10 research outputs found

    Habitual health enhancing physical activity is related to lower levels of body adiposity and blood pressure among community dwelling adults in Maiduguri, Nigeria

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    Community-based promotion of physical activity for health and primary prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases are integral components of physiotherapy practice. This study examined the relationship between habitual health enhancing physical activity and cardiometabolic risk factors among community dwelling adults in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Methodology: A cross-sectional survey of 280 male and female adults (age=20–76 years) randomly selected from the State Low Cost Housing Estate in Maiduguri. Participants' physical activity was measured using the international physical activity questionnaire-short form. Health enhancing physical activity was defined as ≥ 150 minutes/week of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Blood pressure, body weight, height, and waist and hip circumferences were measured following standardized procedures. Results: Most of the participants (85%) engaged in sufficient health enhancing MVPA. The prevalence of generalized obesity (26.1%) and overweight (36.2%), central obesity (68.6%), and hypertension (26.4%) was relatively high. Overall, there were significant negative associations between MVPA and BMI (â = -0.163, P= 0.005), and waist-to-hip ratio (â= -0.138, P= 0.023). Both BMI and waist-to-hip ratio 2 accounted for about 5% (R =0.049) of the variance in MVPA. In gender specific analysis, only among women was MVPA significantly associated with lower BMI (â= -0.189, P= 0.046), and decreased systolic blood pressure (â= -0.241, P= 0.010) and diastolic blood pressure (â= -0.212, P= 0.026). Conclusions: Higher health enhancing MVPA was associated with lower levels of obesity and blood pressure among community dwelling adults (especially women). This evidence can be used to inform effective community physiotherapy practice and health promotion in Maiduguri

    HIV sero-positive status among clients aged ≥ 50 years that presented for care in a tertiary health facility in northeastern Nigeria.

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    The introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has transformed HIV infection from hopeless to manageable health condition comparable to non-infectious diseases such as asthma and diabetes mellitus. This modest achievement has reduced morbidity and mortality and increased longevity and quality of life among HIV infected persons. Although reports from developing countries such as Nigeria, shows that youth within the reproductive are most affected by the scourge of HIV/AIDS. Older patients with features that may be indicative of HIV infection are often overlooked in favour of other differential diagnosis. Objective: To document HIV positive sero-status among client aged 50 years and above that necessitated HIV test as part of their clinical evaluation after voluntary counseling and testing at a tertiary health facility. Method: Record of 1674 adults participants that presented for care between January 2009- December 2013, were retrieved for this study. Results: The HIV-seropositive status among the participants was 370 (22.1%). It showed a female preponderance of 136 (26.0%) than 234 (20.0%) in males. The peak annual prevalence was observed in the year 2010, steady decline was observed thereafter. Overall, older participants between 60-70 years had higher HIV-seropositivity status. This study shows one out four males and five females with index of suspicion either based on clinical presentation or risky sexual behavior are positive for HIV infection. Conclusion: This report underscores the need to explore other risk factors that may be peculiar to older segment of the society and introduce HIV intervention strategies for the older populations. Delivery of HIV intervention measures and services to this segment of the population is expedient. Measures and interventions should take into consideration the peculiarities, specific vulnerabilities and HIV-related challenges faced by this group of clients

    Relationship between academic self-esteem and performance in English language and mathematics of primary school pupils

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    This study was conducted to determine the relationship between pupils' academic self-esteem and performance in English language and Mathematics. The sample consisted of 365 pupils selected from 82 primary schools in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council, Borno State. Krejcie and Morgan's table for determining sampling size was used to select the sample size for this study. Academic Self-Esteem Questionnaire designed by the researchers was used for data collection. Test-retest reliability (r) of the instrument yielded 0.72. The data were summarized and analyzed by descriptive and inferential (independent t-test and Pearson Product Moment Correlation) statistics respectively. Results showed that pupils' level of academic self-esteem was high and their level of academic performance in English Language and Mathematics was average. In conclusion, self-esteem was found to be positively related to academic performance. Based on this, teachers should increase and maintain pupils' self-esteem by assisting them feel and think positively

    Physiotherapy management of an infant with Bilateral Congenital Talipes Equino varus

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    Background: Clinicians are constantly seeking for the most ideal option in the management of Congenital Talipes Equino Varus (CTEV), especially among infants. Objective: This case report presents the outcome of a one year Physiotherapy management of an infant with Congenital Talipes Equino Varus (CTEV). Methods: Management commenced 48 hours after birth. During the first three months, passive stretching and strapping techniques were employed. Subsequently, plaster of Paris cast was applied using the serial plastering approach. Stretching continued each time the cast was removed for replacement. Results: Follow up after one year showed that the child could walk with apparently normal gait and there was no residual deformity Conclusion: There is need for more enlightenment on the importance of early referral of CTEV cases for Physiotherapy care

    Physiotherapy students’ perception of their teachers’ clinical teaching attributes

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    Objective. Students’ perspectives on clinical teaching attributes can contribute to knowledge on teaching and learning in clinical education. The objective of the study was to report on Nigerian physiotherapy students’ perceptions of the clinical teaching skills of their teachers.Design and setting. A cross-sectional survey conducted in five physiotherapy training institutions in Nigeria.Subject. Physiotherapy students (N=203) in the clinical phase of their training participated in the study.Outcome measure. The validated 25-item McGill Clinical Teacher Evaluation (CTE) tool was used to rate the students’ perceptions of the attributes of their clinical teachers.Results. Overall the students rated their teachers high on the CTE scale; women rated their teachers higher than their male counterparts. Clinical teachers who are academicians and /or had doctoral degrees were rated higher than clinicians and /or those with bachelor degrees only. Students from two long established programmes not only rated their teachers higher, but were also more satisfied and positively challenged during clinical rotations than those from relatively new programmes.Conclusions. This study found that overall Nigerian physiotherapy students rated the teaching attributes of their clinical teachers highly. The nature of the work appointment (academic or clinical) of their teachers, as well as highest level of academic qualification achieved, influenced student ratings of their teachers. Students found the clinical rotations offered by well-established programmes more challenging and satisfying.AJHPE 2012;4(1):4-9. DOI:10.7196/AJHPE.13