2,784 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic wave propagation and absorption in magnetised plasmas: variational formulations and domain decomposition

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    We consider a model for the propagation and absorption of electromagnetic waves (in the time-harmonic regime) in a magnetised plasma. We present a rigorous derivation of the model and several boundary conditions modelling wave injection into the plasma. Then we propose several variational formulations, mixed and non-mixed, and prove their well-posedness thanks to a theorem by S\'ebelin et~al. Finally, we propose a non-overlapping domain decomposition framework, show its well-posedness and equivalence with the one-domain formulation. These results appear strongly linked to the spectral properties of the plasma dielectric tensor

    Judicial Trial Skills Training

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    The University of Minnesota Law School and the Minnesota Supreme Court Office of Continuing Education for State Court Personnel have initiated a unique and dynamic Judicial Trial Skills Training Program. Newly appointed judges participate in videotaped simulated trials designed to present the participating judges with numerous evidentiary and trial relationship issues. The videotapes of these trials are reviewed and cri- tiqued by the participating judge and a senior judge to give the participat-\u27 ingjudges immediate feedback on their performance. The review session is used to discuss the various skills that judges must develop in order to conduct fair and efficient trials

    Discovering and Certifying Lower Bounds for the Online Bin Stretching Problem

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    There are several problems in the theory of online computation where tight lower bounds on the competitive ratio are unknown and expected to be difficult to describe in a short form. A good example is the Online Bin Stretching problem, in which the task is to pack the incoming items online into bins while minimizing the load of the largest bin. Additionally, the optimal load of the entire instance is known in advance. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we provide the first non-trivial lower bounds for Online Bin Stretching with 6, 7 and 8 bins, and increase the best known lower bound for 3 bins. We describe in detail the algorithmic improvements which were necessary for the discovery of the new lower bounds, which are several orders of magnitude more complex. The lower bounds are presented in the form of directed acyclic graphs. Second, we use the Coq proof assistant to formalize the Online Bin Stretching problem and certify these large lower bound graphs. The script we propose certified as well all the previously claimed lower bounds, which until now were never formally proven. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first use of a formal verification toolkit to certify a lower bound for an online problem

    Scheduling malleable task trees

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    Solving sparse linear systems can lead to processing tree workflows on a platform of processors. In this study, we use the model of malleable tasks motivated in [Prasanna96,Beaumont07] in order to study tree workflow schedules under two contradictory objectives: makespan minimization and memory minization. First, we give a simpler proof of the result of [Prasanna96] which allows to compute a makespan-optimal schedule for tree workflows. Then, we study a more realistic speed-up function and show that the previous schedules are not optimal in this context. Finally, we give complexity results concerning the objective of minimizing both makespan and memory

    Stimulus-Informed Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis of Stimulus-Following Brain Responses

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    In brain-computer interface or neuroscience applications, generalized canonical correlation analysis (GCCA) is often used to extract correlated signal components in the neural activity of different subjects attending to the same stimulus. This allows quantifying the so-called inter-subject correlation or boosting the signal-to-noise ratio of the stimulus-following brain responses with respect to other (non-)neural activity. GCCA is, however, stimulus-unaware: it does not take the stimulus information into account and does therefore not cope well with lower amounts of data or smaller groups of subjects. We propose a novel stimulus-informed GCCA algorithm based on the MAXVAR-GCCA framework. We show the superiority of the proposed stimulus-informed GCCA method based on the inter-subject correlation between electroencephalography responses of a group of subjects listening to the same speech stimulus, especially for lower amounts of data or smaller groups of subjects
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