2,652 research outputs found

    On the perfect lattice actions of abelian-projected SU(2) QCD

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    We study the perfect lattice actions of abelian-projected SU(2) gluodynamics. Using the BKT and duality transformations on the lattice, an effective string model is derived from the direction-dependent quadratic monopole action, obtained numerically from SU(2) gluodynamics in maximally abelian gauge. The string tension and the restoration of continuum rotational invariance are investigated using strong coupling expansion of lattice string model analytically. We also found that the block spin transformation can be performed analytically for the quadratic monopole action.Comment: 3 pages, Latex, 1 figures; talk presented at LATTICE9

    Transport through superconductor/magnetic dot/superconductor structures

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    The coupling of two s-wave superconductors through a small magnetic dot is discussed. Assuming that the dot charging energy is small compared to the superconducting gap, EcΔE_c\ll \Delta, and that the moment of the dot is classical, we develop a simple theory of transport through the dot. The presence of the magnetic dot will position Andreev bound states within the superconducting gap at energies tunable with the magnetic properties of the dot. Studying the Josephson coupling it is shown that the constructed junction can be tuned from a "0" to a "π\pi"-junction via a degenerate two-level state either by changing the magnetic moment of the dot or by changing temperature. Furthermore, it is shown that details of the magnetic dot can be extracted from the sub-harmonic structure in the current-voltage characteristics of the junction.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, paper presented at the conference SDP 2001 in Tokyo on June 2

    Entanglement Entropy of Two Spheres

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    We study the entanglement entropy S_{AB} of a massless free scalar field on two spheres A and B whose radii are R_1 and R_2, respectively, and the distance between the centers of them is r. The state of the massless free scalar field is the vacuum state. We obtain the result that the mutual information S_{A;B}:=S_A+S_B-S_{AB} is independent of the ultraviolet cutoff and proportional to the product of the areas of the two spheres when r>>R_1,R_2, where S_A and S_B are the entanglement entropy on the inside region of A and B, respectively. We discuss possible connections of this result with the physics of black holes.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures; v4, added references, revised argument in section V, a typo in eq.(25) corrected, published versio

    Suppressed Coherence due to Orbital Correlations in the Ferromagnetically Ordered Metallic Phase of Mn Compounds

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    Small Drude weight DD together with small specific heat coefficient γ\gamma observed in the ferromagnetic phase of R1x_{1-x}Ax_xMnO3_3 (R=La, Pr, Nd, Sm; A=Ca, Sr, Ba) are analyzed in terms of a proximity effect of the Mott insulator. The scaling theory for the metal-insulator transition with the critical enhancement of orbital correlations toward the staggered ordering of two ege_g orbitals such as 3x2r23x^2-r^2 and 3y2r23y^2-r^2 symmetries may lead to the critical exponents of DδuD \propto \delta^{u} and γδv\gamma \propto \delta^v with u=3/2u=3/2 and v=0v=0. The result agrees with the experimental indications.Comment: 4 pages LaTeX using jpsj.sty. To appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 67(1998)No.

    Beyond the Medial Regions of Prefrontal Cortex in the Regulation of Fear and Anxiety.

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    Fear and anxiety are adaptive responses but if left unregulated, or inappropriately regulated, they become biologically and socially maladaptive. Dysregulated emotions are manifest in a wide variety of psychiatric and neurological conditions but the external expression gives little indication of the underlying causes, which are inevitably multi-determined. To go beyond the overt phenotype and begin to understand the causal mechanisms leading to conditions characterized by anxiety and disorders of mood, it is necessary to identify the base psychological processes that have become dysregulated, and map them on to their associated neural substrates. So far, attention has been focused primarily on the medial regions of prefrontal cortex (PFC) and in particular their contribution to the expression and extinction of conditioned fear. However, functional neuroimaging studies have shown that the sphere of influence within the PFC is not restricted to its medial regions, but extends into dorsal, ventrolateral (vlPFC) and orbitofrontal (OFC) regions too; although the causal role of these other areas in the regulation of fear and anxiety remains to be determined and in the case of the OFC, existing findings are conflicting. Here, we review the evidence for the contribution of these other regions in negative emotion regulation in rodents and old world and new world monkeys. We consider a variety of different contexts, including conditioned and innate fear, learned and unlearned anxiety and cost-benefit decision-making, and a range of physiological and behavioral measures of emotion. It is proposed that both the OFC and vlPFC contribute to emotion regulation via their involvement, respectively, in the prediction of future outcomes and higher-order attentional control. The fractionation of these neurocognitive and neurobehavioral systems that regulate fear and anxiety opens up new opportunities for diagnostic stratification and personalized treatment strategies.This research was supported by a Medical Research Programme Grant (G0901884) from the Medical Research Council (MRC), UK to ACR and carried out within the Behavioral and Clinical Neurosciences Institute supported by a consortium award from the Wellcome Trust and the MRC.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Frontiers via http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fnsys.2016.0001

    Susceptibility of the one-dimensional, dimerized Hubbard model

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    We show that the zero temperature susceptibility of the one-dimensional, dimerized Hubbard model at quarter-filling can be accurately determined on the basis of exact diagonalization of small clusters. The best procedure is to perform a finite-size scaling of the spin velocity uσu_\sigma, and to calculate the susceptibility from the Luttinger liquid relation χ=2/πuσ\chi=2/\pi u_\sigma. We show that these results are reliable by comparing them with the analytical results that can be obtained in the weak and strong coupling limits. We have also used quantum Monte Carlo simulations to calculate the temperature dependence of the susceptibility for parameters that should be relevant to the Bechgaard salts. This shows that, used together, these numerical techniques are able to give precise estimates of the low temperature susceptibility of realistic one-dimensional models of correlated electrons.Comment: 10 pages, latex, figures available from the authors. To appear in Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Comm

    Spin dynamics of a one-dimensional spin-1/2 fully anisotropic Ising-like antiferromagnet in a transverse magnetic field

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    We consider the one-dimensional Ising-like fully anisotropic S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic Hamiltonian and study the dynamics of domain wall excitations in the presence of transverse magnetic field hxh_x. We obtain dynamical spin correlation functions along the magnetic field Sxx(q,ω)S^{xx}(q,\omega) and perpendicular to it Syy(q,ω)S^{yy}(q,\omega). It is shown that the line shapes of Sxx(q,ω)S^{xx}(q,\omega) and Syy(q,ω)S^{yy}(q,\omega) are purely symmetric at the zone-boundary. It is observed in Syy(q,ω)S^{yy}(q,\omega) for π/2<q<π\pi/2<q<\pi that the spectral weight moves toward low energy side with the increase of hxh_x. This model is applicable to study the spin dynamics of CsCoCl3_3 in the presence of weak interchain interactions.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 12 eps figure

    Variational Monte Carlo Study of the Kondo Necklace Model with Geometrical Frustration

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    We investigate the ground state of the Kondo necklace model on geometrically-frustrated lattices by the variational Monte Carlo simulation. To explore the possibility of a partially-ordered phase, we employ an extension of the Yosida-type wave function as a variational state, which can describe a coexistence of spin-singlet formation due to the Kondo coupling and magnetic ordering by the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction. We show the benchmark of the numerical simulation to demonstrate the high precision brought by the optimization of a large number of variational parameters. We discuss the ground-state phase diagram for the model on the kagome lattice in comparison with that for the triangular-lattice case.Comment: 3 pages, proceedings for ICHE201

    Phase Diagram of Lattice-Spin System RbCoBr3_3

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    We study the lattice-spin model of RbCoBr3_3 which is proposed by Shirahata and Nakamura, by mean field approximation. This model is an Ising spin system on a distorted triangular lattice. There are two kinds of frustrated variables, that is, the lattice and spin. We obtain a phase diagram of which phase boundary is drawn continuously in a whole region. Intermediate phases that include a partial disordered state appear. The model has the first-order phase transitions in addition to the second-order phase transitions. We find a three-sublattice ferrimagnetic state in the phase diagram. The three-sublattice ferrimagnetic state does not appear when the lattice is not distorted.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, jpsj2.cls, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.75 (2006) No.