54 research outputs found


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    The interest in publishing an interview with Professor Peter Lee comes in sync with the wish of bringing toBrazilhis research and reflections on what children and teenagers make of History. Such a wish departs from the presupposition that History teaching in Elementary School will advance little, if any, without History teachers’ and researchers’ serious consideration of learning -- that is, the cognitive processes involved in constructing historical thinking. These processes imply the understanding of what subjects make of historic ideas, and how they construct their perceptions of the past. Through this interview, it is also expected to contribute to the debate on the historical form and function on quotidian life, as it is postulated here (as his discussion also puts forth) that History is a way of thinking and interpreting human existence through time. History is not only an academic discipline, but also a public form of knowledge. Such dimensions articulate and intertwine in different planes, constituting the historical consciousness of both individuals and collectivities.  The challenges that emerge here cannot be ignored, particularly those related to the teaching of History in school environments. This is especially true if one believes that teaching History is a powerful tool that enables “readings” of the world, bringing forms of inhabiting and existing in this world to its full potential while articulated to a collective belonging in a project of common futures.Peter Lee was, until he very recently retired, a senior lecturer in the History Education Unit at the Institute of Education at the University of London. Having taught History in primary and secondary schools, Professor Lee has coordinated several research projects related to History Teaching and Learning, including CHATA (Concepts of History and Teaching Approaches) a project well-known in Brazil. Several of his publications investigate the ideas that children and teenagers have over History in several books, chapters, and articles – many of these with Rosalyn Ashby as co-author.  Some of his articles have been translated to Portuguese, circulating among researchers concerned with understanding how children learn History. The questions in this interview have been elaborated so that Peter Lee’s reflections may collaborate with the development of History Teaching and History Education research in Brazil. All contact has been made via e-mail, a rather useful tool that has shortened the distance between Florianópolis and London for a few long moments between July and October 2012

    Digital narratives on entrance exams for the Brazilian secondary school: ego-documents and written culture in history of the present time

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    The proposal of this article is discussing digital narratives written in the first person, taken in their widest sense as ego-documents. We analyzed 12 blogs and 4 personal websites that provide written stories on entrance exams for the Brazilian secondary school (which were in force in Brazil between 1931 and 1971), as well as comments related to each post. The analysis of narratives was conducted having three irreducibly interconnected axes as a basis: the first one is methodological and requires discussing the possibilities and limits of exploring blogs and websites as adequate historical sources to grasp the contemporary phenomena of memory, narrative, and temporalities. The second axis implies analyzing narratives posted on blogs and websites as phenomena that contribute to provide the history of written culture in the present time with intelligibility. The third axis of analysis imposes thinking through meanings of the past and memory in the writings of one’s own. The issues raised herein deal with challenges of the meaning and interpretation of time by subjects of the present. If we take into account that narrating one’s life is a transcultural need related to the sense of existence, we must not give up thinking of changes that take place in human experience and its relation to historicity after hyper-connectivity, which became possible through the web 2.0, has significantly altered the flows of time and space. Keywords: Written culture. Digital narratives. Entrance exam for the Brazilian secondary school

    As fissuras na construção do novo homem e da nova mulher: relações de gênero e subjetividades no devir MST - 1979/2000

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em História.Investigação e análise sobre os investimentos na produção do novo no MST, em sua busca de transformação social e construção do "novo homem" e da "nova mulher". Este estudo é um exercício crítico de reflexão sobre a natureza dessas produções nas relações cotidianas, nas tentativas de se construir sujeitos. Busca investigar como as mudanças foram sendo construídas e, de que forma, foram investidas sobre as relações de trabalho, sociais, políticas e, também, afetivas de mulheres e homens, bem como homens e homens, mulheres e mulheres nas dobras do devir MST

    Narrativas digitais sobre os exames de admissão ao ginásio: ego-documentos e cultura escrita na história do tempo presente

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    A proposta deste artigo é discutir narrativas digitais escritas em primeira pessoa, tomadas em seu sentido mais amplo de ego-documentos. Foram analisados 12 blogs e 4 sites pessoais que trazem histórias escritas sobre os exames de admissão ao ginásio (que vigoraram no Brasil entre 1931 e 1971), bem como os comentários relativos a cada postagem. A análise das narrativas foi desenvolvida a partir de três eixos irredutivelmente articulados: o primeiro deles é metodológico e requer problematizar as possibilidades e limites de se explorar blogs e sites como fontes históricas adequadas para se compreender os fenômenos contemporâneos da memória, da narrativa e das temporalidades. O segundo eixo implica analisar as narrativas postadas nos blogs e sites como fenômenos que contribuem para dotar de inteligibilidade a história da cultura escrita no tempo presente. O terceiro eixo de análise impõe uma reflexão sobre os sentidos do passado e da memória nas escritas de si. As questões aqui levantadas lidam com os desafios sobre a significação e interpretação do tempo pelos sujeitos do presente. Se se considera que narrar a própria vida é uma necessidade transcultural relativa à significação da existência, é irrenunciável pensar nas mudanças operadas na experiência humana e sua relação com a historicidade depois que a hiperconectividade, possibilitada pela web 2.0, alterou significativamente os fluxos do tempo e do espaço. Palavras-chave: Cultura escrita; Narrativas digitais; Exames de admissão ao ginásio

    La Historia social de la cultura escrita. Una entrevista con Antonio Castillo Gómez

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    Doctor en Historia, Antonio Castillo Gómezes Profesor Titular (acreditado como Catedrático) de Historia de la Cultura Escrita en la Universidad de Alcalá. Antes de ser profesor de la Universidad, fue becario de investigación (1987-1990 y 1991-1995). Se puede decir que su interés por la Historia social de la cultura escrita comenzó a adquirir relevancia cuando  escribía su  tesis,  tiempo  en  el  que, cabe señalar, hizo sendas estancias de investigación en Italia con Armando Petruccien los años de 1989 y 1990 en Roma, enla Universidad “La Sapienza” (“Istituto di Paleografia”). Y como estudios posdoctorales en 1995, en Pisa, en la “Scuola Normale Superiore”, también con Armando Petrucci. En 2005 fue profesor invitado de la École des hautes études en sciences sociales de París a propuesta de Roger Chartier. Asimismo ha sido profesor invitado o conferenciante en distintas universidades extranjeras, especialmente de Italia, Portugal, Francia, Inglaterra, Finlandia, México, Argentina y Brasil

    Leituras e impressões sobre homens e mulheres em movimento...

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    This article attepts to define the theories, concepts and ideas, behin Brazil's Landless moviment. Principally analysing the various studyis about the experiences and political actions underaken by men and women in the west of Santa Catarina


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