7 research outputs found
Variation in the origin of the posterior cerebral artery in adult Sri Lankans
Background: The degree of contribution from the vertebro-basilar and
carotid systems to the origin of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) is
of clinico-anatomical importance. Three configurations in the
bifurcation of the posterior communicating artery (PcomA) have been
described, foetal, transitional and adult. Objective: To examine the
extent of contribution from the vertebro-basilar and carotid systems to
the origin of the PCA in adult autopsy brains in subjects who had died
of causes unrelated to the brain. Materials and Methods: The external
diameter of the PcomA, pre communicating part (P1) and the post
communicating part (P2) of PCA in 225 normal Sri Lankan adult cadaver
brains was measured using a calibrated grid. Results: The adult
configuration was present in 220 (93.3%); (bilaterally in 200 (88.8%),
and unilaterally in 20 (8.8%) ten on each side. Foetal configuration
was seen in 17 (4.4%); bilaterally in 3 (1.3%), and unilaterally in 14
(6%) 8 on the left and 6 on the right. Transitional configuration was
seen in 8 (2.2%); bilaterally in 2 (0.9%), and unilaterally in 6 (2.5%)
2 on the left and 4 on the right. Conclusion: This study reveals that
the internal carotid artery (ICA) provided the major supply to the PCA
in 4.4% of foetal and 2.2% of transitional configurations. The adult
configuration was present in 220 (93.3%), the highest recorded in the
literature. This finding may be of relevance to vertebrobasilar
ischaemia and infarcts in the territory of the PCA
Os livros-texto de Programas de Saúde, em especial os destinados ao ensino de 1- grau, raramente são livros individuais, que contêm apenas o conteúdo destes programas; freqüentemente, vem estes como "apêndice" de um livro de Ciências. Os de 2- grau constituem um pequeno conjunto de textos, alguns deles passíveis de críticas quanto à didedignidade de conceitos, profundidade de conteúdo e outros requisitos. Considerando as ponderações acima, a autora julgou necessária a realização deste estudo, pois os livros didáticos de Programas de Saúde ainda permanecem pouco explorados, apesar de existirem inúmeros artigos e teses sobre o livro-texto de outras disciplinas. Os resultados do presente estudo fornece-nos uma caracterização do professor que desenvolve os Programas de Saúde, como também uma análise dos livros-texto destinados a estes programas quanto aos elementos mecânicos, organização e apresentação do conteúdo, conteúdo propriamente dito, exercícios, ilustrações, referências bibliográficas e índices, apêndices, prefácio e glossário.In most of text books for elementary school, health is an appendix in the Science text, and the Health texts for High School consists of a collection of readings, where concepts can be misled and contents are superficial. Literature shows articles and research about ether disciplines text-books and a blank space for Health Programs. The results of this study shows a profile of the teacher Health Programs as well as an analysis of the text books for these programs. The author studies the mecanic elements, contents organization and presentation, contents of the books, exercises, illustration, references and index, apendix, preface and glossary