17 research outputs found

    Women are less likely to study STEM subjects - but disadvantaged women are even less so

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    The gender divide in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics study is more complicated than most researchers, policy makers, and practitioners previously thought, writes Natasha Codiroli Mcmaster. She explains that young women's social circumstances play a key role in whether they choose to study STEM at university

    Rock magnetism of quartz and feldspars chemically separated from pelagic red clay: a new approach to provenance study

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    金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系Magnetic mineral inclusions in silicates are widespread in sediments as well as in igneous rocks. Because they are isolated from surrounding environment, they have potential to preserve original magnetic signature even in chemically altered sediments. Such inclusions may provide proxies to help differentiating the source of the host silicate. We measure magnetism of quartz and feldspars separated by chemical digestion of pelagic red clay. The samples are from the upper 15 m of sediments recovered at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1366 in the South Pacific Gyre. The quartz and feldspars account for 2.3–22.7 wt% of the samples. X-ray diffraction analyses detect both plagioclase feldspar and potassium feldspar. Plagioclase is albite-rich and abundant in the top ~ 7.4 m of the core. Potassium feldspar mainly occurs below ~ 10.4 m. The dominance of albite-rich plagioclase differs from a previous investigation of coarser fraction of sediments from the South Pacific. Saturation isothermal remanence (SIRM) intensities of the quartz and feldspars are 7.45 × 10−4 to 1.98 × 10−3 Am2/kg, accounting for less than 1.02% of the SIRM of the untreated bulk samples. The depth variations of the silicate mineralogy and the previously reported geochemical end-member contributions indicate that quartz and/or plagioclase above 8.26 m is likely to be Australian dust. In contrast, the relative abundance and the magnetic properties of quartz and feldspars vary below 10.42 m, without clear correlation with geochemical end-member contributions. We consider that these changes trace a subdivision of the volcanic component. Our results demonstrate that magnetism of inclusions can reveal additional information of mineral provenance, and chemical separation is an essential approach to reveal the environmental magnetic information carried by magnetic inclusions.[Figure not available: see fulltext.]. © 2018, The Author(s)

    Unmixing biogenic and terrigenous magnetic mineral components in red clay of the Pacific Ocean using principal component analyses of first-order reversal curve diagrams and paleoenvironmental implications

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    金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系Red clay widely occupies the seafloor of pelagic environments in middle latitudes, and potentially preserves long paleoceanographic records. We conducted a rock-magnetic study of Pacific Ocean red clay to elucidate paleoenvironmental changes. Three piston cores from the western North Pacific Ocean and IODP Hole U1365A cores in the South Pacific Ocean were studied here. Principal component analyses applied to first-order reversal curve diagrams (FORC-PCA) reveals three magnetic components (endmembers EM1 through EM3) in a core of the western North Pacific. EM1, which represents the features of interacting single-domain (SD) and vortex states, is interpreted to be of terrigenous origin. EM2 and EM3 are carried by non-interacting SD grains with different coercivity distributions, which are interpreted to be of biogenic origin. The EM1 contribution suddenly increases upcore at a depth of ~ 2.7 m, which indicates increased eolian dust input. The age of this event is estimated to be around the Eocene–Oligocene (E/O) boundary. Transmission electron microscopy reveals that EM2 is dominated by magnetofossils with equant octahedral morphology, while EM3 has a higher proportion of bullet-shaped magnetofossils. An increased EM3 contribution from ~ 6.7 to 8.2 m suggests that the sediments were in the oxic–anoxic transition zone (OATZ), although the core is oxidized in its entire depth now. The chemical conditions of OATZ may have been caused by higher biogenic productivity near the equator. FORC-PCA of Hole U1365A cores identified two EMs, terrigenous (EM1) and biogenic (EM2). The coercivity distribution of the biogenic component at Hole U1365A is similar to that of the lower coercivity biogenic component in the western North Pacific. A sudden upcore terrigenous-component increase is also evident at Hole U1365A with an estimated age around the E/O boundary. The increased terrigenous component may have been caused by the gradual tectonic drift of the sites on the lee of arid continental regions in Asia and Australia, respectively. Alternatively, the eolian increase may have been coeval in the both hemispheres and associated with the global cooling at the E/O boundary. [Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2020, The Author(s)

    Visualization of basement membranes by a nidogen-based fluorescent reporter in mice

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    Basement membranes (BMs) are thin, sheet-like extracellular structures that cover the basal side of epithelial and endothelial tissues and provide structural and functional support to adjacent cell layers. The molecular structure of BMs is a fine meshwork that incorporates specialized extracellular matrix proteins. Recently, live visualization of BMs in invertebrates demonstrated that their structure is flexible and dynamically rearranged during cell differentiation and organogenesis. However, the BM dynamics in mammalian tissues remain to be elucidated. We developed a mammalian BM imaging probe based on nidogen-1, a major BM-specific protein. Recombinant human nidogen-1 fused with an enhanced green fluorescent protein (Nid1-EGFP) retains its ability to bind to other BM proteins, such as laminin, type IV collagen, and perlecan, in a solid-phase binding assay. When added to the culture medium of embryoid bodies derived from mouse ES cells, recombinant Nid1-EGFP accumulated in the BM zone of embryoid bodies, and BMs were visualized in vitro. For in vivo BM imaging, a knock-in reporter mouse line expressing human nidogen-1 fused to the red fluorescent protein mCherry (R26-CAG-Nid1-mCherry) was generated. R26-CAG-Nid1-mCherry showed fluorescently labeled BMs in early embryos and adult tissues, such as the epidermis, intestine, and skeletal muscles, whereas BM fluorescence was unclear in several other tissues, such as the lung and heart. In the retina, Nid1-mCherry fluorescence visualized the BMs of vascular endothelium and pericytes. In the developing retina, Nid1-mCherry fluorescence labeled the BM of the major central vessels; however, the BM fluorescence were hardly observed in the peripheral growing tips of the vascular network, despite the presence of endothelial BM. Time-lapse observation of the retinal vascular BM after photobleaching revealed gradual recovery of Nid1-mCherry fluorescence, suggesting the turnover of BM components in developing retinal blood vessels. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of in vivo BM imaging using a genetically engineered mammalian model. Although R26-CAG-Nid1-mCherry has some limitations as an in vivo BM imaging model, it has potential applications in the study of BM dynamics during mammalian embryogenesis, tissue regeneration, and pathogenesis