1,368 research outputs found

    Sexualized Violence is a Citizenly Issue: Neoliberalism, the Affective Economy of Fear and Fighting Approaches to Sexualized Violence Prevention

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    This paper investigates how Western forms of citizenship, formed and informed by (neo)liberal ideologies of governance, mediate strategies for sexualized violence prevention. Focusing on one sexualized violence prevention strategy, what I term “the fighting approach,” I argue that the successes and failures of sexualized violence prevention are contingent upon their commensurability with, and amenability to, the goals of broader sociopolitical systems and discourses of belonging: namely, classical liberal and neoliberal ideals of the citizen. RĂ©sumĂ© Cet article examine comment les formes occidentales de citoyennetĂ©, formĂ©es et Ă©clairĂ©es par les idĂ©ologies (nĂ©o) libĂ©rales de gouvernance, influencent les stratĂ©gies de prĂ©vention de la violence Ă  caractĂšre sexuel. En me penchant sur une stratĂ©gie de prĂ©vention de la violence Ă  caractĂšre sexuel, ce que j’appelle « l’approche combattante Â», j’avance l’argument que les rĂ©ussites et les Ă©checs de la prĂ©vention de la violence Ă  caractĂšre sexuel dĂ©pendent de son adĂ©quation aux objectifs de systĂšmes sociopolitiques plus larges et de discours d’appartenance et de sa capacitĂ© Ă  accommoder ces objectifs : notamment les idĂ©aux libĂ©raux classiques et les idĂ©aux nĂ©olibĂ©raux du citoyen

    Graduate Recital:David Shewan, French Horn

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    Kemp Recital Hall Sunday Evening April 6, 2008 9:00p.m

    The excavation of Non Ban Jak, Northeast Thailand - A report on the first three seasons

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    Non Ban Jak is a large, moated site located in the upper Mun Valley, Northeast Thailand. Excavations over three seasons in 2011-4 have revealed a sequence of occupation that covers the final stage of the local Iron Age. The site is enclosed by two broad moats and banks, and comprises an eastern and a western mound separated by a lower intervening area. The first season opened an 8 by 8 m square on the eastern mound, while the second and third seasons uncovered part of the low terrain rising into the western mound, encompassing an area of 25 by 10 m. The former revealed a sequence of industrial, residential and mortuary activity that involved the construction of houses, kiln firing of ceramic vessels and the interment of the dead within residences. The latter involved four phases of a late Iron Age cemetery, which again incorporated house floors and wall foundations, as well as further evidence for ceramic manufacture. The excavation sheds light on a late Iron Age town occupied at the threshold of state formation

    So far, yet so close: α-Catenin dimers help migrating cells get together

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    Epithelial cells in tissues use their actin cytoskeletons to stick together, whereas unattached cells make active plasma membrane protrusions to migrate. In this issue, Wood et al. (2017. J. Cell Biol. https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201612006) show that the junction component α-catenin is critical in freely moving cells to promote adhesion and migration

    Polyamine-Polyamine and Polyamine-Protein Transport Inhibitor Conjugates and Their Use as Pharmaceuticals and in Research Relating to Polyamine Transport

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    Novel classes of inhibitors which selectively inhibit the cellular transport of normally transported substances, specifically polyamines are taught which comprise (i) polymers of the transported substance or (ii) protein or polypeptide conjugates of the transported substance. These inhibitors may be used in vitro to assess the effect of the transported substance on cellular functions and in vivo for treating disease conditions involving transport of the particular substance, e.g., a polyamine

    The cAMP-producing agonist beraprost inhibits human vascular smooth muscle cell migration via exchange protein directly activated by cAMP

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    This work was supported by the British Heart foundation (grant FS/11/23/28730). J.S.M. was funded by a British Heart Foundation PhD studentship. Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by the Charities Open Access Fund (UK).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    HCO3- transport through anoctamin/transmembrane protein ANO1/TMEM16A, in pancreatic acinar cells, regulates luminal pH

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    The identification of ANO1/TMEM16A as the likely calcium-dependent chloride channel of exocrine glands has led to a more detailed understanding of its biophysical properties. This includes a calcium-dependent change in channel selectivity and evidence that HCO3-permeability can be significant. Here we use freshly isolated pancreatic acini that preserve the luminal structure to measure intraluminal pH and test the idea that ANO1/TMEM16A contributes to luminal pH balance. Our data show that, under physiologically relevant stimulation with 10 pm cholesystokinin, the luminal acid load that results from the exocytic fusion of zymogen granules is significantly blunted by HCO3-buffer in comparison with HEPES, and that this is blocked by the specific TMEM16A inhibitor T16inh-A01. Furthermore, in a model of acute pancreatitis, we observed substantive luminal acidification and provide evidence that ANO1/TMEM16A acts to attenuate this pH shift. We conclude that ANO1/TMEM16A is a significant pathway in pancreatic acinar cells for HCO3-secretion into the lumen

    Revisiting Prei Khmeng: The Excavation of an Iron Age Settlement and Cemetery in Cambodia

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    Prei Khmeng, village 13 km northwest of Siem Reap, Cambodia, is noted for the presence of one of the region’s earliest monuments, Prasat Prei Khmeng. Aside from its ruined temple, Prei Khmeng is an important prehistoric occupation site that immediately pre-dates the foundation of the temple. First excavated by a Franco-Cambodian team in the early 2000s, the site was revisited in 2014 by an Australian-Cambodian research team. Recent research revealed Iron Age domestic occupation as well as inhumation burials. The burial assemblage provides evidence of regional trade and exchange and mortuary wealth differentiation. Bioarchaeological examination of the individuals interred at the site reveals intentional dental modification and perimortem blunt and sharp force skeletal trauma. This research sheds light on this important epoch in prehistory, a juncture between the prehistoric and protohistoric period in Cambodia, which was a time of substantial socio-political transformation

    Being a Parent with a Learning Disability: A Qualitative Study

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    This research portfolio aims to further explore the issues faced by parents with a learning disability. Firstly, a systematic review of qualitative research into the social support of parents with a learning disability is presented. This not only indicated that a range of social support is provided to parents with a learning disability and received with different perceptions, but also highlighted the need for further qualitative research in the area, to gain a better insight into the lived experiences of this group of parents. Secondly, and further to the findings of the systematic review, is the empirical research study. Adopting a qualitative design (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis- IPA) (Smith, 1996; Smith et al., 2009), the study aimed to explore what parents with a learning disability understood about their learning disability and how they perceived it to impact on them in their parenting role. Analysis revealed five themes which reflect the perceptions and experiences of a sample of eight parents with a learning disability. Finally, to enable efficient and effective dissemination of the findings to the wider audience a journal article is presented. The journal article, as well as attempting to summarise the methodology used, focused on the most salient theme of the findings, which was how participants viewed themselves in relation to having a learning disability and being a parent
