4,566 research outputs found

    Type 1 diabetes

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    Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease caused by autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β cells. Individuals with type 1 diabetes are reliant on insulin for survival. Despite enhanced knowledge related to the pathophysiology of the disease, including interactions between genetic, immune, and environmental contributions, and major strides in treatment and management, disease burden remains high. Studies aimed at blocking the immune attack on β cells in people at risk or individuals with very early onset type 1 diabetes show promise in preserving endogenous insulin production. This Seminar will review the field of type 1 diabetes, highlighting recent progress within the past 5 years, challenges to clinical care, and future directions in research, including strategies to prevent, manage, and cure the disease

    100 years post-insulin: immunotherapy as the next frontier in type 1 diabetes.

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease characterised by T cell-mediated destruction of the insulin-producing β cells in the pancreas. Similar to other autoimmune diseases, the incidence of T1D is increasing globally. The discovery of insulin 100 years ago dramatically changed the outlook for people with T1D, preventing this from being a fatal condition. As we celebrate the centenary of this milestone, therapeutic options for T1D are once more at a turning point. Years of effort directed at developing immunotherapies are finally starting to pay off, with signs of progress in new onset and even preventative settings. Here, we review a selection of immunotherapies that have shown promise in preserving β cell function and highlight future considerations for immunotherapy in the T1D setting

    Revealing natural relationships among arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: culture line BEG47 represents Diversispora epigaea, not Glomus versiforme

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    Background: Understanding the mechanisms underlying biological phenomena, such as evolutionarily conservative trait inheritance, is predicated on knowledge of the natural relationships among organisms. However, despite their enormous ecological significance, many of the ubiquitous soil inhabiting and plant symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF, phylum Glomeromycota) are incorrectly classified. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here, we focused on a frequently used model AMF registered as culture BEG47. This fungus is a descendent of the ex-type culture-lineage of Glomus epigaeum, which in 1983 was synonymised with Glomus versiforme. It has since then been used as ‘G. versiforme BEG47’. We show by morphological comparisons, based on type material, collected 1860–61, of G. versiforme and on type material and living ex-type cultures of G. epigaeum, that these two AMF species cannot be conspecific, and by molecular phylogenetics that BEG47 is a member of the genus Diversispora. Conclusions: This study highlights that experimental works published during the last >25 years on an AMF named ‘G. versiforme’ or ‘BEG47’ refer to D. epigaea, a species that is actually evolutionarily separated by hundreds of millions of years from all members of the genera in the Glomerales and thus from most other commonly used AMF ‘laboratory strains’. Detailed redescriptions substantiate the renaming of G. epigaeum (BEG47) as D. epigaea, positioning it systematically in the order Diversisporales, thus enabling an evolutionary understanding of genetical, physiological, and ecological traits, relative to those of other AMF. Diversispora epigaea is widely cultured as a laboratory strain of AMF, whereas G. versiforme appears not to have been cultured nor found in the field since its original description

    Financial toxicity: a potential side effect of prostate cancer treatment among Australian men.

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    The purpose of this study was to understand the extent, nature and variability of the current economic burden of prostate cancer among Australian men. An online cross-sectional survey was developed that combined pre-existing economic measures and new questions. With few exceptions, the online survey was viable and acceptable to participants. The main outcomes were self-reported out-of-pocket costs of prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment, changes in employment status and household finances. Men were recruited from prostate cancer support groups throughout Australia. Descriptive statistical analyses were undertaken. A total of 289 men responded to the survey during April and June 2013. Our study found that men recently diagnosed (within 16 months of the survey) (n = 65) reported spending a median AU8000(interquartilerangeAU8000 (interquartile range AU14 000) for their cancer treatment while 75% of men spent up to AU17 000(2012).Twentypercentofallmenfoundthecostoftreatingtheirprostatecancercausedthemagreatdealofdistress.Thefindingssuggestalargevariabilityinmedicalcostsforprostatecancertreatmentwith517 000 (2012). Twenty per cent of all men found the cost of treating their prostate cancer caused them 'a great deal' of distress. The findings suggest a large variability in medical costs for prostate cancer treatment with 5% of men spending 250 or less in out-of-pocket expenses and some men facing very high costs. On average, respondents in paid employment at diagnosis stated that they had retired 4-5 years earlier than planned

    The potential impact of moxidectin on onchocerciasis elimination in Africa: an economic evaluation based on the Phase II clinical trial data

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    BACKGROUND: Spurred by success in several foci, onchocerciasis control policy in Africa has shifted from morbidity control to elimination of infection. Clinical trials have demonstrated that moxidectin is substantially more efficacious than ivermectin in effecting sustained reductions in skin microfilarial load and, therefore, may accelerate progress towards elimination. We compare the potential cost-effectiveness of annual moxidectin with annual and biannual ivermectin treatment. METHODS: Data from the first clinical study of moxidectin were used to parameterise the onchocerciasis transmission model EPIONCHO to investigate, for different epidemiological and programmatic scenarios in African savannah settings, the number of years and in-country costs necessary to reach the operational thresholds for cessation of treatment, comparing annual and biannual ivermectin with annual moxidectin treatment. RESULTS: Annual moxidectin and biannual ivermectin treatment would achieve similar reductions in programme duration relative to annual ivermectin treatment. Unlike biannual ivermectin treatment, annual moxidectin treatment would not incur a considerable increase in programmatic costs and, therefore, would generate sizeable in-country cost savings (assuming the drug is donated). Furthermore, the impact of moxidectin, unlike ivermectin, was not substantively influenced by the timing of treatment relative to seasonal patterns of transmission. CONCLUSIONS: Moxidectin is a promising new drug for the control and elimination of onchocerciasis. It has high programmatic value particularly when resource limitation prevents a biannual treatment strategy, or optimal timing of treatment relative to peak transmission season is not feasible. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13071-015-0779-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    A viral CTL escape mutation leading to immunoglobulin-like transcript 4-mediated functional inhibition of myelomonocytic cells

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    Viral mutational escape can reduce or abrogate recognition by the T cell receptor (TCR) of virus-specific CD8+ T cells. However, very little is known about the impact of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitope mutations on interactions between peptide–major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I complexes and MHC class I receptors expressed on other cell types. Here, we analyzed a variant of the immunodominant human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B2705–restricted HIV-1 Gag KK10 epitope (KRWIILGLNK) with an L to M amino acid substitution at position 6 (L6M), which arises as a CTL escape variant after primary infection but is sufficiently immunogenic to elicit a secondary, de novo HIV-1–specific CD8+ T cell response with an alternative TCR repertoire in chronic infection. In addition to altering recognition by HIV-1–specific CD8+ T cells, the HLA-B2705–KK10 L6M complex also exhibits substantially increased binding to the immunoglobulin-like transcript (ILT) receptor 4, an inhibitory MHC class I–specific receptor expressed on myelomonocytic cells. Binding of the B2705–KK10 L6M complex to ILT4 leads to a tolerogenic phenotype of myelomonocytic cells with lower surface expression of dendritic cell (DC) maturation markers and co-stimulatory molecules. These data suggest a link between CTL-driven mutational escape, altered recognition by innate MHC class I receptors on myelomonocytic cells, and functional impairment of DCs, and thus provide important new insight into biological consequences of viral sequence diversificatio

    WESTT (Workload, Error, Situational Awareness, Time and Teamwork): An analytical prototyping system for command and control

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    Modern developments in the use of information technology within command and control allow unprecedented scope for flexibility in the way teams deal with tasks. These developments, together with the increased recognition of the importance of knowledge management within teams present difficulties for the analyst in terms of evaluating the impacts of changes to task composition or team membership. In this paper an approach to this problem is presented that represents team behaviour in terms of three linked networks (representing task, social network structure and knowledge) within the integrative WESTT software tool. In addition, by automating analyses of workload and error based on the same data that generate the networks, WESTT allows the user to engage in the process of rapid and iterative “analytical prototyping”. For purposes of illustration an example of the use of this technique with regard to a simple tactical vignette is presented

    A Systematic Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Identification and Management of Frailty.

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to appraise and summarize consistent recommendations from clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for identification and management of frailty to maintain and improve functional independence of elderly population. METHODS: A systematic search of Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, PubMed, PsycINFO, and CINAHL electronic databases using database-specific search terms in two broad areas "guidelines" and "frailty", and a manual search of websites with the key phrase "frailty guideline" was performed. The inclusion criteria included CPGs focusing on identifying and managing frailty in population >65 years old, published in English since January 2010. Three reviewers independently assessed guideline quality using the AGREE II instrument. Data extraction was performed, followed by compilation and comparison of all recommendations to identify the key consistent recommendations. RESULTS: Six CPGs met the inclusion criteria; however, only three CPGs had high methodological quality in accordance with AGREE II appraisal. The average AGREE II scores of all six CPGs were: 84.5%, 68%, 46.5%, 81.5%, 56.3%, and 60.2% for domains 1-6 (scope and purpose, stakeholder involvement, rigour of development, clarity of presentation, applicability, and editorial independence) respectively. A total of 54 recommendations were identified, with 12 key recommendations suggested frequently by the CPGs. CONCLUSION: The AGREE II instrument identified strengths and weaknesses of the CPGs, but failed to assess clinical implications and feasibility of the guidelines. Further research is needed to improve clinical relevance of CPGs in the identification and management of frailty. The feasibility in implementing these guidelines with regards to cost-effectiveness of frailty screening warrants further investigation