3 research outputs found

    Sorption aspects for unconsolidated materials of the São Carlos region (SP), Brazil

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    O transporte de poluentes líquidos e gasosos, em meios geológicos porosos, depende das características físicas e químicas dos materiais inconsolidados, rochas, águas, assim como das características dos poluentes. Entre essas características, os aspectos da sorção têm importância fundamental e são função da mineralogia e respectivas proporções, pH, Eh e das características dos vazios. Na região de São Carlos, centro leste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, ocorrem 2 tipos de materiais inconsolidados, sendo um residual dos arenitos com cimento constituído de finos e, secundariamente, argilitos, siltitos e conglomerados da Formação Itaqueri, de idade cretácea, e outro sedimento arenoso de idade terciária. Esses materiais geológicos constituem as bases de muitos locais onde são lançados produtos químicos, caracterizados como fontes de poluição difusa ou pontual, e, por este motivo, foi desenvolvido um estudo para avaliá-los quanto aos aspectos de sorção para alguns cátions inorgânicos que são freqüentes nessas fontes, em concentrações variadas. Para tal, foram caracterizados ainda quanto ao peso específico dos sólidos, granulometria, mineralogia e índices físico-químicos. Para avaliar os aspectos de sorção, foram desenvolvidos ensaios de equilíbrio em lote (Batch Test), utilizando soluções químicas de KCl, ZnCl2 e CuCl.H2O, considerando três valores de pH para as soluções constituídas pelos materiais inconsolidados e as espécies químicas, assim como a mistura das três soluções.The transport of liquid and gaseous pollutants through porous geological media depends on the physical and chemical characteristics of the unconsolidated material, rocks and water, associated with the characteristics of the pollutants. Of these characteristics, the sorption aspect is of fundamental importance and is a function of the mineral proportions, pH, Eh and void aspects encountered in the porous media. In the São Carlos region, located in the eastern-central part of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, there are basically two types of unconsolidated materials: the first is a residual from sandstones cemented with fines and the secondarily composed of claystones, siltstones and conglomerates from the Cretaceous Period that constitute the Itaqueri Formation; the second is a sandy sediment of the Tertiary Period. These geological conditions are found in areas where chemical products are disposed of, characterized as either diffuse or point pollutions sources. Because of this situation, a study was developed to evaluate the sorption aspects of some inorganic cations that are frequently found in these sources, in varied concentrations. Taken into consideration were their physical/chemical properties, such as: specific weight, grain size, mineralogy, cationic exchange capacity, pH, hydraulic conductivity. Batch tests were run using solutions of KCl, ZnCl2 and CuCl.H2O at three different pH values, and then with a combined solution (KCl + ZnCl2 + CuCl.H2O), also at three different pH values

    Sorption aspects for unconsolidated materials of the Sao Carlos region (SP), Brazil

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    The transport of liquid and gaseous pollutants through porous geological media depends on the physical and chemical characteristics of the unconsolidated material, rocks and water associated with the characteristics of the pollutants. Of these characteristics, the sorption aspect is of fundamental importance and is a function of the mineral proportions, pH, Eh and void aspects encountered in the porous media. In the Sao Carlos region, located in the eastern-central part of the 9 ate of Sao Paulo, Brazil, there are basically two types of unconsolidated materials: the first is a residual from sandstones cemented with fines and the secondarily composed of claystones, siltstones and conglomerates from the Cretaceous Period that constitute the Itaqueri Formation; the second is a sandy sediment of the Tertiary Period. These geological conditions are found in areas where chemical products are disposed of characterized as either diffuse or point pollutions sources. Because of this situation, a study was developed to evaluate the sorption aspects of some inorganic cations that are frequently found in these sources, in varied concentrations. Taken into consideration were their physical/chemical properties, such as: specific weight, grain size, mineralogy, cationic exchange capacity, pH, hydraulic conductivity. Batch tests were run using solutions of KCl, ZnCl(2) and CuCl center dot H(2)O at three different pH values, and then with a combined solution (KCl + ZnCl(2) + CuCl center dot H(2)O), also at three different pH values