4 research outputs found


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    The article examines the results of a dental examination of disabled children suffering from hearing impairment. The results of the questioning of parents by the statistical methods are analyzed and the factors affecting the dental health indicators of schoolchildren are examined. The authors assessed the need for dental care, its accessibility and the degree of patients’ satisfaction. The high prevalence of childhood disability and its steady growth create great difficulties in the medical care of this contingent of children. The purpose of the study was to study the dental health of disabled children with hearing impairment and to develop the recommendations for improving dental care for this category of children. The object of the study were the students of the budgetary school of general education Moscow Gimnasium № 1529 which is based on structure number 3 (I-II species - deaf, hard of hearing and deaf-mute children). The group of patients with hearing impairment consisted of 61 people, including 37 boys (60.7%) and 24 girls (39.3%). The study showed that the majority of schoolchildren have a satisfactory level of oral hygiene and caries index among children with disabilities is above the average for the Russian Federation.В статье рассмотрены результаты стоматологического осмотра детей-инвалидов, страдающих нарушениями слуха. С помощью статистических методов проанализированы результаты анкетирования родителей, а также рассмотрены факторы, влияющие на показатели стоматологического здоровья школьников. Оценены потребность в стоматологической помощи, её доступность и степень удовлетворённости пациентов. Высокая распространенность детской инвалидизации и ее неуклонный рост создают большие трудности в медицинском обслуживании этого контингента детей. Целью исследования было: изучить стоматологическое здоровье детей-инвалидов, страдающих нарушениями слуха, и разработать рекомендации по совершенствованию стоматологической помощи для данной категории детей. Объектом исследования выступали учащиеся государственного бюджетного общеобразовательного учреждения города Москвы Гимназия № 1529 имени А. С. Грибоедова на базе структуры № 3 (I-II вида - глухие, слабослышащие и глухонемые дети). В группу пациентов, страдающих нарушениями слуха, вошли 61 человек, в том числе 37 мальчиков (60,7%) и 24 девочки (39,3%). Исследование показало, что большинство школьников имеет удовлетворительный уровень гигиены полости рта, а показатель индекса КПУ среди детей-инвалидов превышает средний уровень по Российской Федерации

    The relationship of stomatological health of disabled children with hearing and vision impairment

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    The issue of preventing various diseases in children with disabilities is relevant around the world. The purpose of the study: to investigate the oral health of disabled children with hearing impairments and with visual impairments and to determine problematic issues of their dental care support. The individual face-to-face questionnaire survey was carried out covering parents (legal representatives) of students of special general education school for children with hearing and visual impairments. The analysis of results of preventive examination of students was implemented by stomatologist. Two categories of students were covered by the study: children with hearing impairment (first group) and children with visual impairment (second group), their families included. The first group consisted of 61 families with disabled children (37 boys (60.7%) and 24 girls (39.3%). The second group included 63 families with disabled children (35 boys (55.6%) and 28 girls (44.4%). The comparable structure of compared groups by age was established. The children aged 10-14 years dominated in both groups: 39.3% in the first one and 57.1% in the second one. The comparison of dental status of disabled children with various disorders of the senses was implemented according number of stomatological indices: caries activity, hygiene level, need for consultation by orthodontist. The patients with poor hygiene were significantly more common among children with visual impairment (38.1%) as compared with children with hearing impairment (3.3%). Also. 77.0% of patients with hearing impairments and 79.4% of patients with visual impairments needed advises of orthodontist. The families of 28.8% and 38.1% of patients in corresponding compared groups resorted to fee-for-service dental services. The first group characterized by statistically significantly higher percentage of dissatisfaction with quality of treatment and prevention (59.0% vs. 38.1%). The second most important problem was dissatisfaction with attitude of stomatologist to patients and their parents, which was noted in 16.4% and 28.6% of cases correspondingly. The stomatological health problems are very relevant for disabled children as they often suffer from oral diseases and have difficulties in accessing quality dental care. The prevalence of caries, especially sub- and de-compensated, in disabled children with visual and hearing impairments is significantly higher than in children population as a whole


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    The article examines the results of a dental examination of disabled children suffering from hearing impairment. The results of the questioning of parents by the statistical methods are analyzed and the factors affecting the dental health indicators of schoolchildren are examined. The authors assessed the need for dental care, its accessibility and the degree of patients’ satisfaction. The high prevalence of childhood disability and its steady growth create great difficulties in the medical care of this contingent of children. The purpose of the study was to study the dental health of disabled children with hearing impairment and to develop the recommendations for improving dental care for this category of children. The object of the study were the students of the budgetary school of general education Moscow Gimnasium № 1529 which is based on structure number 3 (I-II species - deaf, hard of hearing and deaf-mute children). The group of patients with hearing impairment consisted of 61 people, including 37 boys (60.7%) and 24 girls (39.3%). The study showed that the majority of schoolchildren have a satisfactory level of oral hygiene and caries index among children with disabilities is above the average for the Russian Federation.В статье рассмотрены результаты стоматологического осмотра детей-инвалидов, страдающих нарушениями слуха. С помощью статистических методов проанализированы результаты анкетирования родителей, а также рассмотрены факторы, влияющие на показатели стоматологического здоровья школьников. Оценены потребность в стоматологической помощи, её доступность и степень удовлетворённости пациентов. Высокая распространенность детской инвалидизации и ее неуклонный рост создают большие трудности в медицинском обслуживании этого контингента детей. Целью исследования было: изучить стоматологическое здоровье детей-инвалидов, страдающих нарушениями слуха, и разработать рекомендации по совершенствованию стоматологической помощи для данной категории детей. Объектом исследования выступали учащиеся государственного бюджетного общеобразовательного учреждения города Москвы Гимназия № 1529 имени А. С. Грибоедова на базе структуры № 3 (I-II вида - глухие, слабослышащие и глухонемые дети). В группу пациентов, страдающих нарушениями слуха, вошли 61 человек, в том числе 37 мальчиков (60,7%) и 24 девочки (39,3%). Исследование показало, что большинство школьников имеет удовлетворительный уровень гигиены полости рта, а показатель индекса КПУ среди детей-инвалидов превышает средний уровень по Российской Федерации

    Analysis of activity of health workers in educational organizations and needs for medical care of children with disabilities

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    Objective: study of the current state of medical support for children in educational organizations and an assessment of the needs of children with disabilities in medical care. Material and Methods. According to the results of the sociological survey (1796 profile views), the analysis of the health workers' activities in educational organizations implementing the adapted basic general education programs was carried out. According to the preventive examination of children with disabilities (124 people) and of the survey of parents (124 profile views), the article assesses the effectiveness of preventive work with children and parents to strengthen the dental health of schoolchildren in Moscow. Results. The majority of medical workers in educational institutions implementing adapted basic general education programs are represented by specialists with secondary medical education (77.2%). Among specialists needed in educational organizations, dentist is often called. The need for children with disabilities in dental care is confirmed by data obtained during the study of dental health of children with hearing impairment and children with visual impairments. Conclusion. One of the areas of medical care for children with disabilities in educational organizations is active monitoring of the health of children and the implementation of comprehensive preventive measures, which requires the involvement of more health workers.</p