21 research outputs found

    Nouvelle datation pour le roi Sobekhotep KhùùnkhrĂȘ

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    International audienceThe combination of various approaches – the epigraphy and the palaeography of the inscriptions, the stylistics and the study of the royal ideology – brings a range of arguments in favour of a modification of Sobekhotep Khaankhre’s position inside the 13th dynasty. This king should be placed not at its beginning, as it was previously suggested based on the interpretation of an entry of the Royal Canon of Turin, but most probably in its second half, and particularly at the end of its third quarter, just after Sobekhotep Khaneferre.La conjugaison de diffĂ©rents angles d’approche – Ă©tude de l’épigraphie et de la palĂ©ographie des inscriptions, analyse stylistique ou encore analyse de l’idĂ©ologie royale – permet d’apporter un faisceau d’arguments en faveur d’une modification de la position de Sobekhotep KhùùnkhrĂȘ au sein de la XIIIe dynastie, qui n’appartiendrait pas Ă  sa premiĂšre moitiĂ© comme l’interprĂ©tation d’une entrĂ©e du Canon royal de Turin le laissait auparavant penser, mais plus vraisemblablement Ă  sa seconde moitiĂ©, et plus particuliĂšrement Ă  la fin de son troisiĂšme quart, aprĂšs Sobekhotep KhĂąnĂ©ferrĂȘ

    Les stÚles abydéniennes du Moyen Empire à l'époque romaine

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    The 13th Dynasty : political, economical and social aspects

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    Les recherches rĂ©centes sur la XIIIe dynastie ont abordĂ© sĂ©parĂ©ment les questions chronologiques et politiques d’une part, et celles traitant de l’administration et de la sociĂ©tĂ© d’autre part, le rĂ©sultat Ă©tant une vision fragmentĂ©e de l’Histoire de cette Ă©poque. Il est donc apparu nĂ©cessaire d’élaborer une synthĂšse historique sur la XIIIe dynastie qui rĂ©unit ces diffĂ©rentes problĂ©matiques. L’originalitĂ© de notre travail consiste en une approche globale de la documentation de la pĂ©riode, fondĂ©e sur l’étude croisĂ©e des sources historiques et archĂ©ologiques, royales ou privĂ©es, sans les opposer ni en privilĂ©gier plutĂŽt l’une que l’autre. Cette entreprise est d’autant plus nĂ©cessaire que la XIIIe dynastie n’a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e jusqu’à prĂ©sent que dans le cadre d’études globales sur le Moyen Empire ou la DeuxiĂšme PĂ©riode IntermĂ©diaire. Elle n’y occupe pas forcĂ©ment une place trĂšs importante et elle y est souvent l’objet d’opinions peu flatteuses. Notre thĂšse est divisĂ©e en quatre chapitres. Les deux premiers sont consacrĂ©s Ă  la datation, Ă  l’identification et Ă  l’étude du milieu social des principaux acteurs de la XIIIe dynastie que sont les rois et l’élite de l’administration et du clergĂ©. Les deux derniers traitent de questions politiques, qu’elles soient architecturales, religieuses, Ă©conomiques ou diplomatiques. Dans le premier chapitre, les limites de la XIIIe dynastie sont fixĂ©es, ses souverains identifiĂ©s et la famille royale Ă©tudiĂ©e. Le deuxiĂšme est dĂ©volu Ă  l’examen de l’administration et de la sociĂ©tĂ© de cette Ă©poque et s’articule autour de l’étude prosopographique des Ă©lites. L’activitĂ© constructrice et les dĂ©veloppements religieux de la XIIIe dynastie au sein du territoire traditionnel de l’Egypte sont abordĂ©s dans le troisiĂšme. Le dernier chapitre traite en partie de thĂšmes abordĂ©s dans les deux prĂ©cĂ©dents, mais dans un contexte gĂ©ographique diffĂ©rent, celui des marges de l’Egypte et des territoires nouvellement annexĂ©s en Basse Nubie et au Levant. Les questions de politiques extĂ©rieures y sont Ă©galement Ă©tudiĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats auxquels nous sommes parvenus contribuent Ă  changer la vision traditionnelle de la XIIIe dynastie, la grande oubliĂ©e du Moyen Empire, tant sur les plans politiques, Ă©conomiques que sociaux.In recent times, the 13th Dynasty has been approached either from a chronological and political perspective or from an administrative and social standpoint. The result is an incomplete view of the History of that period. The need to touch on those different issues in a single historical study quickly arose. Our work is unique in the sense that it tackles the problems of this period in a global way, based upon a crossover study of the historical and archaeological sources, may they be royal or private, without opposing them or favouring one or the other. This attempt at an overview is all the more necessary that the 13th Dynasty has always been examined within general studies on the Middle Kingdom or the Second Intermediate Period but never in its own right. Thereby, it is often looked upon in a superficial manner and poorly considered. Our thesis is split in four chapters. The first two are devoted to the dating, identification and social study of the main protagonists of the 13th Dynasty, which are its kings, high officials and higher priests. The last two deal with political issues, whether architectural, religious, economical or diplomatic. In the first chapter, once the frame of the 13th Dynasty is ascertained and its kings identified, the royal family is examined. The second one is devoted to the administration and the society of that time through a prosopographical study of its elites. We look into the royal work projects and religious developments of the 13th Dynasty inside the traditional borders of Egypt in the third chapter. The last one covers in part some of the issues dealt with in the previous two chapters, but within a different geographical context, that of the edges of Egypt and its newly annexed territories in Lower Nubia and in the Levant. Foreign policies are also considered in this final chapter. The results attained in our thesis contribute to change the traditional view of the political, economical and social aspects of the often overlooked Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom, the 13th one

    The Late Middle Kingdom Stela N 196 = C 42 from the Louvre Museum

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    International audiencePublication of a Late Middle Kingdom stela from the Salt collection (Louvre N 196 = C 42). The Abydos stela is linked with six more stelae, which were probably made in the same workshop or artistic centre based in the Memphite-Fayum region around the transition between the Twelfth and the Thirteenth Dynasties. Fifthteen artistic and epigraphic traits can now be associated with this workshop

    DjedhĂ©teprĂȘ DedmĂ©sou et DjednĂ©ferrĂȘ DĂ©doumĂšs : attribution des sources et nouvelles datations

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    International audienceThe graphic differences in the writing of the prenomen and the nomen of the Second Intermediate Period kings Djedhetepra Dedmesu and Djedneferra Dedumes can be used to ascribe a document to one king or the other with a high degree of certainty. Once these attribution problems are solved, it is possible to establish more accurate dates for their reigns. It appears that they did not belong to the same dynasty and actually ruled very far apart from each other: Djedhetepra Dedmesu was probably one of the last kings of the 13th Dynasty while Djedneferra Dedumes has to be assigned to the mid-17th Dynasty, in quick succession to Nubkheperra Intef

    À propos de quelques Ă©lĂ©ments inĂ©dits du mobilier funĂ©raire de SoutymĂšs (dĂ©but XXIe dynastie)

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    International audienceStarting with the publication of new or lesser known elements of the funerary equipment of the 'superior of the temple scribes of the estate of Amun' and 'superior of the keepers of the Treasure archives' Sutymes, an eminent member of the early 21st Dynasty Theban elite, this study then looks into the chronology and the conditions of its dispersion. Finally, a succession sequence of the bearers of the 'superior of the keepers of the Treasure archives' title, between the late 20th Dynasty and the early 22nd Dynasty, is proposed.Cette Ă©tude publie plusieurs Ă©lĂ©ments inĂ©dits ou moins connus du mobilier funĂ©raire du «supĂ©rieur des scribes du temple du domaine d’Amon» et «supĂ©rieur des gardiens des Ă©crits de la Maison de l’argent» SoutymĂšs. Elle cherche Ă©galement Ă  Ă©clairer l’histoire de la dispersion du mobilier funĂ©raire de ce membre Ă©minent de l’élite thĂ©baine du dĂ©but de la XXIe dynastie. Elle propose enfin un ordre de succession des porteurs du titre de «supĂ©rieur des gardiens des Ă©crits de la Maison de l’argent» entre la fin de la XXe dynastie et le dĂ©but de la XXIIe

    L’identitĂ© du fondateur de la XIIIe dynastie : Amenemhat-Sobekhotep ou Ougaf ?

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    Les stÚles du Moyen Empire à Abydos Osiris et les chapelles mémorielles de la "terrasse du grand dieu"

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    Montouhotep-RessĂ©neb : un gouverneur oubliĂ© d'ÉlĂ©phantine du milieu de la XIIIe dynastie

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