66 research outputs found

    The structure of the binary methyltransferase-SAH complex from Zika virus reveals a novel conformation for the mechanism of mRNA capping

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    Zika virus, a flavivirus like Dengue and West Nile viruses, poses a significant risk as a pathogen in the category of emerging infectious diseases. Zika infections typically cause nonspecific, mild symptoms, but can also manifest as a neurological disorder like Guillain-Barré syndrome. Infection in pregnant women is linked to microcephaly in newborn infants. The methyltransferase domain of the non-structural protein 5 is responsible for two sequential methylations of the 5′-RNA cap. This is crucial for genome stability, efficient translation, and escape from the host immune response. Here we present the crystal structures of the Zika methyltransferase domain in complex with the methyl-donor SAM and its by-product SAH. The methyltransferase-SAH binary complex presents a new conformation of a “closed” or “obstructed” state that would restrict the binding of new RNA for capping. The combination and comparison of our new structures with recently published Zika methyltransferase structures provide a first glimpse into the structural mechanism of Zika virus mRNA capping

    Is the Fate of Clinical Candidate Arry-520 Already Sealed? Predicting Resistance in Eg5–Inhibitor Complexes

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    Arry-520 is an advanced drug candidate from the Eg5 inhibitor class undergoing clinical evaluation in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. Here we show by structural analysis that Arry-520 binds stoichiometrically to the motor domain of Eg5 in the conventional allosteric loop L5 pocket in a complex that suggests the same structural mechanism as other Eg5 inhibitors. We have previously shown that acquired resistance through mutations in the allosteric binding site located at loop L5 in the Eg5 structure appears to be independent of the inhibitors' scaffold, which suggests that Arry-520 will ultimately have the same fate. When Arry-520 was assessed in two cell lines selected for the expression of either Eg5(D130A) or Eg5(L214A) STLC-resistant alleles, mutations previously shown to convey resistance to this class of inhibitors, it was inactive in both. Surprisingly, when the cells were challenged with ispinesib, another Eg5 inhibitor, the Eg5(D130A) cells were resistant, but those expressing Eg5(L214A) were strikingly sensitive. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that subtle differences in ligand binding and flexibility in both compound and protein may alter allosteric transmission from the loop L5 site that do not necessarily result in reduced inhibitory activity in mutated Eg5 structures. Whilst we predict that cells challenged with Arry-520 in the clinical setting are likely to acquire resistance through point mutations in the Eg5 binding site, the data for ispinesib suggests that this resistance mechanism is not scaffold independent as previously thought, and new inhibitors can be designed that retain inhibitory activity in these resistant cells

    Crystal-structure of a nucleoside analog - 9-(r)-[6-(r)-hydroxymethyl-1-oxa-4-thiacyclohexan-2-yl] adenine

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    The title compound (C10H13N5O2S, M(r) = 267.3) crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with a = 7.579(8), b = 7.686(2) and c = 20.941(4) angstrom, V = 1220(1) angstrom3, D(x) = 1.456 gm cm-3, Z = 4, mu = 23.6 cm-1, F(000) = 560 and T = 293 K. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to a R value of 0.068 for 776 unique observed reflections. The oxathiane ring adopts a chair conformation. In the crystal structure the molecules are held together by hydrogen bonds and C-H ... O close contacts.status: publishe

    Crystal structure of the Eg5 - K858 complex and implications for structure-based design of thiadiazole-containing inhibitors

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    The thiadiazole scaffold is an important core moiety in a variety of clinical drug candidates targeting a range of diseases. For example, the 2,4,5-substituted 1,3,4-thiadiazole scaffold is present in a lead compound and at least two clinical candidates targeting the human motor protein Eg5, against neoplastic diseases. An inhibitor named K858 has in vivo activity in various mouse xenografts whereas the clinical candidates (S)-ARRY-520 and (R)-Litronesib have entered clinical trials with the former one in phase III clinical trials either alone or in combination with a proteasome inhibitor against relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma. Astonishingly, structural data are lacking for all thiadiazole-containing Eg5 inhibitors. Here we report the structure determination of two crystal forms of the ternary Eg5-ADP-K858 complex, locking the motor in the so-called final inhibitor bound state, thus blocking ADP release, a crucial stage for Eg5 activity. K858 acts at the established allosteric inhibitor-binding pocket formed of helix α2, loop L5 and helix α3. The structure of the complex has far reaching consequences for thiadiazole containing Eg5 inhibitors. For example, we could rationalise the structure-activity relationship in the crucial 5-position of the thiadiazole scaffold and the complex will serve in the future as a basis for strucutre-based drug design
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