19 research outputs found

    Language And Design Practices: Some Usability Issues In The Context Of The Social Web [práticas De Linguagem E Design: Algumas Questões De Usabilidade No Contexto Da Web Social]

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    [No abstract available]797Abreu, L.S., O chat educacional: O professor diante desse gênero emergente (2002) Gêneros Textuais & Ensino, pp. 87-94. , Editora Lucerna, Rio de Janeiro RJBakhtin, M., Os gêneros do discurso Estética da Criação Verbal, pp. 277-326. , Martins Fontes, São Paulo SP, 1952-53Braga, D.B., Developing critical social awareness through digital literacy practices within the context of higher education in Brazil (2007) Language and Education, 21, pp. 180-196Braga, D.B., Quevedo, A.G., Letramento digital no currículo de letras segunda a ótica da teoria da atividade (2008) Paidéia, 1, pp. 1-17Braga, D.B., Ricarte, I., Letramento na era digital: construindo sentidos através da interação com hipertextos (2005) Revista da ANPOLL, 18, pp. 59-82. , IEL-UNICAMPBuzato, M., El, K., (2007) Entre A Fronteira e A Periferia: Linguagem e Letramento Na Inclusão Digital, , Tese de doutorado. Campinas: Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem UNICAMPCoudry, M.I.H., (1988) Diário de Narciso, , Martins Fontes São Paulo SPCoudry, M.I.H., Freire, F.M.P., Pressupostos teóricoclínicos da Neurolingüí stica Discursiva (ND) Neurolingüística Discursiva: Teorização e Práticas Com A Linguagem, pp. 13-34. , Campinas SPCoudry, M.I.H., Morato, E., Aspectos discursivos da afasia (1990) Cadernos de Estudos Lingüísticos, 19, pp. 127-145. , Campinas SPFranchi, C., Linguagem-atividade constitutiva (1977) Almanaque, 5, pp. 45-76Freire, F.M.P., Letramento(s) e uso de interface: um estudo de caso (2010) Anais Do 21 Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática Na Educação-SBIE 2010, pp. 1-10. , João PessoaFreire, F.M.P., Linguagem tecnologia conhecimento e suas relações no contexto de formação continuada de professores (2009) RUA, 15, p. 2Freire, F.M.P., Armadilhas virtuais na educação de leitores (2007) Anais Do 16° Congresso de Leitura Do Brasil, pp. 1-17. , Campinas SPFreire, F.M.P., O ICQ em contextos de avaliação neurolingüística (2003) Anais Do XXIII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computaç ão-IX Workshop Sobre Informática Na Escola, , Campinas SPFreire, F.M.P., Formas de materialidade lingüística gêneros de discurso e interfaces (2003) A Leitura Nos Oceanos da Internet, pp. 1-127. , Cortez, São Paulo SPFreire, F.M.P., Cavalcanti Ma., C., Possenti, S., Kleiman, A., Leitura e escrita via Internet: formação de professores nas áreas de alfabetização e linguagem (2007) Trabalhos em Lingüística Aplicada, 46 (1), pp. 93-111Freud, S.L., (1891) Tradução de Ramón Alcalde, , Ediciones Nueva Visión Buenos AiresGeraldi, J.W., (1991) Portos de Passagem, , Editora Martins Fontes, São Paulo SP67,5 Milhões de Pessoas Têm Acesso À Internet No Brasil, , http://info.abril.com.br/noticias/internet/acesso-a-internet-cresce-8-2- no-brasil-31032010-19.shl, 19.IBOPE/Nielsen OnlineAcesso À Internet Cresce 8,2% No Brasil, , http://info.abril.com.br/noticias/internet/acesso-a-internet-cresce-8-2- no-brasil-31032010-19.shlJakobson, R., Dois aspectos de linguagem e dois tipos de afasia (1969) Lingüística e Comunicação, pp. 34-62. , Cultrix, São Paulo SPJakobson, R., A afasia como problema lingüístico (1955) Novas Perspectivas Lingüísticas, pp. 43-54. , Vozes, Petrópolis: RJKomesu, F., As relações intergenéricas constitutivas da escrita das páginas eletrônicas pessoais da internet (2002) Anais Do Grupo de Estudos Lingüísticos-GEL, , São Paulo, SP. (versão cd-rom)Escrita, L.M., (2010) Interlocução e Moderação em Um Fórum Online Do Orkut, p. 123. , Dissertação de Mestrado. Campinas: Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, UNICAMPLuria, A.R., (1973) Fundamentos de Neuropsicologia, , Cultrix, São Paulo SPLuria, A.R., (1977) Neuropsychological Studies in Aphasia, , Swets & Zeitlinger B.V. AmsterdanMarcuschi, L.A., Gêneros textuais emergentes no contexto da tecnologia digital (2005) Hipertextos e Gêneros Digitais: Novas Formas de Construção Do Sentido, pp. 13-67. , Editora Lucerna, Rio de JaneiroNielsen, J., Heuristic evaluation (1994) Usability Inspection Methods, pp. 25-62. , John Wiley & Sons, Nova Iorque NYhttp://www.orkut.com.brRocha, H.V., O ambiente TelEduc para a educação a distância baseada na Web: princípios funcionalidades e perspectivas de desenvolvimento (2002) Educação A Distância: Fundamentos e Práticas, pp. 197-212. , UNICAMP/NIED, Campinas, SPRocha, H.V., Baranauskas, M.C.C., (2000) Design e Avaliação de Interfaces Humano-computador, , IME-USP São Paulo SPRojo, R.H.R., Letramentos digitais-a leitura como réplica ativa (2007) Trabalhos em Lingüística Aplicada, 46 (2), pp. 63-78Scolari, C.A., Hipertextos interfaces, interacciones (2004) DeSignis, 5, pp. 73-84. , Editorial GedisaSorj, B., Guedes, L.E., Exclusão digital-problemas conceituais, evidências empíricas e políticas públicas (2005) Novos Estudos CEBRAP, 72, pp. 101-117Teleduc-Ensino À Distância, , http://teleduc.nied.unicamp.br/Vygotsky, L.S., (1926) Psicologia Pedagógica, , Martins Fontes, São Paulo SPVygotsky, L.S., (1934) Pensamento e Linguagem, , Martins Fontes São Paulo SPVygotsky, L.S.A., (1962) Formação Social da Mente, , Martins Fontes, São Paulo SPDos Xavier, A.C.S., (2002) O Hipertexto Na Sociedade da Informação: A Constituição Do Modo de Enunciação Digital, , Tese de Doutorado. Campinas, SP: Campinas: Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, UNICAM

    Interaction Problems Accessing E-learning Environments In Multi-touch Mobile Devices: A Case Study In Teleduc

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    e-Learning environments offer content, such text, audio, video, animations, using the Web infrastructure and they are designed to users interacting with keyboard, mouse and a medium-sized screen. Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, have enough computation power to render Web pages, allowing browsing the Internet and access e-Learning environments. But, their main interaction style is touching, bringing some problems, cosmetics or severe ones. To identify these problems and correct them to allow mobile users access the TelEduc, an e-Learning environment, we planned a user test case with four volunteers using smartphones for access it. The collected data was analyzed and some problems were identified, giving some insights about the problems and barriers multi-touch mobile users dealt and can be easily corrected to give them a better interaction experience. To have an e-Learning environment with good usability in mobile devices is a first step to have a virtual learning environment for sharing data between desktop and mobile devices and understand the behavior of mobile users in this context.199206(2013) IPhone 3GS-Technical Specifications, , http://support.apple.com/kb/SP565, Accessed in January 2013(2013) IOS 5, , http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#releasenotes/General/ WhatsNewIniPhoneOS/Articles/iOS5.html, Accessed in January 2013Casany, J.M., Extending moodle services to mobile devices: The moodbile project (2012) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, pp. 24-28. , Barcelona, Spain(2013) CKEditor-WYSIWYG Text and HTML Editor for the Web, , http://www.ckeditor.com, CKSource-Frederico Knabben Accessed in January 2013Da Silva, A.C., Da Rocha, H.V., Improving e-learning environment with gpl software-the visualization content case for computers and mobile devices (2012) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, pp. 222-227. , Barcelona, SpainFranco, A.M., O ambiente virtual de aprendizagem e sua incorporao na Unicamp (2003) Educao e Pesquisa, 29 (2), pp. 341-353(2013) Google, , http://www.android.com/, Accessed in January 2013Kaikkonen, A., Full or tailored mobile web-where and how do people browse on their mobile? (2008) Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems, pp. 111-111. , I-Lan, TaiwanLave, J., Wenger, E., (1991) Situated Learning-Legitimate Peripheral Participation, , University Press, Cambrigde, USAMaurer, E.M., Mobile or desktop website? Website usage on multitouch devices (2007) Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 739-742. , Reykjavik, Iceland(2013) Moodle. Org: Open-source Community-based Tools for Learning, , http://moodle.org, Moodle Trust, Accessed in January 2013(2013) Moodle Trust Moodle App, , http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Mobile_app, AccessedinJanuary2013](2013) Milestone Android-Phone Without Compromise-Tech Specs-Motorola Mobility India, , http://www.motorola.com/Consumers/IN-EN/Consumer-Products-and-Services/ MobilePhones/ci.Motorola-MILESTONE-IN-EN.alt, Motorola Mobility Inc. Accessed in January 2013Normal, A.D., Nielsen, J., Gestural interfaces: A step backward in usability (2010) Interactions, 17 (5), pp. 46-49Papert, S., Constructionism: A new opportunity for elementary science education (1986) Proposal to the National Science Foundation, , Massachusetts, USA(2013) Sakai Project Collaboration and Learning-for Educators by Educators, , http://sakaiproject.org, SAKAI Environment, Accessed in January 2013Schmiedl, G., Mobile phone web browsing-a study on usage and usability of the mobile web (2009) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, , Bonn, GermanyShrestha, S., Mobile web browsing: Usability study (2007) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mobility Technology, Applications and Systems, pp. 187-194. , Singapore(2013) TelEduc Ensino Distia, , http://www.teleduc.org.br, AccessedinOctober2012] TelEduc EnvironmentValente, J.A., Computadores e conhecimento: Repensando a educao (1993) Gráfica da UNICAMP, , Campinas, BrazilValente, J.A., Formao de professores: Diferentes abordagens pedagógicas (1999) O Computador Na Sociedade Do Conhecimento, pp. 131-156. , Editor Valente, J. A. UNICAMP/NIED, Campinas, Brazi

    Effects of different amounts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae supplementation on apparent digestibility and faecal parameters in horses fed high-roughage and high-concentrate diets

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different amounts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) supplementation in high-roughage (HR) and high-concentrate (HC) diets on apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD), faecal microbial profile and faecal pH. Eight gelding miniature horses, about 36-months-old with an average weight of 113±12 kg were randomly assigned into a double 4×4 Latin Square. Two distinct experiments of 4 periods each were conducted with SC-supplementation of 0 (control), 10, 20 and 30 g (5×10 cfu/g), per animal per day. Experiment 1 used a HR diet (70% grass hay, 30% concentrate) and experiment 2 used a HC diet (30% grass hay, 70% concentrate). Each experimental period consisted of 23 days: 15 adaptation days, 5 days for data collection and a 3-day-wash-out interval between periods. Nutrient digestibility was evaluated by total faecal collection for each animal. The cellulolytic and lactic acid bacteria populations in faeces were calculated and faecal pH was measured. In the HR diet, S. cerevisiae supplementation was not associated with any changes in ATTD of nutrients, microbial profile in faeces and did not increase faecal pH values. In the HC diet, only the addition of 20 g SC reduced crude protein digestibility when compared with the control group and 30 g SC. For the other variables of digestibility the amounts of SC supplementation did not differ from control group. Furthermore, the microbial profile in faeces and faecal pH were not affected by S. cerevisiae supplementation. The present study showed that the S. cerevisiae strain used was not able to induce any changes in the equine hindgut and did not improve the fibrolytic activity with high-roughage and high-concentrate diets

    Polyclonal Antibody-based ELISA in combination with specific PCR amplification of ITS 1 regions for the detection and quantitation of Lasiodiplodia theobromae, causal agent of 2 gummosis in cashew nut plants

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    Members of Botryosphaeriaceae family are associated with serious diseases in different plants 18 across the world. In cashew nut plants (Anacardium occidentale L.), the fungus Lasiodiplodia 19 theobromae causes a severe group of symptoms related to gummosis that results in decreased nut 20 production. The aim of this work was to develop an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent 21 assay (ELISA) with sufficient sensitivity and specificity to detect the fungus both in vitro and in 22 planta (artificially and naturally infected) and to increase the detection specificity within the 23 fungi group using primers specific for the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. A 24 collection of L. theobromae isolates was obtained, and antisera against the fungus were raised in 25 rabbits. Cross-reactivity against Neofusicoccum sp., Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Phomopsis 26 anacardii and Pestalotiopsis guepinii was examined. Naturally and artificially infected vegetal 27 material was employed in the ELISAs. The fungi ITS sequences were determined, and single 28 nucleotide polymorphisms were identified and used for primer design. For the naturally infected 29 2 plants, there was an approximately 4-fold variation in the absorbance values. Some positive 1 readings for asymptomatic samples were detected. For the artificially infected samples, an 2 ELISA-based weekly time-course analysis was conducted, and the values for samples from 0 and 3 7 days were lower than the threshold value. Beginning on day 14, the infection could be 4 detected, with rates varying from 40% on day 14 to 80% on day 21 and 100% by the end of the 5 experiment. The ITS sequencing revealed few polymorphisms among the L. theobromae isolates, 6 but for Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Phomopsis anacardii, Pestalotiopsis guepinii and 7 Neofusicoccum sp., the sequences were sufficient to permit reliable discrimination. The 8 feasibility of ELISA as an early detection technique to assist in gummosis management was 9 demonstrated. PCR amplification based on ITS regions increases and complements serological 10 specificit