2 research outputs found

    Use of two supports for inmobilizing papain

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    Con la intenci贸n de preparar suplementos diet茅ticos de bajo coste, se inmoviliz贸 papa铆na en carb贸n activado (CA) y en al煤mina, utilizando suero como fuente de prote铆nas hidrolizadas. Para determinar el 铆ndice de inmovilizaci贸n se cuantifi caron las enzimas no adsorbidas mediante el m茅todo de Lowry. Se analiz贸 el efecto del tiempo de contacto y la temperatura, consider谩ndose 30 min. a 25 潞C como la condici贸n 贸ptima para inmovilizar la papa铆na en ambos soportes. El CA present贸 unos 铆ndices de inmovilizaci贸n muy superiores (entre 95% y 99%) a los de la AL (entre 4% y 13%). Para evaluar la capacidad de reutilizaci贸n de la papa铆na se midi贸 la actividad residual de la enzima despu茅s de haber sido utilizada hasta 20 veces. Para determinar la actividad de la enzima se cuantifi c贸 el 铆ndice de exposici贸n de la fenilalanina mediante espectrofotometr铆a de derivada segunda. En este caso, la AL present贸 mejores resultados que el CA, ya que la actividad de la papa铆na segu铆a siendo la misma despu茅s de haber sido utilizada 15 y 5 veces, respectivamente.Papain was immobilized on activated carbon (AC) and on alumina (AL), with the aim of preparing low cost dietary supplements, using whey as hydrolysed protein source. The quantifi cation of the non-adsorbed enzyme, using Lowry鈥檚 method was used to determine the immobilization rate. The effect of the contact time and the temperature was tested, and 30 min at 250C was considered the best condition for immobilizing papain in both supports. AC showed much higher immobilization rates (from 95% to 99%) than AL (from 4% to 13%). The reusability of papain was evaluated by measuring the residual activity of the enzyme after it has been used for up to 20 times. The quantifi cation of exposure rate of phenylalanine by second derivative spectrophotometry was used to determine the enzyme activity. In this case, AL showed better results than AC, since the activity of papain remained unchanged after 15 and 5 times, respectively