9 research outputs found


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    Pineapple yield and fruit quality effected by NPK fertilization in a tropical soil

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    There is a lack of information about fertilization of pineapple grown in the State of SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil. So a field experiment with pineapple 'Smooth Cayenne' was carried out to study the effects of NPK rates on yield and fruit quality. The trial was located on an Alfisol in the central part of the State of SĂŁo Paulo (Agudos county). The experimental design was an incomplete NPK factorial, with 32 treatments set up in two blocks. The P was applied only at planting, at the rates of 0; 80; 160 and 320 kg/ha of P2 0(5), as superphosphate. The N and K2O rates were 0; 175; 350, and 700 kg/ha, applied as urea and potassium chloride, respectively, divided in four applications during the growth period. Response functions were adjusted to yield or to fruit characteristics in order to estimate the nutrient rates required to reach maximum values. The results showed quadratic effects of N and K on yield and a maximum of 72 t/ha of fresh fruit was attained with rates of 498 and 394 kg/ha, respectively of N and K2O. In order to reach the maximum fruit size, and to improve the percentage of first class fruit (mass greater than 2.6 kg), were necessary rates of N and K respectively 11 and 43 % higher than those for maximum yield. No effect of P rates was observed on pineapple plant growth, despite the low availability of this nutrient in the soil. The effect of N rates was negative on total soluble solids and total acidity while the opposite occurred with K, which increased also the content of vitamin C. High yield and fruit size were closely related to N and K concentrations in the leaves

    Efeito do åcido naftalenoacético e do cloreto de cålcio na redução das perdas pós-colheita em uva 'Niagara Rosada' Effect of naphthalene acetic acid and calcium chloride in reducing postharvest losses of 'Nigara Rosada' grapes

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    Com a finalidade de reduzir as perdas ocasionadas pela degrana e podridĂ”es na pĂłs-colheita de uva 'Niagara Rosada', foram realizados em 2005, em vinhedos localizados nos municĂ­pios de Jales e Louveira, SĂŁo Paulo-Brasil, experimentos utilizando-se de cinco concentraçÔes de cloreto de cĂĄlcio (CaCl2) a 0; 5; 10; 15 e 20 g.L-1, com ou sem a aplicação de 100 mg.L-1 de ĂĄcido naftalenoacĂ©tico (ANA). Com base nos resultados obtidos, realizou-se, em 2006, experimento com quatro concentraçÔes de ANA a 0; 50; 100 e 150 mg L-1, associadas ou nĂŁo a 10 g.L-1 de CaCl2. As aplicaçÔes do ANA foram realizadas um dia antes da colheita, e a do CaCl2, no inĂ­cio da maturação das bagas. ApĂłs a colheita, avaliaram-se o teor de sĂłlidos solĂșveis, a acidez titulĂĄvel, o pH, a degrana e a incidĂȘncia de podridĂ”es. Os cachos provenientes dos diferentes tratamentos foram armazenados sob condição ambiente a 25ÂșC/70% UR, por 5 dias, e sob refrigeração a 1ÂșC/85% UR, por 21 dias, seguido por transferĂȘncia para condição ambiente por mais 5 dias, sendo avaliadas apĂłs esses perĂ­odos as mesmas variĂĄveis. O ANA foi eficiente na redução da degrana e da incidĂȘncia de podridĂ”es nos cachos, principalmente apĂłs acondicionamento dos mesmos sob condição ambiente, sendo a concentração de 150 mg.L-1 a mais efetiva. Os tratamentos promoveram poucas alteraçÔes nos teores de sĂłlidos solĂșveis, pH e acidez titulĂĄvel.<br>It was evaluated the effect of the use of CaCl2 and NAA on 'Niagara Rosada' grapes in order to reduce postharvest losses caused by rot and drop of berries. The experiments were carried out in vineyards in Jales and Louveira, State of SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil, in 2005 and 2006. In 2005 the effects of five concentrations of CaCl2 (0; 5; 10; 15, and 20 g.L-1) with and without the use of 100 mg.L-1 of NAA were evaluated. Based on those results, in 2006 another experiment was carried out in which the use of four concentrations of NAA (0; 50, 100, and 150 mg.L-1), with and without the use of 10g L-1 CaCl2 were tested. The different concentrations of NAA were applied the day before harvest; meanwhile CaCl2 was applied at the beginning of the berry ripening. Right after harvest, the grapes were evaluated for total soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, percentage of abscission post-harvest and decay incidence. The grapes of the different treatments were stored under two conditions: 25ÂșC/70% RH for 5 days and at 1ÂșC /85% RH for 21 days followed by storage at 25ÂșC/70% RH for 5 more days. At the end of each storage period, the grapes were evaluated for the same variables. The results indicate that application of NAA was effective in reducing the percentage of drop berries and the incidence of decay, mainly in those fruits stored at 25ÂșC/70% RH, being the concentration of 150 mg.L-1 the most effective. The treatments did not cause significant differences on total soluble solids, pH, and titratable acidity

    As traduçÔes de Bates: dois naturalistas no Rio Amazonas Bates's translations: two naturalists in the Amazon River

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    Neste trabalho analisam-se duas traduçÔes do relato da viagem do naturalista Henry Walter Bates pela AmazÎnia, uma publicada em 1944 na Coleção Brasiliana feita pelo naturalista Candido de Mello-Leitão, outra editada em 1979 na Coleção Reconquista do Brasil, assinada por Regina Regis Junqueira. O objetivo do artigo é problematizar a demarcação de limites nítidos entre uma ética da diferença e uma ética da igualdade, pois, em ambos os textos, tanto ocorre um movimento no sentido de preservar a alteridade do texto e do autor, quanto no de domesticar o texto. A anålise busca também evidenciar que cada tradução, realizada a partir de diferentes projetos editoriais e tradutórios, acaba por suscitar diferentes imagens do naturalista e dos lugares por ele visitados.<br>Two translations of the travel writing by the naturalist Henry Walter Bates in the Amazon are analyzed in this work: one published in 1944 in the Brasiliana Collection by the naturalist Candido de Mello-Leitão, and another edited in 1979 in the Reconquista do Brasil Collection, signed by Regina Regis Junqueira. The purpose of this study is to examine the delimitation of clear boundaries between an ethics of difference and an ethics of equality, since the two texts present a movement that both preserves the otherness of the text and the author and domesticates the text. The analysis also aims to evidence that each translation, carried out from different editorial and translational projects, ultimately projects different images of naturalist and the places visited by him