14 research outputs found

    Características de carcaça de cordeiros Texel x Bergamácia, Texel x Santa Inês e Santa Inês puros, terminados em confinamento, com casca de café como parte da dieta Carcass characteristics of Texel x Bergamacia, Texel x Santa Inês and pure Santa Inês lambs, finished in confinement with coffee hull as a part of the diet

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    RESUMO - Trinta e seis cordeiros (18 machos inteiros e 18 fêmeas) de três diferentes grupos genéticos: 12 cordeiros cruzas Texel x Bergamácia (T x B), 12 cordeiros cruzas Texel x Santa Inês (T x S) e 12 cordeiros puros Santa Inês (SI) foram alimentados com três diferentes dietas experimentais: A- sem casca de café; B. com casca de café in natura; e C- com casca de café, tratada com uréia e grão de soja moído. Os pesos das carcaças quente e fria, o rendimento de carcaça quente (RC), a quebra de peso da carcaça devido ao resfriamento, as medidas de comprimento interno e total da carcaça, o comprimento de perna, o comprimento total de perna (CTP), o perímetro da garupa (PG), a largura da garupa (LG), a profundidade do tórax (PT) e a gordura subcutânea (GS), de acordo com a dieta, o grupo genético e sexo foram avaliados. Não houve efeito das dietas sobre as variáveis avaliadas. Os cordeiros cruzas T x B e T x S apresentaram menor CTP e maiores PG, LG e GS. Os cordeiros T x B apresentaram valores superiores para PT. Houve superioridade dos animais cruzados nos pesos das carcaças quente e fria, não ocorrendo diferenças para o rendimento da carcaça quente entre os grupos genéticos. Não houve diferença entre machos e fêmeas para GS. As fêmeas apresentaram melhor RC que os machos. Para as outras características, os machos mostraram valores superiores em relação às fêmeas.<br>ABSTRACT - Thirty six lambs (18 male and 18 female) from three different genetic groups: 12 lambs Texel x Bergamacia, (T B), 12 lambs Texel x Santa Inês (T S) and 12 lambs pure Santa Inês (SI) were fed with three different experimental diets: A - without coffee hulls; B - with in natura coffee hull and; C - with coffee hull, treated with urea and whole ground soybean seed. The hot carcass weight (CQ), cold carcass weight (CF), hot carcass dressing (RC), cooling weight loss (QR) and the measures of internal length (CI), and total (CE), leg length (CP), total leg length (CTP), croup circumference (PG), croup width (LG), thoracic depth (PT) and subcutaneous fat width (GS), according to the diet, the genetic group and sex were evaluated. Diets did not affect any of the analyzed variables. The crossbred T x B and T x S lambs showed lower CTP and higher PG, LG, and GS. The Tx B lambs showed higher values for PT. There were higher hot and cold carcass weights for the crossbred lambs, and there was no difference for hot carcass dressing among the genetic groups. There was no difference between male and female lambs for GS. The female lambs showed better RC than male lambs. The male lambs showed higher values for all the other characteristics in relation to the female lambs

    The effect of highly ionising particles on the CMS silicon strip tracker

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    Inelastic nuclear collisions of hadrons incident on silicon sensors can generate secondary highly ionising particles (HIPs) and deposit as much energy within the sensor bulk as several hundred minimum ionising particles. The large signals generated by these \u27HIP events\u27 can momentarily saturate the APV25 front-end readout chip for the silicon strip tracker (SST) sub-detector of the compact muon solenoid (CMS) experiment, resulting in deadtime in the detector readout system. This paper presents studies of this phenomenon through simulation, laboratory measurements and dedicated beam tests. A proposed change to a front-end component to reduce the APV25 sensitivity to HIP events is also examined. The results are used to infer the expected effect on the performance of the CMS SST at the future large hadron collider. The induced inefficiencies are at the percent level and will have a negligible effect on the physics performance of the SST. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved