10,725 research outputs found

    Heavy QQ(bar) "Fireball" Annihilation to Multiple Vector Bosons

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    Drawing analogy of replacing the nucleon by heavy chiral quark QQ, the pion by Goldstone boson GG, and πNN\pi NN coupling by GQQGQQ coupling, we construct a statistical model for QQˉnGQ\bar Q \to nG annihilation, i.e. into nn longitudinal weak bosons. This analogy is becoming prescient since the LHC direct bound mQ>611m_Q > 611 GeV implies strong Yukawa coupling. Taking mQ(1,2)m_Q \in (1, 2) TeV, the mean number ranges from 6 to over 10, with negligible two or three boson production. With individual tt' or bb' decays suppressed either by phase space or quark mixing, and given the strong Yukawa coupling, QQˉnVLQ\bar Q\to nV_L is the likely outcome for very heavy QQˉQ\bar Q production at the LHC.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Flavor and CP Violation with Fourth Generations Revisited

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    The Standard Model predicts a very small CP violation phase sin2ΦBsSM0.04\sin2\Phi^{\rm SM}_{B_s} \simeq -0.04%= \arg M_{12} \simeq \arg\,(V^*_{ts}V_{tb})^2in in B_s--\bar B_smixing. mixing. %, i.e. of order \lambda^2\eta.Anyfinitevalueof. Any finite value of \Phi_{B_s}measuredattheTevatronwouldimplyNewPhysics.Withrecenthintsforfinite measured at the Tevatron would imply New Physics. With recent hints for finite \sin2\Phi_{B_s},experimentsattheTevatron,wereconsiderthepossibilityofa4thgeneration.Asrecentdirectsearchboundshavebecomeconsiderablyheavierthan300GeV,wetakethe, % have appeared from CDF and D\O\, experiments at the Tevatron, we reconsider the possibility of a 4th generation. As recent direct search bounds have become considerably heavier than 300 GeV, we take the t'masstobeneartheunitarityboundof500GeV.Combiningthemeasuredvaluesof mass to be near the unitarity bound of 500 GeV. Combining the measured values of \Delta m_{B_s}with with {\cal B}(B \to X_s\ell^+\ell^-),togetherwithtypical, together with typical f_{B_s}values,wefindasizable values, we find a sizable \sin2\Phi^{\rm SM4}_{B_s} \sim -0.33.Using. Using %a typical value of m_{b'} = 480GeV,weextracttherange GeV, we extract the range % a range of values, 0.06 < |V_{t'b}| < 0.13fromtheconstraintsof from the constraints of \Gamma(Z\to b\bar b),, \Delta m_{D}and and {\cal B}(K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu).Afuturemeasurementof. A future measurement of {\cal B}(K_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu)willdetermine will determine V_{t'd}$.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    General covariant Horava-Lifshitz gravity without projectability condition and its applications to cosmology

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    We consider an extended theory of Horava-Lifshitz gravity with the detailed balance condition softly breaking, but without the projectability condition. With the former, the number of independent coupling constants is significantly reduced. With the latter and by extending the original foliation-preserving diffeomorphism symmetry Diff(M,F) {{Diff}}(M, {\cal{F}}) to include a local U(1) symmetry, the spin-0 gravitons are eliminated. Thus, all the problems related to them disappear, including the instability, strong coupling, and different speeds in the gravitational sector. When the theory couples to a scalar field, we find that the scalar field is not only stable in both the ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR), but also free of the strong coupling problem, because of the presence of high-order spatial derivative terms of the scalar field. Furthermore, applying the theory to cosmology, we find that due to the additional U(1) symmetry, the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe is necessarily flat. We also investigate the scalar, vector, and tensor perturbations of the flat FRW universe, and derive the general linearized field equations for each kind of the perturbations.Comment: 19 pages, comments are welcome!!

    CP Violation in Fourth Generation Quark Decays

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    We show that, if a fourth generation is discovered at the Tevatron or LHC, one could study CP violation in b' \to s decays. Asymmetries could reach 30% for b'\to sZ for m_{b'} \lesssim 350 GeV, while it could be greater than 50% for b'\to s\gamma and extend to higher m_{b'}. Branching ratios are 10^{-3}--10^{-5}, and CPV measurement requires tagging. Once measured, however, the CPV phase can be extracted with little theoretical uncertainty.Comment: 4 pages, 7 eps figure

    Measuring the Fourth Generation b --> s Quadrangle at the LHC

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    We show that simultaneous precision measurement of the CP-violating phase in time-dependent Bs --> J/psi phi study and the Bs --> mu+ mu- rate, together with measuring m_t' by direct search at the LHC, would determine V_{t's}^*V_{t'b} and therefore the b --> s quadrangle in the four-generation standard model. The forward-backward asymmetry in B --> K* l+ l- provides further discrimination.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, revised based on LHC results released in this summer, to appear in PR

    A high order compact scheme for hypersonic aerothermodynamics

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    A novel high order compact scheme for solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations has been developed. The scheme is an extension of a method originally proposed for solving the Euler equations, and combines several techniques for the solution of compressible flowfields, such as upwinding, limiting and flux vector splitting, with the excellent properties of high order compact schemes. Extending the method to the Navier-Stokes equations is achieved via a Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting technique, which represents an unusual and attractive way to include viscous effects. This approach offers a more accurate and less computationally expensive technique than discretizations based on more conventional operator splitting. The Euler solver has been validated against several inviscid test cases, and results for several viscous test cases are also presented. The results confirm that the method is stable, accurate and has excellent shock-capturing capabilities for both viscous and inviscid flows

    Electroweak Beautygenesis: From b {\to} s CP-violation to the Cosmic Baryon Asymmetry

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    We address the possibility that CP-violation in BsBˉsB_s-\bar B_s mixing may help explain the origin of the cosmic baryon asymmetry. We propose a new baryogenesis mechanism - "Electroweak Beautygenesis" - explicitly showing that these two CP-violating phenomena can be sourced by a common CP-phase. As an illustration, we work in the Two-Higgs-Doublet model. Because the relevant CP-phase is flavor off-diagonal, this mechanism is less severely constrained by null results of electric dipole moment searches than other scenarios. We show how measurements of flavor observables by the D0, CDF, and LHCb collaborations test this scenario.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    An optical fibre dynamic instrumented palpation sensor for the characterisation of biological tissue

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    AbstractThe diagnosis of prostate cancer using invasive techniques (such as biopsy and blood tests for prostate-specific antigen) and non-invasive techniques (such as digital rectal examination and trans-rectal ultrasonography) may be enhanced by using an additional dynamic instrumented palpation approach to prostate tissue classification. A dynamically actuated membrane sensor/actuator has been developed that incorporates an optical fibre Fabry–Pérot interferometer to record the displacement of the membrane when it is pressed on to different tissue samples. The membrane sensor was tested on a silicon elastomer prostate model with enlarged and stiffer material on one side to simulate early stage prostate cancer. The interferometer measurement was found to have high dynamic range and accuracy, with a minimum displacement resolution of ±0.4μm over a 721μm measurement range. The dynamic response of the membrane sensor when applied to different tissue types changed depending on the stiffness of the tissue being measured. This demonstrates the feasibility of an optically tracked dynamic palpation technique for classifying tissue type based on the dynamic response of the sensor/actuator