140 research outputs found

    Tuberous sclerosis complex: Role of radiology as an invaluable tool in management and follow-up

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex is a genetic disorder, which affects many organs in the body manifesting spectrum of symptomatology. Theseverity of the disease can be gauged from the extent of involvement of a particular system. Since the disease runs a long course fromits presentation at childhood till adulthood and hence the monitoring is very important to have some qualitative life. Other than thecommon symptomatology and a few laboratory tests, radiological investigations viz. ultrasound, color Doppler sonography, computedtomography and magnetic resonance imaging play a major role in follow-up for the management map road and associated complications.We present a case where a female child had a follow-up from the age of 8 years till 20 years of age. The follow-up and the managementwere designed mainly as per the radiological findings. The radiological findings have indicated the time for the patient to undergosurgical intervention in addition to the ongoing medical management

    Neonatal small left colon syndrome - Radiological diagnosis by gastrografin contrast study

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    Neonatal small left colon syndrome (NSLCS) is one of the suspected diagnoses if the neonate does not pass meconium within 24 h ofbirth. Radiological contrast studies play a vital role in diagnosing and treating the entity. We report a case where the newborn did notpass meconium till 4 days of birth and which on gastrografin studies was diagnosed as a case of NSLCS

    Type I Takayasu’s arteritis: An unusual presentation in young female child

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    Takayasu’s arteritis is a rare type of vasculitis of unknown origin in which aorta and its branches are affected.Aortoarteritis causes narrowing of vessel lumen due to inflammatory changes in the vessel wall which in turn leads tothrombus formation, occlusion, or both. However, very rarely these may present exclusively with facial palsy at thetime of onset. We present such a rare case of young female child who reported to the outpatient department with unusualfindings of facial palsy followed by stroke and was diagnosed as Type I Takayasu’s arteritis on the basis of variousinvestigations. Magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance angiography play a significant role in making thediagnosis

    Aggressive vertebral hemangioma in early adolescent age group: Atypical presentation with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging appearance

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    Vertebral hemangiomas (VH) are vertebral vascular malformations, which may remain asymptomatic until adulthood. Sometimes,young individuals present with unexplained backache, which poses the diagnostic dilemma. We present a case of 15-year-old femalewho presented with prolonged unexplained intermittent upper back pain in the dorsal region. She was diagnosed as a case of aggressiveVH after ruling out other infective and malignant pathologies and treated with decompressive therapy. The present case highlights therole of imaging studies such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in such conditions

    Hirayama Disease – A case report

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    Hirayama Disease is a non-progressive juvenile spinal muscular atrophy of the distal upper limb. The flexionmovement results in cervical myelopathy which affects the dorsal aspect of the cervical cord. It is a benign motorneuron disorder and its initial course is progressive which subsequently becomes stationary. These findings are quitesensitive to magnetic resonance imaging in flexion position which sometimes may be missed in neutral position. Wehereby report a case an adolescent boy who presented with asymmetrical weakness of both hands and his magneticresonance imaging in flexion revealed changes suggestive of Hirayama disease

    Di-n-butyltin(IV) Complexes Derived from Heterocyclic β-diketones and N-Phthaloyl Amino Acids: Preparation, Biological Evaluation, Structural Elucidation Based upon Spectral [IR, NMR (1H, 13C, 19F and 119Sn)] Studies

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    Stable, six coordinated Bu2SnLA type complexes have been prepared [where LH = RCOC:C(OH)N(C6 H5)N:CCH3; R = -4-F-C6H4-(L1H), R = -4-Cl-C6H4-(L2H), R= -4-Br-C6H4-(L3H), R=-CF3(L4H) and AH = C(O)C6 H4 C(O)NCHR'COOH; R'= -H(A1H), -CH3(A2H), -CH(CH3)2(A3H)] by the interaction of 1:1:1 molar ratios of di-n-butyltin(IV) dichloride with corresponding organic moieties in refluxing benzene using two moles of Et3N as a base. In these complexes LH and AH behave as bidentate and coordination is taking place through oxygen, this is inferred from IR and 13C NMR studies. These complexes possess tin atoms in skew trapezoidal bipyramidal geometry with the C-Sn-C angles ranging from 149.88° to 156.84°. Some of these complexes with their corresponding organic moieties (LH, AH) were tested for their antimicrobial activities

    Tale of GRB 171010A/SN 2017htp and GRB 171205A/SN 2017iuk: Magnetar origin?

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    We present late-time optical follow-up observations of GRB 171010A/SN 2017htp (zz = 0.33) and low-luminosity GRB 171205A/SN 2017iuk (zz = 0.037) acquired using the 4K×\times4K CCD Imager mounted at the 3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope (3.6m DOT) along with the prompt emission data analysis of these two interesting bursts. The prompt characteristics (other than brightness) such as spectral hardness, T90_{90}, and minimum variability time-scale are comparable for both the bursts. The isotropic XX-ray and kinetic energies of the plateau phase of GRB 171205A are found to be less than the maximum energy budget of magnetars, supporting magnetar as a central engine powering source. The new optical data of SN 2017htp and SN 2017iuk presented here, along with published ones, indicate that SN 2017htp is one of the brightest and SN 21017iuk is among the faintest GRB associated SNe (GRB-SNe). Semi-analytical light-curve modelling of SN 2017htp, SN 2017iuk and only known GRB associated superluminous supernova (SLSN 2011kl) are performed using the MINIM\texttt{MINIM} code. The model with a spin-down millisecond magnetar as a central engine powering source nicely reproduced the bolometric light curves of all three GRB-SNe mentioned above. The magnetar central engines for SN 2017htp, SN 2017iuk, and SLSN 2011kl exhibit values of initial spin periods higher and magnetic fields closer to those observed for long GRBs and H-deficient SLSNe. Detection of these rare events at such late epochs also demonstrates the capabilities of the 3.6m DOT for deep imaging considering longitudinal advantage in the era of time-domain astronomy.Comment: Accepted for publication in New Astronomy; Received 21 April 2022, Revised 13 June 2022, Accepted 1 July 202

    Observational constraint from the heaviest pulsar PSR J0952-0607 on the equation of state of dense matter in relativistic mean field model

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    In the present work, we constrain the equation of the state of dense matter in the context of heaviest observed neutron star mass Mmax_{max} = 2.35±0.17\pm 0.17 M_{\odot} for the black widow pulsar PSR J0952-0607. We propose three interactions HPU1, HPU2 and HPU3 (named after Himachal Pradesh University)for the relativistic mean field model which include different combinations of non-linear, self and cross-couplings among isoscalar-scalar σ\sigma, isoscalar-vector ω\omega and isovector-vector ρ\rho meson fields up to the quartic order. These interactions are in harmony with the finite nuclei and bulk nuclear matter properties. The equations of state computed by using newly generated interactions for the β\beta-equilibrated nucleonic matter satisfy the heaviest observed neutron star mass Mmax_{max} = 2.35±0.17\pm 0.17 M_{\odot} for the black widow pulsar PSR J0952-0607. The results for the radius (R1.4R_{1.4}) and dimensionless tidal deformability (Λ1.4{\Lambda_{1.4}}) corresponding to the canonical mass are also presented and agree well with the GW170817 event and astrophysical observations. The radius of 2.08M2.08M_{\odot} neutron star mass is predicted to be in the range R2.08R_{2.08} = 12.98 -13.09 Km which also satisfies the NICER observations by Miller et al. (2021) and Riley et al.(2021). A covariance analysis is also performed to assess the theoretical uncertainties of model parameters and to determine their correlations with nuclear matter observables.Comment: 19 pages, 12 Figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2305.06667, arXiv:2305.0593