116 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Yuridis terhadap Perjanjian Bangun Bagi (Studi pada Pembangunan Rumah Toko oleh Developer Perorangan di Kecamatan Medan Selayang)

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    Construction sharing agreement is an agreement between a land owner and the second party, a developer. The second party is given the right to work on the land, on condition that the profits are divided into two:for the land owner and the developer. In the process of implementing construction sharing agreement, there will be many problems between the two parties so that legal protections is needed in order to forestall and handle the problems.The result of the research showed that construction sharing agreement of the construction of a shop-house in Medan Selayang Subdistrict between Mrs. X and Mr. Y was a consensus and reciprocal agreement It was found that in its implementation it caused the complaint about indemnity and the cancellation of the contract

    Rehabilitation of Degraded Land Using Paddy Straw Compost and Peat for Agriculture Purposes

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    The objectives of the research were to study: (1) the influence of peat and paddy straw compost on crop growth and production, and (2) the influence of residual effect of peat and paddy straw compost application on soil chemical characteristics. The research was conducted at Cikembang, Sukabumi; Cikabayan, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor; and Rasau Jaya,Pontianak, respectively. Soil analysis was conducted at soil laboratory of Department of Soil Science and Land Resource, IPB and Soil Research Centre, Bogor. The research area was degraded grass land located at 300 m above sea level with slope less than 15%. Factorial Design with two replications was used with soybean var. Slamet as an indicator crop. Treatments comprise peat and paddy straw compost, each with five dosesi.e. for peat : 0 t ha-1, 7 t ha-1, 14 t ha-1, 21 t ha-1, and 28 t ha-1, respectively and for paddy straw compost 0 t ha-1, 10 t ha-1, 20 t ha-1, 30 t ha-1, and 40 t ha-1. Observation was carried out for crop height, grain dry weight, and soil chemical characteristics after harvesting. The results showed that application of peat and paddy straw compost significantly increased crop height and production of soya bean. Application of single 40 t ha-1 paddy straw compost significantly increase the highest grain dry weight. The rehabilitation effort was also increase soil fertility status. Residue of paddy straw compost and peat application was significantly increase soil chemical characteristics i.e.: organic-C, N, P2O5, K2O, Ca, Mg, and Base saturation of the soil. The highest N, P2O5, K2O, Ca, Mg, CEC, and base saturation of the soil was found in application of single paddy straw with doses of 40 t ha-1. Application of paddy straw compost fordegraded land increased soya bean production and rehabilitated of soil condition better than application of peat

    Identifying Indonesia-Uruguay Bilateral Trade Opportunities:A Revealed Comparative Advantage Approach

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    This paper attempts to identify and analyze the Indonesia-Uruguay bilateral trade opportunities based on their respective export competitiveness. The analysis uses the Revealed Comparative Advantage Index for year 2012 obtained from World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS). The paper reveals that there are still opportunities for both countries to further strengthen bilateral trade relations.Based on the RCA Index analysis, the paper finds that in general both countrieshave exported their commodities based on their comparative advantage, but however both countries current exports still do not reflect their potentials as most of the top ten commodities with the strongest comparative advantage are still not yet able to penetrate the both sides market. This study suggests both countries should remove trade barriers starting by providing access for the top 10 commodities with the strongest comparative advantage to penetrate in both countries. This step could be a stepping stone towards further intensifying bilateral trade relations

    Characteristic and Rubber Plant Revegetation at the Post Coal Mining Land Kutai Kartanegara Regency

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    The research objective was to analyse the characteristic of post coal mining land in Kutai Kartanegara Regency and to find out what commodities that suitable for vegetation of this land. The methode of research was using primary data including soil sampling taken with purposive sampling and composite methode. Rubber planting experiment was also carried out at two different soil conditions, that was land with original soil and land withtailing soil (overburden of coal mining). Both soil conditions were employed experimental using randomized completely block design with four treatments, i.e. : (1) without fertilizer, (2) liming, (3) manure fertilizer, and (4) manure fertilizer + liming. Secondary data for commodity research was taken from bureau of statistic centre, labour service, and mining service of Kutai Kartanegara Regency.The result showed that reclaimed land (5-20 years) was classified as S2 class of land suitability for rubber. The competitive commodities of Kutai Kartanegara Regency were rubber, coffea, and coconut, meanwhile strategic commodities were oil palm, pepper, and cocoa. The result of rubber experiment showed that post coal mining land with original soil significantly affective to leaf amount, height, and stem diameter of rubber

    Sinergi Tata Ruang terhadap Pelaksanaan REDD+: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Katingan, Kalimantan Tengah

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    Salah satu upaya mitigasi Perubahan iklim adalah REDD+, yang mencakup penurunan emisi melalui upaya penurunan laju deforestasi dan degradasi hutan, pengelolaan hutan lestari, peningkatan cadangan karbon hutan,serta upaya konservasi hutan. Kabupaten Katingan terletak di wilayah Provinsi Pilot Percontohan REDD+, Kalimantan Tengah. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pola Perubahan penggunaan lahan hutan, inkonsistensi penggunaan lahan, isi kebijakan perencanaan daerah dengan elemen dasar dan proses REDD+, pendapat stakeholder atas inisiatif REDD+, dan merumuskan arahan RTRW. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis Perubahan dan inkonsistensi penggunaan lahan, analisis isi, Analisis Proses Bertingkat (Analytical Hierarchy Process), serta analisis Analytical Hierarchy Process deskriptif. Hasilnya adalah penggunaan lahan hutan mencapai 60,47% dan pola Perubahan penggunaan lahan hutan terjadi dari hutan menjadi semak belukar/tanah terbuka kemudian menjadi tanaman perkebunan, pertanian danpemukiman. Analisis inkonsistensi menunjukkan tingkat inkonsistensi kecil. Sementara itu elemen dasar dan proses REDD+ terkandung di dalam dokumen perencanaan daerah; dan tertarik akan inisiatif REDD+ untuk stakeholder memperoleh manfaat langsung. Inisiatif REDD+ dapat berjalan di Kabupaten Katingan dengan penyempurnaan RTRW, melalui upaya sinkronisasi inisiatif REDD+ dan RTRW Kabupaten serta upaya akomodasi ruang inisiatif REDD+ pada kawasan lindung dan sebagian kawasan budi daya

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Model Interactive Demonstration Materi Perubahan Wujud Zat di SMP

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    : The aims of this research to improve the student learning outcomes using interactive demonstration model of the phase change material. This research is a classroom action research done as much as two cycles with the stages of planning, action, observation and reflection. 38 students were participated in this research. Data collection tools through testing, observation and documentation sheet. The test results of research showed the average value of the post-test cycle I was 72 and the cycle II of 78. Mastery learning outcomes in the cycle I is 68% while in the cycle II is 79% means an increase learning outcomes by 11% from the cycle I to cycle II. The results of this study indicate that the use of Model Interactive Demonstration in phase change material able to improve student learning outcomes

    Kebijakan Pengembangan Pertanian Kota Berkelanjutan: Studi Kasus Di DKI Jakarta

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    Revitalisasi sektor pertanian pada dasarnya adalah menempatkan kembali arti pentingnya pertanian secara proporsional dan kontekstual, baik di perdesaan maupun perkotaan. Melihat kondisi pertanian di daerah perkotaan, khususnya DKI Jakarta, dan hubungannya dengan berbagai masalah lingkungan, perlu dirancang dan dirumuskan kebijakan yang komprehensif untuk pengembangan pertanian perkotaan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor-faktor kunci yang mempengaruhi keberlanjutan dan kebijakan pengembangan pertanian perkotaan. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah MDS (multi-dimensional scaling) dan teknik Rap-Ur-Agri (Rapid Appraisal for Urban Agriculture). Analisis faktor kunci menggunakan leverage factor yang diikuti dengan penentuan indeks keberkelanjutan dan skenario kebijakan pengembangan pertanian dengan menggunakan metode analisis prospektif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa status keberlanjutan pengembangan pertanian perkotaan pada kondisi existing menunjukkan nilai indeks 48,70 persen atau kurang berkelanjutan. Faktor kunci keberlanjutan pertanian perkotaan mencakup empat aspek dan kebutuhan stakeholder mencakup empat aspek pengembangan sistem pertanian perkotaan. Kebijakan pengembangan pertanian perkotaan berkelanjutan di wilayah DKI Jakarta perlu dilakukan dengan pendekatan integratif dengan mempertimbangkan enam faktor kunci penentu keberlanjutan: (1) Luas pekarangan, (2) Pengembangan komoditas dan teknologi ramah lingkungan, (3) Penyuluhan dan kelembagaan pertanian, (4) Perluasan lahan/ruang USAha tani, (5) Kerjasama antar stakeholder, dan (6) Pemberian insentif pertanian. Opsi kebijakan adalah perluasan lahan/ruang USAha tani, pengembangan komoditas dan teknologi ramah lingkungan dan pengembangan kelembagaan pertanian
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