62 research outputs found

    Giant Magnon and Spike Solutions with Two Spins in AdS4xCP3

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    In the string theory in AdS_4 \times CP^3 we construct the giant magnon and spike solutions with two spins in two kinds of subspaces of R_t \times CP^3 and derive the dispersion relations for them. For the single giant magnon solution in one subspace we show that its dispersion relation is associated with that of the big one-spin giant magnon solution in the RP^2 subspace. For the single giant magnon solution in the other complementary subspace its dispersion relation is similar to that of the one-spin giant magnon solution living in the S^2 subspace but has one additional spin dependence.Comment: 13pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Asymptotic AdS String Solutions for Null Polygonal Wilson Loops in R^{1,2}

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    For the asymptotic string solution in AdS_3 which is represented by the AdS_3 Poincare coordinates and yields the planar multi-gluon scattering amplitude at strong coupling in arXiv:0904.0663, we express it by the AdS_4 Poincare coordinates and demonstrate that the hexagonal and octagonal Wilson loops surrounding the string surfaces take closed contours consisting of null vectors in R^{1,2} owing to the relations of Stokes matrices. For the tetragonal Wilson loop we construct a string solution characterized by two parameters by solving the auxiliary linear problems and demanding a reality condition, and analyze the asymptotic behavior of the solution in R^{1,2}. The freedoms of two parameters are related with some conformal SO(2,4) transformations.Comment: 17pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Spiky Strings with Two Spins in AdS5

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    Using the reduction of the string sigma model to the 1-d Neumann integrable model we reconstruct the closed string solution with two equal spins in AdS_5 which is specified by the number of round arcs and one winding number. From the string sigma model itself as well as its reducion to the Neumann-Rosochatius system we construct a spiky string solution with two unequal spins in AdS_5 whose ratio is fixed and derive its energy-spin relation. The string configuration is characterized by the number of spikes and two equal winding numbers associated with the two rotating angular directions

    Membrane, Four-Brane and Dual Coordinates in the M(atrix) Theory Compactified on Tori

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    In the M(atrix) theory by making the expansions of the matrices around the membrane and four-brane solutions we derive the three- and five-dimensional gauge theories on the dual tori. The explicit forms of solutions yield the dual coordinates and each expansion is related to a toroidal compactification of the M(atrix) theory. From the derived Lorentz and gauge invariant actions the gauge coupling constants are shown to be characterized by the volume of the dual tori.Comment: 9 pages, latex, no figure

    Conformal Transformations and Strings for an Accelerating Quark-Antiquark Pair in AdS3

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    From a simple moving open string solution dual to a moving heavy quark with constant velocity in the Poincare AdS_3 spacetime, we construct an accerlerating open string solution dual to a heavy quark-antiquark pair accelerated in opposite directions by performing the three mappings such as the SL(2,R)_L x SL(2,R)_R isometry transformation, the special conformal transformation and the conformal SO(2,2) transformation. Using the string sigma model action we construct two open string solutions staying in two different regions whose dividing line is associated with the event horizon appeared on the string worldsheet and obtain the accelerating open string solution by gluing two such solutions.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, no figure