98 research outputs found

    Macroeconomic Determinants of Urbanization in Pakistan

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    Urbanization refers to the migration of rural people to urban centers in search of better jobs. Urbanization and growth go together; no country has ever reached middle-income status without a significant population shift into cities. Urbanization has strong association with unemployment, economic growth, poverty, infrastructure, crimes, health, socio-economic conditions and education. In 2050, most of the urban population of the world will be concentrated in Asia (52%) and in Africa (21%). A simple and modest model provided reasonable results. Increase in literacy is a decisive factor that has significant impact on increasing urban population. Per capita GDP growth also positively influences the urban population. Age-structure is too an important determinant of migration and urbanization. It is an open secret that generally young persons have gone abroad. Specification and diagnostics test supported the model which reveals appropriateness and statistical soundness of the model. Serious heed is paid to delimitation of cities to make them manageable and governable. Agriculture is provided sufficient resources to discourage migration to cities

    Occipital Encephalocele and Review of Literature

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    Encephalocele is a rare congenital malformation of the central nervous system. It is defined as a congenital herniation of the intracranial compartments through a long defect and contains various rudimentary cerebral tissue components or sometimes only cerebrospinal fluid. They are located at midline of parietal or occipital region when the defect is small. Usually only the meninges herniate and the anomaly is cranial Meningocele or cranium bifidum with Meningocele. We present 47 cases of encephalocele, mostly occipital encephalocele, operated during last 5 years in our hospital at the department of Neurosurgery SZH, RYK. This is a retrospective study.Material and Methods: Between January 2008 and December 2013. Forty seven cases of encephalocele have been treated at our department. They were diagnosed on the basis of clinical findings and CT scan was done in all patients. All patients were operated and diagnosis was confirmed at peroperatively. Demographic, clinical, radiological and operative data were reviewed from hospital charts.Results: The total number of patients was 47, out of which 23 were male and 24 were female. Neurosurgical data of patients with encephalocele over the five years and three months from January 2008 to April 2014 were retrospectively studied. The average age of the patients at the time presentation was 10 months and seven days.Conclusion: Encephalocele is a relatively uncommon neurosurgical entity largely seen in the pediatric population. Treatment of this condition can be rewarding if properly managed early. Occipital, parietal, frontal, and frontonasal types may be approached without opening the cranium, while sincipital and basal encephalocele usually require craniotomy. In this series we present our experience in the operative management of encepha-locele with good outcome and also share our recommendation in technical consideration for surgical approaches


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    INTRODUCTION: Thalassemia is the most common hemolytic autosomal recessive disorder. Pakistan has significant number of thalassemic children .The children with chronic disorders like thalassemia are prone to develop psychosocial illness including depression, anxiety, intellectual and behavioral issues.  OBJECTIVE: To assess the psychosocial illness in children with thalassemia and to compare these problems in children with and without Thalassemia   PLACE & DURATION: The Children’s Hospital and the institute of child health, Multan. From January to September 2021.  STUDY DESIGN: Case-control  MATERIAL AND METHOD:   In this study 50 children with Thalassemia and 50 normal children were enrolled as case & control according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. After approval from institutional ethical committee, detailed history ,Socioeconomic status, educational status of parent and child, age of diagnosis of disease, and whether thalassemia is well controlled or not and complications were noted. A Pediatric Symptom Checklist was used for psychosocial problems in all children. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 22. Mean and standard deviation for quantitative data, while frequencies and percent for qualitative data was calculated. P-value was calculated by Chi square test. Prevalence ratio (ODDS ratio) with 95%confidence interval of all variables were calculated.  RESULTS: Out of 100 patients 50 were in case group (Thalassemia) and 50 control (non-thalassemic.Male female ratio was 1.2:1. 60 %( n=30) cases, 78 %( n=39) control patients were age ranges between 5 to 10 years. Educational level of parents of 40%(n=20),and 56%(n=28) was below matric,42%(n=21) and 90%(n=45) patients were going to school in case and control group respectively.82%(n=41) patients belonged to low socioeconomical status in each group. Regarding characteristics of thalassemia 74 %( n=37) patients were diagnosed within 1st year of life, while 26 %( n=13) after 1st year.64 %( n=32) had well controlled and 36 %( n=18) poor controlled disease. 20%(n=10) had developed Diabetes mellitus,2%(n=1) heart failure,74%(37) growth failure,76%(n=38) hemolytic facial features and 72%(n=36)skin discoloration. Psychosocial problems were statistically significant in children with Thalassemia as compared to healthy ones (p-value<0.001).Poorly controlled thalassemia and complications of heart and growth failure were found statistically significant risk factors.  CONCLUSION: Psychosocial problems are common in children with thalassemia as compared to healthy ones. So these patients must be referred for detailed psychological evaluation and management along with medical treatment.

    Pharmacological evaluation of the hypoglycemic and anti- Alzheimer’s activities of aerial parts of Breynia distachia (Phyllanthaceae)

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    Purpose: To determine the cytotoxic, bronchorelaxant, spasmolytic, antidiabetic, α-glucosidase, acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase, α-chymotrypsin and lipoxygenase inhibitory attributes of methanol and dichloromethane extracts of the aerial parts of Breynia distachia.Methods: The dichloromethane and methanol extracts of the aerial parts of the plant were prepared by maceration. Various ex vivo assays were employed, such as the brine shrimp lethality assay, lipoxygenase inhibitory activity assay, α-glucosidase inhibitory assay and α-chymotrypsin assay, as well as assays to assess the spasmolytic and bronchorelaxant activity. Meanwhile, the hypoglycaemic effect were analysed using an alloxan-induced diabetic model in Wistar albino rats.Results: The methanol extract (aerial) showed significant (p ≤ 0.05) cytotoxicity towards brine shrimp larvae at concentrations of 10, 100 and 1,000 μg/mL, respectively, whereas the dichloromethane extract (aerial) of the plant showed non-significant (p ≥ 0.05) results. The methanol extract (aerial parts) also demonstrated significant (p ≤ 0.05) α-glucosidase inhibitory activity and lipoxygenase inhibitory activity, with IC50 (half-maximal inhibitory concentration) values of 40.37 ± 5.29 μg/mL and 132.9 ± 0.33 μg/mL, respectively, while the dichloromethane extract exhibited significant (p ≤ 0.05) α-glucosidase inhibitory activity, with an IC50 value of 135.43 ± 8.29 μg/mL. An in vivo antidiabetic model showed that the administration of 150 and 300 mg/kg methanol extract of the aerial parts significantly (p ≤ 0.05) lowered the blood glucose level in alloxan-induced diabetic rats compared to control (treated with water).Conclusion: Data from different in vitro and in vivo models suggest that the methanol extract (aerial parts) of B. distachia shows significant cytotoxic, bronchorelaxant, spasmolytic, antidiabetic and anti-Alzheimer’s activity Hence, these findings validate the folkloric use of B. distachia and highlight the need to further explore its medicinal potential and the phytoconstituents responsible for its pharmacological actions

    Neurosurgical Management of Intracranial Epidermoid

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    Objective: Epidermoid cyst or cholesteatoma is a congenital slow growing lesion. The objective was to analyze clinical presentation surgery and outcome after surgery.Study Design: Retrospective observational study.Materials and Methods: This study represents a retrospective review of patients treated with epidermoid cyst, during a period of 18 years between 1995 to 2012. It was conducted at the department of Neurosurgery Sheikh Zayed Hospital, Rahim Yar Khan and department of Neurosurgery PGMI / LGH Lahore and department of Neurosurgery AMDC Farooq Hospital, Lahore.Results: The age of our patients ranged from 18 to 40 years, with male predominance. The predominating symptoms were related to the 5th, 7th and 8th cranial nerve and headache. Our study included 10 cases of epidermoid cysts; four of them were in CPA area, two suprasellar region and one was at pineal region. It was not always possible to determine if the signs and symptoms were due to local involvement by the epidermoids, increased intracranial pressure or both. The age of our patients ranged from 18 to 40 years, with male predominance. The retrosigmoid approach was used in 5 patients, ® Frontal craniotomy in 2 cases, Rt interhemispheric transtentorial approach in one patient and sub-temporal approach in one case. Parental portaline approach in 1 case. Total resection of epidermoid cyst was accomplished in 7 cases. To minimize recurrence, the residual epidermoid was carefully coagulated with the aid of microscope and bipolar diathermy without damaging surrounding neurovascular structures.Conclusion: Surgical management of intracranial dermoid has encouraging and good results. Use of endoscope is good adjunct for complete removal of epidermoid from angles and corners of the lesion

    Surgical Outcome of Cerebellopontine (CP) Angle Tumors

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    Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical characteristics and surgical outcome of CP angle tumors.Material and Methods: This is a retrospective study of 10 cases admitted in the Department of Neurosurgery, Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Rahim Yar Khan during the last 8 years. The predominating symptoms here related to the seventh and eighth cranial nerves and headache.Results: Study included 10 cases of CPA Tumour clinical presentation was hearing loss, tinnitus, abnormal bala-nce, headache, facial numbness and buccal numbness, ataxia and trigeminal neuralgia. We had 10 patients, came with above clinical presentations. All cases were operated through retromastoid sub-occipital craniectomy. VP shunt was inserted in 1 case. Histopathology report was four patients vestibular schwanoma three tentorial meni-ngioma, two epidermoid cyst and one patient had choroid plexuses papilloma.Complications: One patient developed meningitis due to cerebrospinal Fluid leakage at operative site. Lumber drain was placed to control leakage and infection was controlled by aggressive treatment. There was no mortality in our study. One patient developed recurrence of epidermoid cyst at the same site after seven and half years. None of the patients developed further cranial nerve deficit as compare to preoperative deficit. The maximum period of follow-up of one patient was seven and half year.Conclusion: It is concluded from this study that the retrosigmoid corridor is the safe surgical approach for CPA tumors. In case of CP angle epidermoid, there was no recurrence symptoms on the immediate follow-up. At ope-ration, the root entry zone of TN should be examined for evidence of additional vascular compressio

    Surgical Management of Tuberous Sclerosis

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    Tuberous sclerosis is a genetic disorder with incidence of 1 into 6000 birth. It is a multi-systemic disorder. Seizures associated with tuberous sclerosis (TS) can be difficult to control with medical therapy.Objective: To determine the role of surgery for the management of seizures and other symptoms in Tuberous Sclerosis.Material and Method: Four patients with TSC who underwent surgery were admitted in the Department of Neurosurgery Sheikh Zayed Hospital, Rahim Yar Khan and Department of Neurosurgery, PGMI / Lahore General Hospital, Lahore.Results: We admitted 5 cases, 3 males and 2 females. All presenters with seizers other presenting feature were headache and vomiting in all 5 cases, vomiting in 5 cases. All cases were operated were craniotomy and removal of tumour. Surgery were V.P. Shunt was performed in 3 cases. All 5 cases revealed excellent outcome and seizures well controlled with anticonvulsant postoperatively which were poorly controlled preoperatively. All 5 cases were discharged in satisfactory condition within 2 – 3 weeks. Histopathology the histopathology of all 5 cases were subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA).Outcome: All 5 cases revealed excellent outcome and the seizures were well controlled post-operatively with anticonvulsants. While pre-operative fits, were poorly controlled. All 5 cases were discharged in satisfactory condition with 2 – 3 weeks.Conclusion: The surgery had excellent outcome for tuberous sclerosis provided timely decision is taken to treat the tumor and associated hydrocephalus. Most of these patients will lead ventriculoperitoneal shunt or EVD as an emergency step to save the life

    Functional Role of MicroRNAs in Embryogenesis

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    This book chapter will provide an overview of the functional role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in embryogenesis. A brief introduction to embryogenesis and emphasis on the importance of miRNAs in gene regulation will be provided. The biogenesis and mechanism of action of miRNAs will be discussed in detail with a focus on the importance of miRNA-mRNA interaction in gene regulation. The chapter will then delve into the role of miRNAs in early embryonic development, including their importance in the establishment of the three germ layers, cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis during embryogenesis. The role of miRNAs in organogenesis and tissue differentiation, specifically the formation of specific organs such as the heart, lung, liver, and brain, will also be discussed. The chapter will conclude by examining the dysregulation of miRNAs in embryonic development and disease, including teratogenicity, developmental disorders, and developmental cancer. The chapter will summarize the functional roles of miRNAs in embryogenesis and will offer future perspectives and potential therapeutic applications of miRNAs in embryonic development and disease

    Burden of disease scenarios for 204 countries and territories, 2022–2050: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

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    Background: Future trends in disease burden and drivers of health are of great interest to policy makers and the public at large. This information can be used for policy and long-term health investment, planning, and prioritisation. We have expanded and improved upon previous forecasts produced as part of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) and provide a reference forecast (the most likely future), and alternative scenarios assessing disease burden trajectories if selected sets of risk factors were eliminated from current levels by 2050. Methods: Using forecasts of major drivers of health such as the Socio-demographic Index (SDI; a composite measure of lag-distributed income per capita, mean years of education, and total fertility under 25 years of age) and the full set of risk factor exposures captured by GBD, we provide cause-specific forecasts of mortality, years of life lost (YLLs), years lived with disability (YLDs), and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) by age and sex from 2022 to 2050 for 204 countries and territories, 21 GBD regions, seven super-regions, and the world. All analyses were done at the cause-specific level so that only risk factors deemed causal by the GBD comparative risk assessment influenced future trajectories of mortality for each disease. Cause-specific mortality was modelled using mixed-effects models with SDI and time as the main covariates, and the combined impact of causal risk factors as an offset in the model. At the all-cause mortality level, we captured unexplained variation by modelling residuals with an autoregressive integrated moving average model with drift attenuation. These all-cause forecasts constrained the cause-specific forecasts at successively deeper levels of the GBD cause hierarchy using cascading mortality models, thus ensuring a robust estimate of cause-specific mortality. For non-fatal measures (eg, low back pain), incidence and prevalence were forecasted from mixed-effects models with SDI as the main covariate, and YLDs were computed from the resulting prevalence forecasts and average disability weights from GBD. Alternative future scenarios were constructed by replacing appropriate reference trajectories for risk factors with hypothetical trajectories of gradual elimination of risk factor exposure from current levels to 2050. The scenarios were constructed from various sets of risk factors: environmental risks (Safer Environment scenario), risks associated with communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases (CMNNs; Improved Childhood Nutrition and Vaccination scenario), risks associated with major non-communicable diseases (NCDs; Improved Behavioural and Metabolic Risks scenario), and the combined effects of these three scenarios. Using the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways climate scenarios SSP2-4.5 as reference and SSP1-1.9 as an optimistic alternative in the Safer Environment scenario, we accounted for climate change impact on health by using the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change temperature forecasts and published trajectories of ambient air pollution for the same two scenarios. Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy were computed using standard methods. The forecasting framework includes computing the age-sex-specific future population for each location and separately for each scenario. 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs) for each individual future estimate were derived from the 2·5th and 97·5th percentiles of distributions generated from propagating 500 draws through the multistage computational pipeline. Findings: In the reference scenario forecast, global and super-regional life expectancy increased from 2022 to 2050, but improvement was at a slower pace than in the three decades preceding the COVID-19 pandemic (beginning in 2020). Gains in future life expectancy were forecasted to be greatest in super-regions with comparatively low life expectancies (such as sub-Saharan Africa) compared with super-regions with higher life expectancies (such as the high-income super-region), leading to a trend towards convergence in life expectancy across locations between now and 2050. At the super-region level, forecasted healthy life expectancy patterns were similar to those of life expectancies. Forecasts for the reference scenario found that health will improve in the coming decades, with all-cause age-standardised DALY rates decreasing in every GBD super-region. The total DALY burden measured in counts, however, will increase in every super-region, largely a function of population ageing and growth. We also forecasted that both DALY counts and age-standardised DALY rates will continue to shift from CMNNs to NCDs, with the most pronounced shifts occurring in sub-Saharan Africa (60·1% [95% UI 56·8–63·1] of DALYs were from CMNNs in 2022 compared with 35·8% [31·0–45·0] in 2050) and south Asia (31·7% [29·2–34·1] to 15·5% [13·7–17·5]). This shift is reflected in the leading global causes of DALYs, with the top four causes in 2050 being ischaemic heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, compared with 2022, with ischaemic heart disease, neonatal disorders, stroke, and lower respiratory infections at the top. The global proportion of DALYs due to YLDs likewise increased from 33·8% (27·4–40·3) to 41·1% (33·9–48·1) from 2022 to 2050, demonstrating an important shift in overall disease burden towards morbidity and away from premature death. The largest shift of this kind was forecasted for sub-Saharan Africa, from 20·1% (15·6–25·3) of DALYs due to YLDs in 2022 to 35·6% (26·5–43·0) in 2050. In the assessment of alternative future scenarios, the combined effects of the scenarios (Safer Environment, Improved Childhood Nutrition and Vaccination, and Improved Behavioural and Metabolic Risks scenarios) demonstrated an important decrease in the global burden of DALYs in 2050 of 15·4% (13·5–17·5) compared with the reference scenario, with decreases across super-regions ranging from 10·4% (9·7–11·3) in the high-income super-region to 23·9% (20·7–27·3) in north Africa and the Middle East. The Safer Environment scenario had its largest decrease in sub-Saharan Africa (5·2% [3·5–6·8]), the Improved Behavioural and Metabolic Risks scenario in north Africa and the Middle East (23·2% [20·2–26·5]), and the Improved Nutrition and Vaccination scenario in sub-Saharan Africa (2·0% [–0·6 to 3·6]). Interpretation: Globally, life expectancy and age-standardised disease burden were forecasted to improve between 2022 and 2050, with the majority of the burden continuing to shift from CMNNs to NCDs. That said, continued progress on reducing the CMNN disease burden will be dependent on maintaining investment in and policy emphasis on CMNN disease prevention and treatment. Mostly due to growth and ageing of populations, the number of deaths and DALYs due to all causes combined will generally increase. By constructing alternative future scenarios wherein certain risk exposures are eliminated by 2050, we have shown that opportunities exist to substantially improve health outcomes in the future through concerted efforts to prevent exposure to well established risk factors and to expand access to key health interventions. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
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