44 research outputs found

    D-Branes on the Conifold and N=1 Gauge/Gravity Dualities

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    We review extensions of the AdS/CFT correspondence to gauge/ gravity dualities with N=1 supersymmetry. In particular, we describe the gauge/gravity dualities that emerge from placing D3-branes at the apex of the conifold. We consider first the conformal case, with discussions of chiral primary operators and wrapped D-branes. Next, we break the conformal symmetry by adding a stack of partially wrapped D5-branes to the system, changing the gauge group and introducing a logarithmic renormalization group flow. In the gravity dual, the effect of these wrapped D5-branes is to turn on the flux of 3-form field strengths. The associated RR 2-form potential breaks the U(1) R-symmetry to Z2MZ_{2M} and we study this phenomenon in detail. This extra flux also leads to deformation of the cone near the apex, which describes the chiral symmetry breaking and confinement in the dual gauge theory.Comment: Based on I.R.K.'s lectures at the Les Houches Summer School Session 76, ``Gravity, Gauge Theories, and Strings'', August 2001, 42 pages, v2: clarifications and references adde

    First Precambrian palaeomagnetic data from the Mawson Craton (East Antarctica) and tectonic implications

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    A pilot palaeomagnetic study was conducted on the recently dated with in situ SHRIMP U-Pb method at 1134 ± 9 Ma (U-Pb, zircon and baddeleyite) Bunger Hills dykes of the Mawson Craton (East Antarctica). Of the six dykes sampled, three revealed meaningful results providing the first well-dated Mesoproterozoic palaeopole at 40.5°S, 150.1°E (A95 = 20°) for the Mawson Craton. Discordance between this new pole and two roughly coeval poles from Dronning Maud Land and Coats Land (East Antarctica) demonstrates that these two terranes were not rigidly connected to the Mawson Craton ca. 1134 Ma. Comparison between the new pole and that of the broadly coeval Lakeview dolerite from the North Australian Craton supports the putative ~40° late Neoproterozoic relative rotation between the North Australian Craton and the combined South and West Australian cratons. A mean ca. 1134 Ma pole for the Proto-Australia Craton is calculated by combining our new pole and that of the Lakeview dolerite after restoring the 40° intracontinental rotation. A comparison of this mean pole with the roughly coeval Abitibi dykes pole from Laurentia confirms that the SWEAT reconstruction of Australia and Laurentia was not viable for ca. 1134 Ma

    Doctor can I buy a new kidney? I've heard it isn't forbidden: what is the role of the nephrologist when dealing with a patient who wants to buy a kidney?

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    Organ trafficking is officially banned in several countries and by the main Nephrology Societies. However, this practice is widespread and is allowed or tolerated in many countries, hence, in the absence of a universal law, the caregiver may be asked for advice, placing him/her in a difficult balance between legal aspects, moral principles and ethical judgments. In spite of the Istanbul declaration, which is a widely shared position statement against organ trafficking, the controversy on mercenary organ donation is still open and some experts argue against taking a negative stance. In the absence of clear evidence showing the clinical disadvantages of mercenary transplantation compared to chronic dialysis, self-determination of the patient (and, with several caveats, of the donor) may conflict with other ethical principles, first of all non-maleficence. The present paper was drawn up with the participation of the students, as part of the ethics course at our medical school. It discusses the situation in which the physician acts as a counselor for the patient in the way of a sort of “reverse” informed consent, in which the patient asks advice regarding a complex personal decision, and includes a peculiar application of the four principles (beneficence, non-maleficence, justice and autonomy) to the donor and recipient parties

    Reduced Amplitude of Low-Frequency Brain Oscillations in the Psychosis Risk Syndrome and Early Illness Schizophrenia

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    Low-frequency oscillations (LFOs) of the blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal are gaining interest as potential biomarkers sensitive to neuropsychiatric pathology. Schizophrenia has been associated with alterations in intrinsic LFOs that covary with cognitive deficits and symptoms. However, the extent to which LFO dysfunction is present before schizophrenia illness onset remains unknown. Resting-state FMRI data were collected from clinical high-risk (CHR; n=45) youth, early illness schizophrenia (ESZ; n=74) patients, and healthy controls (HCs; n=85) aged 12–35 years. Age-adjusted voxelwise fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations (fALFF; 0.01−0.08 Hz) of the BOLD signal was compared among the three groups. Main effects of Group (p<0.005 height threshold, familywise error cluster-level corrected p<0.05) were followed up via Tukey-corrected pairwise comparisons. Significant main effects of Group (p<0.05) revealed decreased fALFF in ESZ and CHR groups relative to HCs, with values in the CHR group falling between those of ESZ and HC groups. These differences were identified primarily in posterior cortex, including temporoparietal regions, extending into occipital and cerebellar lobes. Less LFO activity was related to greater symptom severity in both CHR and ESZ groups in several of these posterior cortical regions. These data support an intermediate phenotype of reduced posterior cortical LFO amplitude in CHR individuals, with resting fALFF values smaller than in HCs but higher than in ESZ patients. Findings indicate that LFO magnitude alterations relate to clinical symptoms and predate psychosis onset but are more pronounced in the early stages of schizophrenia