20 research outputs found

    Speciation and fate of trace metals in estuarine sediments under reduced and oxidized conditions, Seaplane Lagoon, Alameda Naval Air Station (USA)

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    We have identified important chemical reactions that control the fate of metal-contaminated estuarine sediments if they are left undisturbed (in situ) or if they are dredged. We combined information on the molecular bonding of metals in solids from X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) with thermodynamic and kinetic driving forces obtained from dissolved metal concentrations to deduce the dominant reactions under reduced and oxidized conditions. We evaluated the in situ geochemistry of metals (cadmium, chromium, iron, lead, manganese and zinc) as a function of sediment depth (to 100 cm) from a 60 year record of contamination at the Alameda Naval Air Station, California. Results from XAS and thermodynamic modeling of porewaters show that cadmium and most of the zinc form stable sulfide phases, and that lead and chromium are associated with stable carbonate, phosphate, phyllosilicate, or oxide minerals. Therefore, there is minimal risk associated with the release of these trace metals from the deeper sediments contaminated prior to the Clean Water Act (1975) as long as reducing conditions are maintained. Increased concentrations of dissolved metals with depth were indicative of the formation of metal HS(- )complexes. The sediments also contain zinc, chromium, and manganese associated with detrital iron-rich phyllosilicates and/or oxides. These phases are recalcitrant at near-neutral pH and do not undergo reductive dissolution within the 60 year depositional history of sediments at this site. The fate of these metals during dredging was evaluated by comparing in situ geochemistry with that of sediments oxidized by seawater in laboratory experiments. Cadmium and zinc pose the greatest hazard from dredging because their sulfides were highly reactive in seawater. However, their dissolved concentrations under oxic conditions were limited eventually by sorption to or co-precipitation with an iron (oxy)hydroxide. About 50% of the reacted CdS and 80% of the reacted ZnS were bonded to an oxide-substrate at the end of the 90-day oxidation experiment. Lead and chromium pose a minimal hazard from dredging because they are bonded to relatively insoluble carbonate, phosphate, phyllosilicate, or oxide minerals that are stable in seawater. These results point out the specific chemical behavior of individual metals in estuarine sediments, and the need for direct confirmation of metal speciation in order to constrain predictive models that realistically assess the fate of metals in urban harbors and coastal sediments

    Coccolith biomineralisation studied with atomic force microscopy

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    Biomineralisation can only be understood as an interplay between organic and mineral phases. With this objective, we conducted an investigation of coccoliths using atomic force microscopy (AFM), an ultra-high resolution technique that requires no surface coating and can be used in air or under solution at ambient conditions of temperature and pressure. The detailed morphology, crystal structure, organic scales and organic coating of the coccolith species Coccolithus pelagicus, Helicosphaera carteri and Oolithotus fragilis were investigated. The fine structure of coccoliths is very complex, with the calcite either being smooth, dominated by steps or tuberculate; organic cover can be either granular or fibrous. Behaviour of coccolith surfaces during dissolution is influenced both by mineral and organic material and different surface types show variable resistance to dissolution. The organic coating protects element faces against etching. Through atomic resolution AFM, it is possible to establish the crystallographic structure of the distal shields of C. pelagicus and O. fragilis. Though elements of both species are dominated by stable crystal faces, there are important differences between them, with the external edge of elements being parallel to a cleavage direction in C. pelagicus but parallel to the atomic rows in O. fragilis. Thus, there is evidence that the biomineralisation of each species, and also of select areas of coccoliths of the same species, is markedly different