12,279 research outputs found

    MAGMA: a 3D, Lagrangian magnetohydrodynamics code for merger applications

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    We present a new, completely Lagrangian magnetohydrodynamics code that is based on the SPH method. The equations of self-gravitating hydrodynamics are derived self-consistently from a Lagrangian and account for variable smoothing length (``grad-h''-) terms in both the hydrodynamic and the gravitational acceleration equations. The evolution of the magnetic field is formulated in terms of so-called Euler potentials which are advected with the fluid and thus guarantee the MHD flux-freezing condition. This formulation is equivalent to a vector potential approach and therefore fulfills the B=0\vec{\nabla}\cdot\vec{B}=0-constraint by construction. Extensive tests in one, two and three dimensions are presented. The tests demonstrate the excellent conservation properties of the code and show the clear superiority of the Euler potentials over earlier magnetic SPH formulations.Comment: 18 pages, 17 Figures, a high resolution copy of the paper can be found at http://www.faculty.iu-bremen.de/srosswog/MAGMA.pd

    Real Space Effective Interaction and Phase Transition in the Lowest Landau Level

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    The transition between the stripe state and the liquid state in a high magnetic field is studied by the density-matrix renormalization-group (DMRG) method. Systematic analysis on the ground state of two-dimensional electrons in the lowest Landau level shows that the transition from the stripe state to the liquid state at v=3/8 is caused by a reduction of repulsive interaction around r=3. The same reduction of the interaction also stabilizes the incompressible liquid states at v=1/3 and 2/5, which shows a similarity between the two liquid states at v=3/8 and 1/3. It is also shown that the strong short-range interaction around r=1 in the lowest Landau level makes qualitatively different stripe correlations compared with that in higher Landau levels.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.73, No.8 (2004

    Josephson Plasma in RuSr2GdCu2O8

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    Josephson plasma in RuSr2_{2}GdCu2_{2}O8_{8}, Ru1x_{1-x}Sr2_{2}GdCu2+x_{2+x}O8_{8} (x = 0.3), and RuSr2_{2}Eu2x_{2-x}Cex_{x}Cu2_{2}O10_{10} (x = 0.5) compounds is investigated by the sphere resonance method. The Josephson plasma is observed in a low-frequency region (around 8.5 cm1^{-1} at T \ll TcT_{c}) for ferromagnetic RuSr2_{2}GdCu2_{2}O8_{8}, while it increases to 35 cm1^{-1} for non-ferromagnetic Ru1x_{1-x}Sr2_{2}GdCu2+x_{2+x}O8_{8} (x = 0.3), which represents a large reduction in the Josephson coupling at ferromagnetic RuO2_{2} block layers. The temperature dependence of the plasma does not shift to zero frequency ({\it i.e.} jcj_{c} = 0) at low temperatures, indicating that there is no transition from the 0-phase to the π\pi-phase in these compounds. The temperature dependence and the oscillator strength of the peak are different from those of other non-magnetic cuprates, and the origins of these anomalies are discussed.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev.B Rapid Com

    Black Hole-Neutron Star Mergers: Disk Mass Predictions

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    Determining the final result of black hole-neutron star mergers, and in particular the amount of matter remaining outside the black hole at late times and its properties, has been one of the main motivations behind the numerical simulation of these systems. Black hole-neutron star binaries are amongst the most likely progenitors of short gamma-ray bursts --- as long as massive (probably a few percents of a solar mass), hot accretion disks are formed around the black hole. Whether this actually happens strongly depends on the physical characteristics of the system, and in particular on the mass ratio, the spin of the black hole, and the radius of the neutron star. We present here a simple two-parameter model, fitted to existing numerical results, for the determination of the mass remaining outside the black hole a few milliseconds after a black hole-neutron star merger (i.e. the combined mass of the accretion disk, the tidal tail, and the potential ejecta). This model predicts the remnant mass within a few percents of the mass of the neutron star, at least for remnant masses up to 20% of the neutron star mass. Results across the range of parameters deemed to be the most likely astrophysically are presented here. We find that, for 10 solar mass black holes, massive disks are only possible for large neutron stars (R>12km), or quasi-extremal black hole spins (a/M>0.9). We also use our model to discuss how the equation of state of the neutron star affects the final remnant, and the strong influence that this can have on the rate of short gamma-ray bursts produced by black hole-neutron star mergers.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Aligned spin neutron star-black hole mergers: a gravitational waveform amplitude model

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    The gravitational radiation emitted during the merger of a black hole with a neutron star is rather similar to the radiation from the merger of two black holes when the neutron star is not tidally disrupted. When tidal disruption occurs, gravitational waveforms can be broadly classified in two groups, depending on the spatial extent of the disrupted material. Extending previous work by some of us, here we present a phenomenological model for the gravitational waveform amplitude in the frequency domain encompassing the three possible outcomes of the merger: no tidal disruption, "mild" and "strong" tidal disruption. The model is calibrated to 134 general-relativistic numerical simulations of binaries where the black hole spin is either aligned or antialigned with the orbital angular momentum. All simulations were produced using the SACRA code and piecewise polytropic neutron star equations of state. The present model can be used to determine when black-hole binary waveforms are sufficient for gravitational-wave detection, to extract information on the equation of state from future gravitational-wave observations, to obtain more accurate estimates of black hole-neutron star merger event rates, and to determine the conditions under which these systems are plausible candidates as central engines of gamma-ray bursts, macronovae and kilonovae.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Three-dimensional MHD Simulations of Jets from Accretion Disks

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    We report the results of 3-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of a jet formation by the interaction between an accretion disk and a large scale magnetic field. The disk is not treated as a boundary condition but is solved self-consistently. To investigate the stability of MHD jet, the accretion disk is perturbed with a non-axisymmetric sinusoidal or random fluctuation of the rotational velocity. The dependences of the jet velocity (vz)(v_z), mass outflow rate (M˙w)(\dot{M}_w), and mass accretion rate (M˙a)(\dot{M}_a) on the initial magnetic field strength in both non-axisymmetric cases are similar to those in the axisymmetric case. That is, vzB01/3v_z \propto B_0^{1/3}, M˙wB0\dot{M}_w \propto B_0 and M˙aB01.4\dot{M}_a \propto B_0^{1.4} where B0B_0 is the initial magnetic field strength. The former two relations are consistent with the Michel's steady solution, vz(B02/M˙w)1/3v_z \propto (B_0^2/\dot{M}_w)^{1/3}, although the jet and accretion do not reach the steady state. In both perturbation cases, a non-axisymmetric structure with m=2m=2 appears in the jet, where mm means the azimuthal wave number. This structure can not be explained by Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and seems to originate in the accretion disk. Non-axisymmetric modes in the jet reach almost constant levels after about 1.5 orbital periods of the accretion disk, while all modes in the accretion disk grow with oscillation. As for the angular momentum transport by Maxwell stress, the vertical component, ,iscomparabletotheradialcomponent,, is comparable to the radial component, , in the wide range of initial magnetic field strength.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. The pdf file with high resolution figures can be downloaded at http://www.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~hiromitu/3j050806.pd

    Gravitational waves from nonspinning black hole-neutron star binaries: dependence on equations of state

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    We report results of a numerical-relativity simulation for the merger of a black hole-neutron star binary with a variety of equations of state (EOSs) modeled by piecewise polytropes. We focus in particular on the dependence of the gravitational waveform at the merger stage on the EOSs. The initial conditions are computed in the moving-puncture framework, assuming that the black hole is nonspinning and the neutron star has an irrotational velocity field. For a small mass ratio of the binaries (e.g., MBH/MNS = 2 where MBH and MNS are the masses of the black hole and neutron star, respectively), the neutron star is tidally disrupted before it is swallowed by the black hole irrespective of the EOS. Especially for less-compact neutron stars, the tidal disruption occurs at a more distant orbit. The tidal disruption is reflected in a cutoff frequency of the gravitational-wave spectrum, above which the spectrum amplitude exponentially decreases. A clear relation is found between the cutoff frequency of the gravitational-wave spectrum and the compactness of the neutron star. This relation also depends weakly on the stiffness of the EOS in the core region of the neutron star, suggesting that not only the compactness but also the EOS at high density is reflected in gravitational waveforms. The mass of the disk formed after the merger shows a similar correlation with the EOS, whereas the spin of the remnant black hole depends primarily on the mass ratio of the binary, and only weakly on the EOS. Properties of the remnant disks are also analyzed.Comment: 27pages, 21 figures; erratum is added on Aug 5. 201

    The Acceleration Mechanism of Resistive MHD Jets Launched from Accretion Disks

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    We analyzed the results of non-linear resistive magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulations of jet formation to study the acceleration mechanism of axisymmetric, resistive MHD jets. The initial state is a constant angular momentum, polytropic torus threaded by weak uniform vertical magnetic fields. The time evolution of the torus is simulated by applying the CIP-MOCCT scheme extended for resistive MHD equations. We carried out simulations up to 50 rotation period at the innermost radius of the disk created by accretion from the torus. The acceleration forces and the characteristics of resistive jets were studied by computing forces acting on Lagrangian test particles. Since the angle between the rotation axis of the disk and magnetic field lines is smaller in resistive models than in ideal MHD models, magnetocentrifugal acceleration is smaller. The effective potential along a magnetic field line has maximum around z0.5r0z \sim 0.5r_0 in resistive models, where r0r_0 is the radius where the density of the initial torus is maximum. Jets are launched after the disk material is lifted to this height by pressure gradient force. Even in this case, the main acceleration force around the slow magnetosonic point is the magnetocentrifugal force. The power of the resistive MHD jet is comparable to the mechanical energy liberated in the disk by mass accretion. Joule heating is not essential for the formation of jets.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap

    Magnetically Driven Jets in the Kerr Metric

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    We compute a series of three-dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of accretion flows in the Kerr metric to investigate the properties of the unbound outflows that result. The overall strength of these outflows increases sharply with increasing black hole rotation rate, but a number of generic features are found in all cases. The mass in the outflow is concentrated in a hollow cone whose opening angle is largely determined by the effective potential for matter orbiting with angular momentum comparable to that of the innermost stable circular orbit. The dominant force accelerating the matter outward comes from the pressure of the accretion disk's corona. The principal element that shapes the outflow is therefore the centrifugal barrier preventing accreting matter from coming close to the rotation axis. Inside the centrifugal barrier, the cone contains very little matter and is dominated by electromagnetic fields that rotate at a rate tied closely to the rotation of the black hole. These fields carry an outward-going Poynting flux whose immediate energy source is the rotating spacetime of the Kerr black hole. When the spin parameter a/M of the black hole exceeds ~0.9, the energy carried to infinity by these outflows can be comparable to the nominal radiative efficiency predicted in the Novikov-Thorne model. Similarly, the expelled angular momentum can be comparable to that accreted by the black hole. Both the inner electromagnetic part and the outer matter part can contribute in significant fashion to the energy and angular momentum of the outflow.Comment: 43 pages 12 figures To Appear in the Astrophysical Journal replaced figure 3c with correct imag