3 research outputs found
Quality of life among immigrants in Swedish immigration detention centres: a cross-sectional questionnaire study
- Author
- Buchcik J
- Carina Källestål
- Carlsson JM
- Coffey GJ
- Keller AS
- Laban CJ
- Lofvander M
- Magdalena Bjerneld
- Mollica RF
- Mollica RF
- Momartin S
- Puthoopparambil SJ
- Robjant K
- Robjant K
- Silove D
- Skevington SM
- Soorej J. Puthoopparambil
- Steel Z
- Steel Z
- Steel Z
- Storm T
- The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union
- The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union
- The WHOQOL Group
- Venters H
- Zimmerman SE
- Publication venue
- 'Co-Action Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Health of International Marriage Immigrant Women in South Korea: A Systematic Review
- Author
- A Pearson
- AA Gele
- AF Abraído-Lanza
- AH Jaung
- AI Meleis
- C Kim
- CK Park
- DC Ribeiro
- DH Jang
- DP Smith
- DS Massey
- EA Hyun
- EH Lee
- EJ Ji
- Eun Ha Roh
- EW Yoo
- EY Choi
- GC Gee
- GH Jeong
- GM Higginbottom
- GS Kim
- GS Kim
- GS Oh
- GW Jones
- H Im
- H Im
- H Kim
- H Youn
- HJ Kim
- HK Kim
- HK Shin
- HK Yun
- HM Ra
- HS Kim
- IJ Seo
- IS Nam
- JA Kim
- JA Pearson
- JE Cho
- JE Song
- JEJ Ware
- Jeong-Ah Ahn
- JH Choi
- Ju-Eun Song
- JY Ha
- JY Park
- JY Seo
- KH Bae
- KH Kim
- KJ Hyun
- KM Lee
- Korea Association of Health Promotion
- Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
- L Franzini
- L Franzini
- M Heron
- M Raymond-Flesch
- M Reblin
- MJ Kim
- MS Choi
- MS Seo
- MY Jeon
- N Jeong
- National Health Insurance Service
- P Bas-Sarmiento
- PA Rivers
- PI Documet
- R Paris
- RL Panuncio
- S Argeseanu-Cunningham
- S Bench
- S Guruge
- S Yoo
- SB Thapa
- SH Lee
- SH Lee
- SH Lee
- SJ Puthoopparambil
- SJ Schwartz
- SJ Won
- SJ Yang
- SJ Yang
- SJ Yang
- SM Chae
- SY Choi
- SY Choi
- SY Kim
- TD Hill
- The WHOQOL Group
- TI Kim
- Tiffany Kim
- WS Cho
- YA Kim
- YP Kim
- YP Kim
- YR Yeun
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The impact of immigration detention on mental health: a systematic review
- Author
- A Lorek
- A Sultan
- AC Hollander
- All Party Parliamentary Group
- American Orthopsychiatric Association
- AS Keller
- Australian Association of Social Workers
- BA Van der Kolk
- C. Katona
- C. Mason
- Canadian Council for Refugees
- CJ Laban
- D Moher
- D Summerfield
- E Rothe
- European Commission
- F Sobhanian
- GJ Coffey
- Immigration Detention
- Immigration Detention News Research and Analysis - The Conversation
- J Cleveland
- J Cohen
- J Cwikel
- JP Green
- K Carswell
- K Hedrick
- K Robjant
- K Robjant
- K Zwi
- K Zwi
- K. Robjant
- KM Brabeck
- L Rojas-Flores
- L Wylie
- L. Ottisova
- M Bosworth
- M Cloitre
- M Fazel
- M Fazel
- M Graf
- M Ichikawa
- M Schauer
- M Schick
- M. von Werthern
- N Warfa
- P Young
- R. Schon
- Royal College of Psychiatrists
- S Mares
- S Mares
- S Momartin
- S Priebe
- S Shaw
- SJ Puthoopparambil
- SJ Song
- T Storm
- The Royal College of Psychiatrists
- The United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees
- The United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees
- United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commisioner
- United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner
- VJ Campo
- Z Steel
- Z Steel
- Z Steel
- Z. Chui
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study