23 research outputs found

    Benefits of habitat restoration to small mammal diversity and abundance in a pastoral agricultural landscape in mid-Wales

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    Changes in agricultural practice are predicted across the UK following agricultural reform driven by government policy. The suitability of agri-environment schemes for many species is currently debated because limited quantitative data are collected. In order to understand the changes to biodiversity due to agri-environment schemes, there is a need for studies to not just compare biodiversity and species composition in and out of agri-environment areas, but to factor in the influence of temporal habitat changes. In this study, we investigate the suitability of an agri-environment initiative to support and enhance a small mammal fauna among pastoral hill farms in mid-Wales. Grazed and ungrazed woodlands, riparian habitats, and broadleaf plantations, were compared for small mammal abundance and diversity following a trapping study. Mammal diversity was similar across habitats, though abundance varied significantly. A principle component analysis identified that mammal abundance clustered into three main habitat groups separated by seral stage (early, mid, late). No relationship between mammal abundance and stock grazing was found. A canonical correspondence analysis confirmed that vegetation structure was important in explaining the distribution of captures of mammal species across the landscape. The results for habitat type, and habitat context, suggest that a mix of vegetation seral stages, reflecting a varied vegetation structure, is important to maintain small mammal diversity and abundance across the study area. Heterogeneity in structural diversity at the landscape scale is important to maintain a variety of ground-dwelling mammal species, and particularly because trends in countryside surveys show that woodlands are skewed towards late seral stages. Habitat heterogeneity can be maintained because the hill farms neighbour each other, and the farmers co-operate as a group to manage the landscape. Habitat diversity is therefore possible. These results help us to advocate, and anticipate, the benefits of groups of farms within a landscape

    Cognitive changes associated with ADT: a review of the literature

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    The use of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) has increased since the early 1990s after early detection efforts and greater use of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. Although ADT is associated with favorable clinical outcomes, ADT has been associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, increased serum cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin resistance, body mass index and fat body mass. Here we review findings from 11 clinical studies examining the effects of ADT on cognition as measured by standardized tests in cognitive domains such as verbal and spatial memory. Most of these studies have important limitations, including small sample sizes, suboptimal control groups and baseline group differences in confounding factors. Despite these limitations, the best designed studies, those comparing patients on ADT to healthy controls, generally suggest that spatial memory might be especially sensitive to the effects of ADT. Critically, to date there is only one study involving random assignment of ADT versus close clinical observation. That study revealed a decrease in verbal memory with ADT, but was limited in sample size and did not include a measure of spatial memory. A recent observational study revealed no substantial evidence of cognitive impairment with ADT, even in the domain of verbal memory. Like the randomized study, however, this large observational study lacked a measure of spatial memory. Overall, the studies with the best controls suggest a potential negative impact of ADT on spatial memory, and perhaps verbal memory, and a need for continued investigation of the impact of ADT on cognition, particularly in these two cognitive domains