6 research outputs found

    Microbial studies of table scrapings from meat stalls in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria: Implications on meat hygiene

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    Tables used to display meat for sale in nine different markets in Ibadan Metropolis were microbiologically examined for their implication on meat hygiene. Twenty seven strains of bacteria and eight strains of fungi were isolated and identified. They were identified on the basis of metabolic andphysiological features while simple crystal violet staining was used for observing cell size and shape. The samples were placed on trypticase-soya –agar (TSA), for trophic bacteria and Sabouraud-glucoseagar (SGA) supplemented with chloramphenicol for fungi. Petri dishes were incubated at 37ºC for 48 - 72 h while the cultures were observed daily under a stereoscopic microscope for presence of bacterial colonies and or fungal mycelium. The mean value of bacterial count was 2.78 × 105 CFU/ml while that of the fungal count was 0.72 × 105 CFU/ml with a significant difference (p < 0.05). There was also a strong positive correlation between the sizes of the markets and the microbial load encountered in thesamples. This was attributed to poor hygiene level resulting from inadequate facilities. The findings of this study indicate that meat hygiene is being compromised in the city, a situation that calls for publichealth concern

    Assessment of enforcement and impacts of two veterinary legislations in Oyo State, Nigeria

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    No Abstract.Nigerian Veterinary Journal Vol. 29 (3) 2008: pp. 41-4

    The Vertebral Formula of the African Sideneck Turtle (Pelusios castaneus)

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    An osteological analysis of the vertebral column of the African sideneck turtle (Pelusios castaneus), was carried out with the view of deriving its vertebral formula which could be useful in the comparative systematic anatomy of sea and freshwater turtles as well as in paleontological and archaeological investigations. A total of sixty five adult African sideneck turtles comprising twenty five females and forty males picked up at different times in various river banks in Ibadan, Nigeria, were used for the study. The average body weight of the turtles used for the study was 0.82 ±0.03kg. The curved carapace and plastron lengths of the turtles were 26-4 ±1.87cm and 19.3 ± 1.13cm, respectively. The turtle has eight cervical vertebrae of which the first seven (craniocaudally) were mobile and the last fused with the ventral surface of the carapace and articulated caudally with the first thoracic vertebra. The thoracic vertebrae were seven in number, the last thoracic vertebra articulated with the first sacral vertebra. Three sacral vertebrae were identified in the animals while 15 caudal vertebrae were constantly encountered in all the turtles. The vertebral column of the African side neck turtle consists of 33 vertebrae and its formula can be expressed as C8T7S3Cd15. This formula, the first of its kind in literature is therefore named as the African sideneck turtle vertebral formula (of Olukole) and therefore serves as baseline information on the vertebral column of the turtle.KEY WORD: Anatomy; Carapace; Freshwater Turtle; Skeletal System; Vertebral Column

    Prevalence Of Metastrongylosis In Slaughtered Pigs In Eruwa And Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    A total of 137 pigs were screened in Ibadan and Eruwa communities in Oyo State, Nigeria, for serum antibodies to Metastrongylus species using the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay method. An overall prevalence of 94.8% was observed among the pig population with 99.1% prevalence recorded in pigs slaughtered in Bodija Abattoir, Ibadan and 73% in pigs from commercial piggeries in Eruwa. A relatively higher prevalence of 100% was also observed in the wet season compared to 86% observed in the dry season among the pigs sampled. This disparity was attributed to the prevalence of earthworms in the wet season. The higher prevalence in pigs slaughtered in Ibadan could be attributed to the semi-intensive/extensive husbandry system of management under which the animals were kept compared to the pigs from Eruwa, which were kept under intensive management system.Au total, 137 porcs ont été examinés auprès des communautés d'Ibadan et d'Eruwa dans l'Etat de l'Oyo au Nigeria pour rechercher, dans le sérum, des anticorps à l'espèce Metastrongylus à l'aide de la technique ELISA (Titrage avec immunoadsorbant lié à une enzyme). On a noté une prévalence globale de 94,8% dans la population porcine, avec une prévalence de 99,1% enregistrée chez les porcs abattus à l'abattoir de Bodija à Ibadan et 73% chez les porcs des porcheries commerciales à Eruwa. Une prévalence relativement plus forte de 100% a également été constatée durant la saison des pluies, comparé à 86% pendant la saison sèche chez les porcs sélectionnés. L'écart était dû à la prévalence des vers de terre pendant la saison des pluies. La prévalence plus forte chez les porcs abattus à Ibadan pourrait être imputable au système d'exploitation semi-intensif/extensif sous lequel les animaux étaient maintenus par rapport aux porcs d'Eruwa, qui étaient soumis à un système d'exploitation intensif.Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa Vol. 54 (4) 2006: pp. 23-2