3,658 research outputs found

    Are Targets for Renewable Portfolio Standards Too Low? The Impact of Market Structure on Energy Policy

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    In order to limit climate change from greenhouse gas emissions, governments have introduced renewable portfolio standards (RPS) to incentivise renewable energy production. While the response of industry to exogenous RPS targets has been addressed in the literature, setting RPS targets from a policymaker’s perspective has remained an open question. Using a bi-level model, we prove that the optimal RPS target for a perfectly competitive electricity industry is higher than that for a benchmark centrally planned one. Allowing for market power by the non-renewable energy sector within a deregulated industry lowers the RPS target vis-à-vis perfect competition. Moreover, to our surprise, social welfare under perfect competition with RPS is lower than that when the non-renewable energy sector exercises market power. In effect, by subsidising renewable energy and taxing the non-renewable sector, RPS represents an economic distortion that over-compensates damage from emissions. Thus, perfect competition with RPS results in “too much” renewable energy output, whereas the market power of the non-renewable energy sector mitigates this distortion, albeit at the cost of lower consumer surplus and higher emissions. Hence, ignoring the interaction between RPS requirements and the market structure could lead to sub-optimal RPS targets and substantial welfare losses

    Tradable Performance-Based CO2 Emissions Standards: Walking on Thin Ice?

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    Climate policy, like climate change itself, is subject to debate. Partially due to the political deadlock in Washington, DC, US climate policy, historically, has been driven mainly by state or regional effort until the recently introduced federal Clean Power Plan (CPP). Instead of a traditional mass-based standard, the US CPP stipulates a state-specific performance-based CO2 emission standard and delegates considerable flexibility to the states in achieving the standard. Typically, there are two sets of policy tools available: a tradable performance-based and a mass-based permit program. We analyze these two related but distinct standards when they are subject to imperfect competition in the product and/or permit markets. Stylized models are developed to produce general conclusions. Detailed models that account for heterogenous technologies and the transmission network are developed to evaluate policy efficiency. Depending on the scenarios under consideration, the resulting problem could be either a complementarity problem or a Stackelberg leaderfollower game, which is implemented as a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints (MPEC). We overcome the nonconvexity of MPECs by reformulating them as mixed integer problems. We show that while the cross-subsidy inherent in the performance-based standard that might effectively reduce power prices, it could inflate energy demand, thereby rendering permits scarce. When the leader in a Stackelberg formulation has a relatively clean endowment under the performancebased standard, its ability to manipulate the electricity market as well as to lower permit prices might worsen the market outcomes compared to its mass-based counterpart. On the other hand, when the leader has a relatively dirty endowment, the "cross-subsidy" could be the dominant force leading to a higher social welfare compared to the mass-based program. This paper contributes to the current policy debates in regulating emissions from the US power sector and highlights different incentives created by the mass- and performance-based standards

    Regulatory jurisdiction and policy coordination: A bi-level modeling approach for performance-based environmental policy

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    This study discusses important aspects of policy modeling based on a leader-follower game of policymakers. We specifically investigate non-cooperation between policymakers and the jurisdictional scope of regulation via bi-level programming. Performance-based environmental policy under the Clean Power Plan in the United States is chosen for our analysis. We argue that the cooperation of policymakers is welfare enhancing. Somewhat counterintuitively, full coordination among policymakers renders performance-based environmental policy redundant. We also find that distinct state-by-state regulation yields higher social welfare than broader regional regulation. This is because power producers can participate in a single power market even under state-by-state environmental regulation and arbitrage away the CO2 price differences by adjusting their generation across states. Numerical examples implemented for a stylized test network illustrate the theoretical findings

    Economic and environmental consequences of market power in the South-East Europe regional electricity market

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    Market power in electricity and emission-permit markets in the South-East Europe Regional Electricity Market, which comprises both EU members subject to the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and non-EU members exempt from it, affects social welfare and carbon leakage. We examine its impact under three market settings: perfect competition (PC) and two leader-follower versions, in which a leader can exert market power in either the electricity market (S-T) or both the electricity and permit markets (S). Under PC, carbon leakage is equal to 11%-39% of ETS emission reduction depending on the cap stringency. Generally, in S-T, the leader's capacity withholding results in ETS emissions below and non-ETS emissions above PC levels. However, carbon leakage is lower vis-à-vis PC as the ETS emission reduction offsets the non-ETS emission increase. Finally, in S, the leader's propensity to lower the permit price increases ETS emissions and exacerbates carbon leakage compared to S-T

    Evaluation of two mobile health apps in the context of smoking cessation: qualitative study of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) versus non-CBT-based digital solutions.

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    BACKGROUND: Mobile health (mHealth) apps can offer users numerous benefits, representing a feasible and acceptable means of administering health interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is commonly used in the treatment of mental health conditions, where it has a strong evidence base, suggesting that it represents an effective method to elicit health behavior change. More importantly, CBT has proved to be effective in smoking cessation, in the context of smoking-related costs to the National Health Service (NHS) having been estimated to be as high as £2.6bn in 2015. Although the evidence base for computerized CBT in mental health is strong, there is limited literature on its use in smoking cessation. This, combined with the cost-effectiveness of mHealth interventions, advocates a need for research into the effectiveness of CBT-based smoking cessation apps. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was, first, to explore participants' perceptions of 2 mHealth apps, a CBT-based app, Quit Genius, and a non-CBT-based app, NHS Smokefree, over a variety of themes. Second, the study aimed to investigate the perceptions and health behavior of users of each app with respect to smoking cessation. METHODS: A qualitative short-term longitudinal study was conducted, using a sample of 29 smokers allocated to one of the 2 apps, Quit Genius or Smokefree. Each user underwent 2 one-to-one semistructured interviews, 1 week apart. Thematic analysis was carried out, and important themes were identified. Descriptive statistics regarding participants' perceptions and health behavior in relation to smoking cessation are also provided. RESULTS: The thematic analysis resulted in five higher themes and several subthemes. Participants were generally more positive about Quit Genius's features, as well as about its design and information engagement and quality. Quit Genius users reported increased motivation to quit smoking, as well as greater willingness to continue using their allocated app after 1 week. Moreover, these participants demonstrated preliminary changes in their smoking behavior, although this was in the context of our limited sample, not yet allowing for the finding to be generalizable. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings underscore the use of CBT in the context of mHealth apps as a feasible and potentially effective smoking cessation tool. mHealth apps must be well developed, preferably with an underlying behavioral change mechanism, to promote positive health behavior change. Digital CBT has the potential to become a powerful tool in overcoming current health care challenges. The present results should be replicated in a wider sample using the apps for a longer period so as to allow for generalizability. Further research is also needed to focus on the effect of greater personalization on behavioral change and on understanding the psychological barriers to the adoption of new mHealth solutions

    The Genetics of Adverse Drug Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes:A Systematic Review

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    Background: Adverse drug reactions (ADR) are a major clinical problem accounting for significant hospital admission rates, morbidity, mortality, and health care costs. One-third of people with diabetes experience at least one ADR. However, there is notable interindividual heterogeneity resulting in patient harm and unnecessary medical costs. Genomics is at the forefront of research to understand interindividual variability, and there are many genotype-drug response associations in diabetes with inconsistent findings. Here, we conducted a systematic review to comprehensively examine and synthesize the effect of genetic polymorphisms on the incidence of ADRs of oral glucose-lowering drugs in people with type 2 diabetes. Methods: A literature search was made to identify articles that included specific results of research on genetic polymorphism and adverse effects associated with oral glucose-lowering drugs. The electronic search was carried out on 3rd October 2020, through Cochrane Library, PubMed, and Web of Science using keywords and MeSH terms. Result: Eighteen articles consisting of 10, 383 subjects were included in this review. Carriers of reduced-function alleles of organic cation transporter 1 (OCT 1, encoded by SLC22A1) or reduced expression alleles of plasma membrane monoamine transporter (PMAT, encoded by SLC29A4) or serotonin transporter (SERT, encoded by SLC6A4) were associated with increased incidence of metformin-related gastrointestinal (GI) adverse effects. These effects were shown to exacerbate by concomitant treatment with gut transporter inhibiting drugs. The CYP2C9 alleles, (*)2 (rs1799853C>T) and (*)3 (rs1057910A>C) that are predictive of low enzyme activity were more common in subjects who experienced hypoglycemia after treatment with sulfonylureas. However, there was no significant association between sulfonylurea-related hypoglycemia and genetic variants in the ATP-binding cassette transporter sub-family C member 8 (ABCC8)/Potassium Inwardly Rectifying Channel Subfamily J Member 11 (KCNJ11). Compared to the wild type, the low enzyme activity C allele at CYP2C8(*)3 (rs1057910A>C) was associated with less weight gain whereas the C allele at rs6123045 in the NFATC2 gene was significantly associated with edema from rosiglitazone treatment. Conclusion: In spite of limited studies investigating genetics and ADR in diabetes, some convincing results are emerging. Genetic variants in genes encoding drug transporters and metabolizing enzymes are implicated in metformin-related GI adverse effects, and sulfonylurea-induced hypoglycemia, respectively. Further studies to investigate newer antidiabetic drugs such as DPP-4i, GLP-1RA, and SGLT2i are warranted. In addition, pharmacogenetic studies that account for race and ethnic differences are required

    Inhibition and kinetic studies of lignin degrading enzymes of Ganoderma boninense by naturally occurring phenolic compounds

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    Aim Lignolytic (lignin degrading) enzyme, from oil palm pathogen Ganoderma boninense Pat. (Syn G. orbiforme (Ryvarden)), is involved in the detoxification and the degradation of lignin in the oil palm and is the rate‐limiting step in the infection process of this fungus. Active inhibition of lignin‐degrading enzymes secreted by G. boninense by various naturally occurring phenolic compounds and estimation of efficiency on pathogen suppression was aimed at. Methods and Results In our work, 10 naturally occurring phenolic compounds were evaluated for their inhibitory potential towards the lignolytic enzymes of G. boninense. Additionally, the lignin‐degrading enzymes were characterized. Most of the peholic compounds exhibited an uncompetitive inhibition towards the lignin‐degrading enzymes. Benzoic acid was the superior inhibitor to the production of lignin‐degrading enzymes, when compared between the 10 phenolic compounds. The inhibitory potential of the phenolic compounds towards the lignin‐degrading enzymes are higher than that of the conventional metal ion inhibitor. The lignin‐degrading enzymes were stable in a wide range of pH but were sensitive to higher temperature. Conclusion The study demonstrated the inhibitor potential of 10 naturally occurring phenolic compounds towards the lignin‐degrading enzymes of G. boninense with different efficacies. Significance and Impact of the Study The study has shed a light towards a new management strategy to control basal stem rot disease in oil palm. It serves as a replacement for the existing chemical control

    Male breast cancer

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    Objective: To review cases of male breast cancer.Settings: Histopathology Section, Department of Pathology, The Aga Khan University, Karachi.Method: Fifty one cases of male breast cancer specimens, received during a period of 10 years, routinely processed and stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin were analyzed. Special stains and Immunohistochemistry were used in difficult cases.Results: Male breast cancer affected individuals in the sixth and seventh decades of life with a mean age of 56.2 years. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC) was the predominant type. Skin involvement was seen in 27.45% of the cases. Breast lump was the most common presenting symptom followed by skin ulceration. At the time of presentation 43.13% patients had a tumour size of more than 3 cm.Conclusion: Male breast cancer is a rare disease. Most of our findings correspond to the published local and international data