31 research outputs found

    Medical and surgical education challenges and innovations in the COVID-19 era: A systematic review

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    The aim of this systematic review was to identify the challenges imposed on medical and surgical education by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the proposed innovations enabling the continuation of medical student and resident training. A systematic review on the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases was performed on April 18th, 2020, and yielded 1288 articles. Sixty-one of the included manuscripts were synthesized in a qualitative description focused on two major axes, "challenges" and "innovative solutions", and two minor axes, "mental health" and "medical students in the frontlines". Shortage of personal protective equipment, suspension of clinical clerkships and observerships and reduction in elective surgical cases unavoidably affect medical and surgical education. Interesting solutions involving the use of virtual learning, videoconferencing, social media and telemedicine could effectively tackle the sudden cease in medical education. Furthermore, trainee's mental health should be safeguarded, and medical students can be involved in the COVID-19 clinical treatment if needed. © 2020 International Institute of Anticancer Research. All rights reserved

    Geoid Determination: Theory and Methods

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    Il testo sviluppa con completezza gli argomenti classici e moderni relativi alla determinazione del geoide in geodesia fisica. Il testo è diviso in tre parti, dai titoli "Theory", "Methods and Applications" e "Advanced Analysis Methods". Fernando Sansò è autore della prima (da pag.3 a pag. 256) e della terza parte (da pag. 547 a pag. 704)

    The AUSGeoid98 geoid model of Australia: data treatment, computations and comparisons with GPS-levelling data

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    The AUSGeoid98 gravimetric geoid model of Australia has been computed using data from the EGM96 global geopotential model, the 1996 release of the Australian gravity database, a nationwide digital elevation model, and satellite altimeter-derived marine gravity anomalies. The geoid heights are on a 2 by 2 arc-minute grid with respect to the GRS80 ellipsoid, and residual geoid heights were computed using the 1-D fast Fourier transform technique. This has been adapted to include a deterministically modified kernel over a spherical cap of limited spatial extent in the generalised Stokes scheme. Comparisons of AUSGeoid98 with GPS and Australian Height Datum (AHD) heights across the continent give an RMS agreement of -0.364 m, although this apparently large value is attributed partly to distortions in the AHD