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    The use o = sampling-based algorithms such as Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree Star (RRT*) has been widely applied in robot path planning. Although this variant of RRT offers asymptotic optimality, its use is increasingly limited ber:ause it suffers from convergence rates, mainly when applied to an environment with a poor level of obstacle neatness and a narrow area to the target. Thus, RRT*-Smart, a further development of RRT*, is considered ideal for solving RRT* problems. Unlike RRT*, RRT*-Smart applies a path optimization by removing the redundant nodes from the initial path when it is gained. Moreover, the path is also improved by identifying the beacon nodes used to steer the bias of intelligent sampling. Nevertheless, this initial path is found with termination criteria in terms of a region around the goal node. Consequently, it risks failing to generate a path on a narrow channel. Therefore, a novel algorithm achieved by combining RRT*-Smart and A* is proposed. This combination is intended to s v1/4 itch method-by -method for the exploration process vyhen the new node reaches the region around the goal node. However, before RRT*-Smart is combined •...ith A*, it is improved by replacing the random sampling method with Fast Sampling. In short, by involving A*. the exploration process for generating the .mart-RRT*'s initial path can be supported. It gives the optimal and feasible raw solution for any complex environment. It is logically realistic because A* searches and evaluates all neighbors of a current node when finding the node with low cost to the start and goal node for each iteration. Therefore, the risk of collision with an obstacle in the goal region is covered, and generating an initial path in the narrow channel can be handled. Furthermore, this proposed method's optimality and fast convergence rate are satisfied. Penggunaan algoritma berasaskan pensampelan seperti Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree Star (RRT*) telah digunakan secara meluas dalam perancangan laluan robot. Walaupun varian RRT ini menawarkan keoptimuman tanpa gejala, penggunaannya semakin terhad kerana ia mengalami kadar penumpuan, terutamanya apabila digunakan pada persekitaran dengan tahap kekemasan halangan yang lemah dan kawasan yang sempit ke sasaran. Oleh itu, RRT*-Smart, pembangunan lanjut RRT*, dianggap sesuai untuk menyelesaikan masalah RRT*. Tidak seperti RRT*, RRT*-Smart menggunakan pengoptimuman laluan dengan mengalih keluar nod berlebilian daripada laluan awal apabila ia diperoleh. Selain itu, laluan juga dipertingkatkan dengan mengenal pasti nod suar yang digunakan untuk mengemuth bias pensampelan pintar. Namun begin-4 laluan awal ini ditemui dengan kriteria penamatan dari segi rantau di sekeliling nod matlamat. Akibatnya, ia berisiko gagal menjana laluan pada saluran yang sempit. Oleh itu, algoritma barn yang dicapai dengan menggabungkan RRT*-Smart dan A


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    The use o = sampling-based algorithms such as Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree Star (RRT*) has been widely applied in robot path planning. Although this variant of RRT offers asymptotic optimality, its use is increasingly limited ber:ause it suffers from convergence rates, mainly when applied to an environment with a poor level of obstacle neatness and a narrow area to the target. Thus, RRT*-Smart, a further development of RRT*, is considered ideal for solving RRT* problems. Unlike RRT*, RRT*-Smart applies a path optimization by removing the redundant nodes from the initial path when it is gained. Moreover, the path is also improved by identifying the beacon nodes used to steer the bias of intelligent sampling. Nevertheless, this initial path is found with termination criteria in terms of a region around the goal node. Consequently, it risks failing to generate a path on a narrow channel. Therefore, a novel algorithm achieved by combining RRT*-Smart and A* is proposed. This combination is intended to s v1/4 itch method-by -method for the exploration process vyhen the new node reaches the region around the goal node. However, before RRT*-Srnart is combined •...ith A*, it is improved by replacing the random sampling method with Fast Sampling. In short, by involving A*. the exploration process for generating the .mart-RRT*'s initial path can be supported. It gives the optimal and feasible raw solution for any complex environment. It is logically realistic because A* searches and evaluates all neighbors of a current node when finding the node with low cost to the start and goal node for each iteration. Therefore, the risk of collision with an obstacle in the goal region is covered, and generating an initial path in the narrow channel can be handled. Furthermore, this proposed method's optimality and fast convergence rate are satisfied. Penggunaan algoritma berasaskan pensampelan seperti Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree Star (RRT*) telah digunakan secara meluas dalam perancangan laluan robot. Walaupun varian RRT ini menawarkan keoptimuman tanpa gejala, penggunaannya semakin terhad kerana ia mengalami kadar penumpuan, terutamanya apabila digunakan pada persekitaran dengan tahap kekemasan halangan yang lemah dan kawasan yang sempit ke sasaran. Oleh itu, RRT*-Smart, pembangunan lanjut RRT*, dianggap sesuai untuk menyelesaikan masalah RRT*. Tidak seperti RRT*, RRT*-Smart menggunakan pengoptimuman laluan dengan mengalih keluar nod berlebilian daripada laluan awal apabila ia diperoleh. Selain itu, laluan juga dipertingkatkan dengan mengenal pasti nod suar yang digunakan untuk mengemuth bias pensampelan pintar. Namun begin-4 laluan awal ini ditemui dengan kriteria penamatan dari segi rantau di sekeliling nod matlamat. Akibatnya, ia berisiko gagal menjana laluan pada saluran yang sempit. Oleh itu, algoritma barn yang dicapai dengan menggabungkan RRT*-Smart dan A