22 research outputs found

    Lymphatic Filariasis Control in Tanzania: Effect of Repeated Mass Drug Administration with Ivermectin and Albendazole on Infection and Transmission

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    Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is a disabling mosquito borne parasitic disease and one of the major neglected tropical diseases. In most countries of Sub-Saharan Africa the control of LF is based on yearly mass drug administration (MDA) with a combination of ivermectin and albendazole, in order to interrupt transmission. We monitored the effect of 3 repeated MDAs with this drug combination, as implemented by the Tanzanian National Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination Programme, on human infection and mosquito transmission during a five-year period (one pre-intervention and four post-intervention years) in a highly endemic community in north-eastern Tanzania. After start of intervention, human infection with the blood-stage larva of the parasite (microfilaria) initially decreased rapidly, leading to considerable reduction in transmission. The effects thereafter levelled off and transmission still occurred at low level after the third MDA. The MDAs had limited effect on molecular markers of adult worm burden (circulating filarial antigens) and transmission exposure (antibodies to Bm14 antigen) in the human population. The study highlights the importance of monitoring and regular evaluation in order to make evidence based programme adjustments, and it points to a need for further assessment of the long-term effect of repeated ivermectin/albendazole MDAs (including the importance of application intervals and treatment coverage), in order to optimize efforts to control LF in sub-Saharan Africa

    Community knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) on malaria in Swaziland: A country earmarked for malaria elimination

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The potential contribution of knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) studies to malaria research and control has not received much attention in most southern African countries. This study investigated the local communities' understanding of malaria transmission, recognition of signs and symptoms, perceptions of cause, treatment-seeking patterns, preventive measures and practices in order to inform the country's proposed malaria elimination programme in Swaziland.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A descriptive cross-sectional survey was undertaken in four Lubombo Spatial Development Initiative (LSDI) sentinel sites in Swaziland. These sentinel sites share borders with Mozambique. A structured questionnaire was administered to 320 randomly selected households. Only one adult person was interviewed per household. The interviewees were the heads of households and in the absence of the heads of households responsible adults above 18 years were interviewed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A substantial number of research participants showed reasonable knowledge of malaria, including correct association between malaria and mosquito bites, its potential fatal consequences and correct treatment practices. Almost 90% (n = 320) of the respondents stated that they would seek treatment within 24 hours of onset of malaria symptoms, with health facilities as their first treatment option. Most people (78%) perceived clinics and vector control practices as central to treating and preventing malaria disease. Indoor residual spraying (IRS) coverage and bed net ownership were 87.2% and 38.8%, respectively. IRS coverage was in agreement with the World Health Organization's (WHO) recommendation of more than 80% within the targeted communities.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Despite fair knowledge of malaria in Swaziland, there is a need for improving the availability of information through the preferred community channels, such as <it>tinkhundlas </it>(districts), as well as professional health routes. This recommendation emerges along with the documented evidence suggesting that as the level transmission and disease decreases so does the perception about the importance of malaria control activities. Finally, given the relatively moderate ownership of bed net there is a need for future studies to evaluate the distribution of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) compared with IRS.</p

    Self-reported use of anti-malarial drugs and health facility management of malaria in Ghana

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>To assess the appropriateness of self-reported use of anti-malarial drugs prior to health facility attendance, and the management of malaria in two health facilities in Ghana.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 500 respondents who were diagnosed clinically and/or parasitologically for malaria at Agogo Presbyterian Hospital and Suntreso Polyclinic, both in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Collected information included previous use of anti-malarial drugs prior to attending the health facilities, types of drugs used, how the drugs were used, and the sources of the drugs. In addition, the anti-malarial therapy given and outcomes at the two health facilities were assessed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 500 patients interviewed, 17% had severe malaria, 8% had moderate to severe malaria and 75% had uncomplicated malaria. Forty three percent of the respondents had taken anti-malarial drugs within two weeks prior to hospital attendance. The most commonly used anti-malarials were chloroquine (76%), sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (9%), herbal preparations (9%) and amodiaquine (6%). The sources of these medicines were licensed chemical sellers (50%), pharmacies (21%), neighbouring clinics (9%) or "other" sources (20%) including left-over medicines at home. One hundred and sixty three (77%) of the 213 patients who had used anti-malarial drugs prior to attending the health facilities, used the drugs inappropriately. At the health facilities, the anti-malarials were prescribed and used according to the national standard treatment guidelines with good outcomes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Prevalence of inappropriate use of anti-malarials in the community in Ghana is high. There is need for enhanced public health education on home-based management of malaria and training for workers in medicine supply outlets to ensure effective use of anti-malaria drugs in the country.</p

    Coartem®: the journey to the clinic

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    Artemisinin, from which the artemether component of Coartem®(artemether/lumefantrine, AL) is derived, is obtained from the plant sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua) which has been used for over 2,000 years as a Chinese herbal remedy. Artemisinin was first identified by Chinese researchers as the active anti-malarial constituent of A. annua and its derivatives were found to be the most potent of all anti-malarial drugs. Artemether acts rapidly, reducing the infecting parasite biomass by approximately 10,000-fold per asexual life cycle. Lumefantrine, the other active constituent of AL, acts over a longer period to eliminate the residual 100-100,000 parasites that remain after artemether is cleared from the body and thus minimizes the risk of recrudescence. The two agents have different modes of action and act at different points in the parasite life cycle and show a synergistic action against Plasmodium falciparum in vitro. The combination of artemether and lumefantrine reduces the risk of resistance developing to either agent, and to date there are no reports of resistance to AL combined therapy in the malaria parasite that infects humans. Following a unique partnership agreement between Chinese authorities and Novartis, the manufacturer of AL, over 20 sponsored clinical studies have been undertaken in various malaria endemic regions and in travellers. These trials have involved more than 3,500 patients (including over 2,000 children), and led to identification of a six-dose, three-day regimen as the optimal dosing strategy for AL in uncomplicated falciparum malaria. AL has consistently shown 28-day polymerase chain (PCR)-corrected cure rates greater than 95% in the evaluable population, meeting WHO recommendations. More recently, Novartis and the Medicines for Malaria Venture have worked in partnership to develop Coartem® Dispersible, a new formulation designed specifically to meet the specific needs of children with malaria. The dispersible tablets have shown similar high response rates to those observed with crushed standard tablets of AL. A partnership agreement between Novartis and WHO has seen over 250 million AL (Coartem®) treatments (75% for children) being distributed to malaria patients in developing countries without profit, supported by training programmes and educational resources

    The Impact of a Filariasis Control Program on Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea

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    Large-scale intervention programmes to control filariasis are currently underway worldwide. However, a major unresolved question remains: what is the appropriate duration for these programmes? Recent theoretical work and clinical field experience has highlighted how the ecological diversity between different endemic regions hinders decision making processes of when to stop ongoing MDA programs. The goal of our study was to identify the factors determining success for a five year LF elimination program. We undertook different types of surveys together with a pre-existing MDA program in villages from two regions that had different infection prevalence rates. Our study shows that the five yearly cycles of MDA could neither eliminate the disease nor stop transmission in the high prevalence villages, such that low baseline lymphatic filariasis prevalence has a positive influence on the outcome of a program. Thus, the study provides data supporting the recommendation that in certain high prevalence and transmission environments more sustained efforts may be necessary

    Choice of treatment for fever at household level in Malawi: examining spatial patterns

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    BACKGROUND: Although malaria imposes an enormous burden on Malawi, it remains a controllable disease. The key strategies for control are based on early diagnosis and prompt treatment with effective antimalarials. Its success, however, depends on understanding the factors influencing health care decision making at household level, which has implications for implementing policies aimed at promoting health care practices and utilization. METHODS: An analysis of patterns of treatment-seeking behaviour among care-givers of children of malarial fever in Malawi, based on the 2000 Malawi demographic and health survey, is presented. The choice of treatment provider (home, shop, or formal hospital care, others) was considered as a multi-categorical response, and a multinomial logistic regression model was used to investigate determinants of choosing any particular provider. The model incorporated random effects, at subdistrict level, to measure the influence of geographical location on the choice of any treatment provider. Inference was Bayesian and based on Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Spatial variation was found in the choice of a provider and determinants of choice of any provider differed. Important risk factors included place of residence, access to media, care-giver's age and care factors including unavailability and inaccessibility of care. A greater effort is needed to improve the quality of malaria home treatment or expand health facility utilization, at all levels of administration if reducing malaria is to be realised in Malawi. Health promotion and education interventions should stress promptness of health facility visits, improved access to appropriate drugs, and accurate dosing for home-based treatments