1,101 research outputs found

    Photo and electroluminescence behavior of Tb(ACAC)3phen complex used as emissive layer on organic light emitting diodes

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    This work shows the luminescence properties of a rare-earth organic complex, the Tb(ACAC)3phen. The results show the 5D4 -> 7F3,4,5,6 transitions with no influence of any ligand emission. The photoluminescence excitation spectrum is tentatively interpreted by the ligands absorption. An OLED was made by thermal evaporation (total thickness of 1200 Ã…) using TPD and Alq3 as hole and electron transport layers, respectively. The light emission reproduces the photoluminescence spectrum of the terbium complex at room temperature, with CIE (x,y) color coordinates of (0.28, 0.55). No presence of any bands from the ligands was observed. The potential use of this compound in efficient devices is discussed

    An application framework for exploring the sustainability limits: the case of climate change impacts in Brazil.

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    In the era of development, technological evolution and population expansion, policies play a fundamental role in the maintenance of the economic, social and environmental wellbeing. Sustainable development is the general target of society to be ensured by policy decisions considering climate change, biodiversity loss, protection of endangered species, and so forth. Indicators have a fundamental role in providing new insights and clear statements by assessing progress and defining behaviours. In this paper, we test an application framework for the exploration of sustainability limits. We developed a set of sustainability limits for indicators and applied them in a Latin American context. We used QUICKScan, a tool to support the decision in participatory processes., by attempting to visualize any conceptual scenarios. Brazil was the case study country and the indicators used are: forest area coverage, carbon sequestration, the probability of being infected by Leishmaniosis and available water per capita. We present some results which illustrate the complexity of managing land use for multiple services, and the trade-offs that inevitably result. By visualizing the current situation and comparing outcomes under future scenarios, we can support discussion with local experts to explore the policy options at local to regional scales

    A case study for a multitemporal segmentation approach in optical remote sensing images.

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    Continuous observations from remote sensors provide high temporal and spatial resolution imagery, and better remote sensing image segmentation techniques are mandatory for efficient analysis. Among them, one of the most applied segmentation techniques is the region growing algorithm. Within this context, this paper describes a study case for a multitemporal segmentation that adapts the traditional region growing technique. Our method aims to detect homogeneous regions in space and time observing a sequence of optical remote sensing images. Tests were conducted by considering the Dynamic Time Warping distance as the homogeneity criterion to grow regions. A case study on high temporal resolution for sequences of Landsat-8 vegetation indices products provided satisfactory outputs.GEOProcessing 2018

    Utilização da Espectroscopia de Ressonância Paramagnética Eletrônica para Avaliar a Presença de Impurezas em Adubos Orgânicos.

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    Uso da tomografia de ressonância magnética para diagnosticar os efeitos das injúrias mecânicas em figos "roxo de valinhos".

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    A produção de frutas de qualidade visando atender o crescente consumo de produtos frescos para mercados cada vez exigentes, tem sido o grande desafio para a fruticultura brasileira. Os impactos mecânicos a que as frutas estão submetidas durante as operações de manejo na colheita e pós-colheita são responsáveis por perdas fignificativas na produção, distribuição e comercialização. E importante ressaltar que a aparência externa também é um atributo de qualidade do fruto, sendo considerado como o principal fator de rejeição por parte do consumidor. Frutos murchos, amassados, e sem a cor característica, aparentando fruto de baixa qualidade sobram nas prateleiras dos supermercados. A busca de qualidade requer técnicas rápidas e não-destrutivas para a medida de algumas propriedades físicas dos frutos.bitstream/CNPDIA/8721/1/CT52_2003.pd
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