be considered

    Beta functions of topologically massive supergravity

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    We compute the one-loop beta functions of the cosmological constant, Newton's constant and the topological mass in topologically massive supergravity in three dimensions. We use a variant of the proper time method supplemented by a simple choice of cutoff function. We also employ two different analytic continuations of AdS3 and consider harmonic expansions on the 3-sphere as well as a 3-hyperboloid, and then show that they give the same results for the beta functions. We find that the dimensionless coefficient of the Chern-Simons term, 28, has vanishing beta function. The flow of the cosmological constant and Newton's constant depends on 28; we study analytically the structure of the flow and its fixed points in the limits of small and large ?. Open Access, \ua9 2014 The Authors

    Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on conformal supergravity backgrounds in ten dimensions

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    We consider bosonic supersymmetric backgrounds of ten-dimensional conformal supergravity. Up to local conformal isometry, we classify the maximally supersymmetric backgrounds, determine their conformal symmetry superalgebras and show how they arise as near-horizon geometries of certain half-BPS backgrounds or as a plane-wave limit thereof. We then show how to define Yang-Mills theory with rigid supersymmetry on any supersymmetric conformal supergravity background and, in particular, on the maximally supersymmetric backgrounds. We conclude by commenting on a striking resemblance between the supersymmetric backgrounds of ten-dimensional conformal supergravity and those of eleven-dimensional Poincar\'e supergravity.Comment: 30 page