79 research outputs found

    T-cell responses to human papillomavirus type 16 among women with different grades of cervical neoplasia

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    Infection with high-risk genital human papillomavirus (HPV) types is a major risk factor for the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and invasive cervical carcinoma. The design of effective immunotherapies requires a greater understanding of how HPV-specific T-cell responses are involved in disease clearance and/or progression. Here, we have investigated T-cell responses to five HPV16 proteins (E6, E7, E4, L1 and L2) in women with CIN or cervical carcinoma directly ex vivo. T-cell responses were observed in the majority (78%) of samples. The frequency of CD4+ responders was far lower among those with progressive disease, indicating that the CD4+ T-cell response might be important in HPV clearance. CD8+ reactivity to E6 peptides was dominant across all disease grades, inferring that E6-specific CD8+ T cells are not vitally involved in disease clearance. T-cell responses were demonstrated in the majority (80%) of cervical cancer patients, but are obviously ineffective. Our study reveals significant differences in HPV16 immunity during progressive CIN. We conclude that the HPV-specific CD4+ T-cell response should be an important consideration in immunotherapy design, which should aim to target preinvasive disease

    ICAR: endoscopic skull‐base surgery

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    Methane bursts as a trigger for intermittent lake-forming climates on post-Noachian Mars

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    Lakes existed on Mars later than 3.6 billion years ago, according to sedimentary evidence for deltaic deposition. The observed fluviolacustrine deposits suggest that individual lake-forming climates persisted for at least several thousand years (assuming dilute flow). But the lake watersheds’ little-weathered soils indicate a largely dry climate history, with intermittent runoff events. Here we show that these observational constraints, although inconsistent with many previously proposed triggers for lake-forming climates, are consistent with a methane burst scenario. In this scenario, chaotic transitions in mean obliquity drive latitudinal shifts in temperature and ice loading that destabilize methane clathrate. Using numerical simulations, we find that outgassed methane can build up to atmospheric levels sufficient for lake-forming climates, if methane clathrate initially occupies more than 4% of the total volume in which it is thermodynamically stable. Such occupancy fractions are consistent with methane production by water–rock reactions due to hydrothermal circulation on early Mars. We further estimate that photochemical destruction of atmospheric methane curtails the duration of individual lake-forming climates to less than a million years, consistent with observations. We conclude that methane bursts represent a potential pathway for intermittent excursions to a warm, wet climate state on early Mars

    Pitted Pedestal Crater

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    Excess Ejecta Crater

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    Fan-Shaped Deposit (Tharsis, Mars)

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