1,679 research outputs found

    Estudo da influência de seqüências polipeptídicas e de códons na determinação da estrutura secundária de proteínas.

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    O propósito desse trabalho foi descrever e quantificar os casos de polipeptídicos idênticos em diferentes estruturas secundárias, encontrados em banco de dados de estrutura: Protein Data Bank (PDB).bitstream/CNPTIA/9901/1/comuntec42.pdfAcesso em: 30 maio 2008

    Mudanças na geografia agrícola no âmbito de microrregiões: Sergipe, 1990 e 2004.

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    Mudanças na geografia agrícola das microrregiões alagoanas nos anos de 1990 a 2004.

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    Efeito da temperatura de carbonização sobre características espectroscópicas dos carvões de duas espécies de bambu.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi caracterizar carvões vegetais de bambu nativo e exótico, com pirólise em diferentes temperaturas, com espectroscopia infravermelha a fim de descrever propriedades relevantes a sua função no solo como condicionador e investigar a possibilidade de quantificação desses materiais em solos.Apresentação oral - graduação

    Phytochemistry of the genus Selaginella (Selaginellaceae).

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    The Selaginellaceae family includes the single genus Selaginella, which is found worldwide and comprises approximately 700 to 750 species. A number of species have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes in the whole world, and the phytochemistry of some has been investigated. For this review, the search was carried out using Web of Sciences, Chemical Abstracts and the data bank NAPRALERT (acronym for NAtural PRoducts ALERT), updated to October 2012. The references found in the search were then studied in detail. This review refers to 32 species and 130 compounds isolated from plants of the genus Selaginella, which are classified in appropriate chemical groups. The compounds isolated have been identified belonging to the classes of alkaloids, benzenoids, carbohydrates, chromones, coumarins, flavonoids, lignans, oxygen heterocycle, phenylpropanoids, pigments, quinoids and steroids. Some aspects of bioactivity of the secondary metabolites produced are discussed. For this purpose 75 references were consulted. Key words: Selaginellaceae, Selaginella, phytochemistry, review

    Emissão de metano em sistemas de produção de bovinos de corte brasileiro.

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    Editores técnicos: João de Mendonça Naime, Caue Ribeiro, Maria Alice Martins, Elaine Cristina Paris, Paulino Ribeiro Villas Boas, Ladislau Marcelino Rabello

    PCR-based detection of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina in their natural host Boophilus microplus and cattle.

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    PCR and nested-PCR methods were used to assess the frequency of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina infection in Boophilus microplus engorged females and eggs and in cattle reared in an area with endemic babesiosis. Blood and the engorged female ticks were from 27 naturally infested calves and 25 crossbred cows. The frequency of both Babesia species was similar in calves and cows (P>0.05). Babesia bovis was detected in 23 (85.2%) calves and in 25 (100%) cows and B. bigemina was detected in 25 (92.6%) calves and in 21 (84%) cows. Mixed infections with the both Babesia species were identified in 42 animals, 21 in each age category. Of female ticks engorged on calves, 34.9% were negative and single species infection with B. bigemina (56.2%) was significantly more frequent (P0.05) to the frequency of single B. bigemina infection (15.9%). Mixed Babesia infection was lower (P<O.OI) than single species infection in female ticks engorged either in cows (5.7%) or in calves (4.3%). An egg sample from each female was analysed for the presence of Babesia species. Of the egg samples from female ticks infected with B. bovis, 26 (47.3%) were infected while from those from female ticks infected with B. bigemina 141 (76.6%) were infected (P<0.01). The results showed that although the frequency of both species of Babesia was similar in calves and cows, the infectivity of B. bigemina was higher to ticks fed on calves while to those ticks fed on cows the infectivity of both Babesia species was similar

    Arroz de terras altas em spd: concentração de NH4 + e NO3 - no solo.

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    Na tentativa de retardar a transformação de NH4 + para NO3 -, 10 diferentes tratamentos utilizando diferentes pesos para compactação superficial do solo combinado com o uso ou não do facão (descompactação em profundidade) para abrir espaço para o crescimento radicular, no ato da semeadura, foram instalados em campo