205 research outputs found

    Self-images in the present and future: Role of affect and the bipolar phenotype

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    Background Bipolar Spectrum Disorder (BPSD) is associated with changes in self-related processing and affect, yet the relationship between self-image and affect in the BPSD phenotype is unclear. Methods 47 young adults were assessed for hypomanic experiences (BPSD phenotype) using the Mood Disorders Questionnaire. Current and future self-images (e.g. I am… I will be…) were generated and rated for emotional valence, stability, and (for future self-images only) certainty. The relationship between self-image ratings and measures of affect (depression, anxiety and mania) were analysed in relation to the BPSD phenotype. Results The presence of the BPSD phenotype significantly moderated the relationship between (1) affect and stability ratings for negative self-images, and (2) affect and certainty ratings for positive future self-images. Higher positivity ratings for current self-images were associated with lower depression and anxiety scores. Limitations This was a non-clinical group of young adults sampled for hypomanic experiences, which limits the extension of the work to clinical levels of psychopathology. This study cannot address the causal relationships between affect, self-images, and BPSD. Future work should use clinical samples and experimental mood manipulation designs. Conclusions BPSD phenotype can shape the relationship between affect and current and future self-images. This finding will guide future clinical research to elucidate BPSD vulnerability mechanisms and, consequently, the development of early interventions

    Traditional system of goat management. II. Postweaning growth performance of the SRD (Nondescript) goats.

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    Abstract: The pattern of growth of SRD kids from an average of 153 days up to approximately 461 days of age was studied. Weights at the ages of 153 (W 5 ), 181 (W5), 209 (W7 ), 237 (W8 ), 265 (W9 ), 293 (W10 ), 321 (VI 1 ), 349 (W1 2), 461 (W15 ) days and calculated weight gains (G) between every weight interval G5 - (W5 - Weaning weight) through G12 - (W1 2 - W 1 ) were evaluated. Data were initially recorded on 54 kids and diminished thereafter at every interval due to kid mortaiity. The least squares analysis of vaiiance showed a significant season of birth effect (P 0.05) with the exception of type of birth for G 12 (P 0,05), com excecao do tipo de nascimento para G12 (P<0,025). As covariancias de peso da mae ao parto e idade do cabrito no momento da pesagem, foram significativas em algumas idades. Ja para o peso ao nascer, a covariavel foi significativa para P7, P8, P10 (P<0,005), P9 (P<0,001), P6, P11 e G12 (P<0,025)

    Traditional systems of goat management. III. Reproductive performance of SRD (Non-descript) does and kid mortality.

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    Abstract: The reproductive performance of 50 adult SRD does maintained in native caatinga pasture at a stocking rate of 1 to 1.5 ha/head/year was evaluated. Two bucks were used in natural matings from September 1978 until December 1980. A total of 93 kiddings and 28 abortions occurred. Three pregnancies occurred before initiation of the experiment. From the 90 parturitions, 57.7%, 35.6%, 1.1 % and 5.6% bore singles, twins, triplets and undetermined, respectively. The flock showed an overall prolificacy of 1.38. From the initial fIock, 15(30%), 28(56%), 5(10%) and 2(4%) does presented one, two, three and zero kiddings, respectively during the period of study. Neither gestation length nor kidding interval were influenced by type of birth. Length of open period was influenced by season of the year when data were classified by season and kidding status at the open period. Combination of kidding type at previous and following kiddings showed a significant influence (P < 0.05) on the length of the open period. AnimaIs which kidded first singles and then singles or twins showed a shorter open period than animaIs which firstly kidded twins and then aborted at the following pregnant (109 Ys 188 days). The peak of kid mortality occurred between 7 and 112 days of age. Kid mortality appears not to be influenced by sex or type of birth. Overall kid mortality was 76%. The age at dead of kids was influenced by season and sex as weil as by their interaction. Males bom during the rainyseason survived longer than any other class studied. [Sistema tradicional de manejo de caprinos. III. Desempenho reprodutivo de caprinos SRD e mortalidade de cabritos]. Resumo: Avaliou-se o desempenho de 50 fêmeas de cabras SRD adultas mantidas em um piquete de pastagem nativa com uma lotação de 1 a 1,5 ha/cab/ano. Neste rebanho, dois reprodutores foram usados em monta natural de setembro de 1978 a dezembro de 1980. Foram observados 93 partos e 28 abortos. Ocorreram três prenhezes antes do início do experimento. Dos 90 partos restantes, 57,1%, 35,6%, 1,1% e 5,6% forem simples, duplos, triplos e não determinados, respectivamente. O rebanho mostrou uma prolificidade de 1,38. Para o rebanho inicial 15 (30%), 28 (56%), 5 (10%) e 2 (4%) das cabras pariram uma, duas, três e nenhuma vez, respectivamente, durante o período estudado. O período de gestação e o intervalo entre os partos não foram influenciados pelo tipo de nascimento. O período vazio foi influenciado pela estação do ano, quando os dados foram classificados por estação e tipo de parto. A combinação do tipo de parto, na parição inicial e na parição seguinte, teve influência significativa no período vazio. Os animais que pariram primeiramente simples e depois simples ou duplos apresentaram um período vazio menor (109 vs 188 dias) do que os animais que pariram primeiramente múltiplos e depois abortaram na prenhez seguinte. O pique de mortalidade (32%) ocorreu entre 7 e 112 dias de idade. A mortalidade de cabritos parece não ter sido influenciada pelo sexo e tipo de nascimento. A mortalidade total das crias foi de 76%. A idade à morte desses animais foi influencieda pela estação, sexo e interação de ambos. Os machos nascidos durante a estação chuvosa sobreviveram mais tempo do que os nascidos nas outras classes estudadas

    Caracterização da qualidade da água superficial de três corpos hídricos rurais do Distrito Federal.

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    A água é um recurso natural intensamente utilizado e essencial à manutenção da vida. Dentre os principais contribuintes para o comprometimento da qualidade da água pode-se destacar os efluentes (domésticos, rurais, industriais), despejados diretamente nos corpos hídricos, e os deflúvios superficiais de origem urbana e agrícola. A agricultura maior usuária de água doce a nível mundial contribui para as preocupações a respeito das implicações globais da qualidade da água. O setor agrícola é o maior consumidor de água. No Brasil, quase metade da água consumida destinase a agricultura irrigada. Uma vez que os corpos hídricos são os principais fornecedores de água para a população e agricultura, torna-se necessário identificar as principais fontes de poluição e obter dados para efetiva gestão dos mananciais. Estudos de monitoramento são importantes para o acúmulo de informações sobre a quantidade e a qualidade dos corpos d?água. Diante do exposto o objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar e comparar a qualidade da água superficial em três corpos hídricos inseridos em ambientes rurais do DF. O monitoramento dos três corpos hídricos demonstrou que a água está adequada a utilização para fins de irrigação, conforme a Resolução CONAMA 357/05, apresentando valores satisfatórios para maioria dos parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos. Abstract: Water is a natural resource used intensively and essential for sustaining life. Among the main contributors to the impairment of water quality can highlight effluents (domestic, rural, industrial), dumped directly into water bodies, and surface runoffs from urban and agricultural. Agriculture largest user of freshwater worldwide contributes to concerns about the global implications of water quality. The agricultural sector is the largest consumer of water. In Brazil, almost half of the water consumed is intended for agricultural irrigation. Once the water bodies are the major suppliers of water to the population and agriculture, it is necessary to identify the main sources of pollution and to obtain data for effective management of watersheds. Monitoring studies are important for the accumulation of information on the quantity and quality of water bodies. Given the above the purpose of this study was to characterize and compare the quality of surface water in three water bodies in situations in rural FD. The monitoring of the three water bodies showed that the water is suitable for use for irrigation, according to CONAMA Resolution 357/05, satisfactory values for most of the physical, chemical and microbiological

    Antileishmanial activity of a dillapiole derivative obtained from Piper aduncum L. (Piperaceae).

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    Abstract: Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is considered a public health problem. Current treatments have disadvantages because they are invasive and have serious side effects, and thus there is a need for research into new, more effective pharmacological alternatives. Plants are promising sources of bioactive substances, and new analogues can be obtained through chemical reactions. The present study aimed to evaluate the antileishmanial effects of the analog dillapiole n-butyl ether (DBE) extracted from Piper aduncum leaves. The cytotoxic potential of DBE was evaluated at concentrations of 15.62 to 500 μM in peritoneal macrophages for 48 h, and in RAW 264.7 macrophages for 72 h using a dose-response method. Resumo: A leishmaniose cutânea (LC) é considerada um problema de saúde pública. Os tratamentos atuais apresentam desvantagens por serem invasivos e possuem efeitos colaterais graves, levando a pesquisa de novas alternativas farmacológicas mais eficazes. As plantas são fontes promissoras de bioativos, e por meio de reações químicas pode-se obter novos análogos. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar os efeitos antileishmania do análogo éter n-butil do dilapiol (EBD) extraído das folhas de Piper aduncum. Foi avaliado o potencial citotóxico do EBD nas concentrações de 15,62 a 500 μM em macrófagos peritoneais por 48 h, e em macrófagos RAW 264.7 por 72 h utilizando o método dose-resposta.Título em Português: Atividade antileishmania de um derivado do dilapiol obtido a partir de Piper aduncum L. (Piperaceae)

    An investigation of mental imagery in bipolar disorder: Exploring "the mind's eye".

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    OBJECTIVES: Mental imagery abnormalities occur across psychopathologies and are hypothesized to drive emotional difficulties in bipolar disorder (BD). A comprehensive assessment of mental imagery in BD is lacking. We aimed to test whether (i) mental imagery abnormalities (abnormalities in cognitive stages and subjective domains) occur in BD relative to non-clinical controls; and (ii) to determine the specificity of any abnormalities in BD relative to depression and anxiety disorders. METHODS: Participants included 54 subjects in the BD group (depressed/euthymic; n=27 in each subgroup), subjects with unipolar depression (n=26), subjects with anxiety disorders (n=25), and non-clinical controls (n=27) matched for age, gender, ethnicity, education, and premorbid IQ. Experimental tasks assessed cognitive (non-emotional) measures of mental imagery (cognitive stages). Questionnaires, experimental tasks, and a phenomenological interview assessed subjective domains including spontaneous imagery use, interpretation bias, and emotional mental imagery. RESULTS: (i) Compared to non-clinical controls, the BD combined group reported a greater impact of intrusive prospective imagery in daily life, more vivid and "real" negative images (prospective imagery task), and higher self-involvement (picture-word task). The BD combined group showed no clear abnormalities in cognitive stages of mental imagery. (ii) When depressed individuals with BD were compared to the depressed or anxious clinical control groups, no significant differences remained-across all groups, imagery differences were associated with affective lability and anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to non-clinical controls, BD is characterized by abnormalities in aspects of emotional mental imagery within the context of otherwise normal cognitive aspects. When matched for depression and anxiety, these abnormalities are not specific to BD-rather, imagery may reflect a transdiagnostic marker of emotional psychopathology

    qSCMS: Post-quantum certificate provisioning process for V2X

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    Security and privacy are paramount in the field of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). This motivates many proposals aiming to create a Vehicular Public Key Infrastructure (VPKI) for managing vehicles’ certificates. Among them, the Security Credential Management System (SCMS) is one of the leading contenders for standardization in the US. SCMS provides a wide array security features, which include (but are not limited to) data authentication, vehicle privacy and revocation of misbehaving vehicles. In addition, the key provisioning process in SCMS is realized via the so-called butterfly key expansion, which issues arbitrarily large batches of pseudonym certificates in response to a single client request. Although promising, this process is based on classical elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), which is known to be susceptible to quantum attacks. Aiming to address this issue, in this work we propose a post-quantum butterfly key expansion process. The proposed protocol relies on lattice-based cryptography, which leads to competitive key, ciphertext and signature sizes. Moreover, it provides low bandwidth utilization when compared with other lattice-based schemes, and, like the original SCMS, addresses the security and functionality requirements of vehicular communication