47,920 research outputs found

    The Origin of OB Runaway Stars

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    About 20% of all massive stars in the Milky Way have unusually high velocities, the origin of which has puzzled astronomers for half a century. We argue that these velocities originate from strong gravitational interactions between single stars and binaries in the centers of star clusters. The ejecting binary forms naturally during the collapse of a young (\aplt 1\,Myr) star cluster. This model replicates the key characteristics of OB runaways in our galaxy and it explains the \apgt 100\,\Msun\, runaway stars around young star clusters, e.g. R136 and Westerlund~2. The high proportion and the distributions in mass and velocity of runaways in the Milky Way is reproduced if the majority of massive stars are born in dense and relatively low-mass (5000-10000 \Msun) clusters.Comment: to appear in Scienc

    Corrective treatment and anatomic considerations for laparoscopic cholecystectomy injuries

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    BACKGROUND: Complete reports of biliary and vascular injuries after laparoscopic cholecystectomy are rare. STUDY DESIGN: Fifteen patients with complex laparoscopic cholecystectomy injuries underwent corrective operations. The injuries consisted of 14 bile duct injuries and one large laceration of a cirrhotic liver. Five of the bile duct injuries were accompanied by inadvertent occlusion of the right hepatic artery, and one was further complicated by portal vein occlusion. One hepatic artery occlusion and one portal vein occlusion were successfully reconstructed. Two patients with arterial occlusion required right hepatic lobectomy. Corrective biliary operations consisted of common hepaticojejunostomy (seven cases), right and left hepaticojejunostomies (one case), right anterior and left hepaticojejunostomies (two cases), right hepaticojejunostomy (one case), right posterior hepaticojejunostomy (one case), and left hepaticojejunostomy after right lobectomy (two cases). RESULTS: Except for a patient with a severe laceration of a cirrhotic liver who died as a result of hepatic failure, the remaining 14 patients are alive and well with normal hepatic function tests at six and 37 months after corrective operations. CONCLUSIONS: A knowledge of anatomy is critical to the prevention of injuries to the hepatobiliary tree and related structures during laparoscopic cholecystectomy

    Netralitas Pegawai Negeri dalam Kehidupan Politik di Indonesia

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    Dimungkinannya pegawai negeri sipil menjadi anggota partai Politik dan Golongan karya, karena secara normatif diperkenankan oleh peraturan Perundangan-undangan, antar alain UU No. 3 Tahun 1975 yang diubah menjadi UU No. 3 Tahun 1085 tentang Partai Politik dan Golongan Karya. Selanjutnya ketentuan tersebut diatur dengan PP No. 20 Tahun 1976 yang menyebutkan macam-macam jabatan yang tidak boleh diduduki mereka yang menjadi anggota partai politik dan golongan karya (16 macam jabatan). Ketentuan ini sesungguhnya memberi kesempatan kepad apegawai negeri untuk menjadi anggota dan pengurus organisasi sosial politik dan menjadi anggota DPR/DPRD, asal memperoleh persetujuan dari pihak yang berwenang. Muara dari ketentuan ini adalah menjadikan pegawai negeri sebagai alat kekuasaan demi menjagga status quo. Akibat negatifnya mustahil seorang pegawai negeri mempu memberikan teguran dan pengawasan terhadap seoang menteri, gubernur atau bupati yang selama ini menjadi atasannya dan telah memberikan rekomendasi bagi dirinya untuk menjadi anggota dan pengurus orsospol dan pengurus orsospol serta menjadi anggota legislatif

    A Consumer-Centric Open Innovation Framework for Food and Packaging Manufacturing

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    This article has been archived following written permission from IGI Global.Closed innovation approaches have been employed for many years in the food industry. But, this sector recently perceives its end-user to be wary of radically new products and changes in consumption patterns. However, new product development involves not only the product itself but also the entire manufacturing and distribution network. In this paper, we present a new ICT based framework that embraces open innovation to place customers in the product development loop but at the same time assesses and eventually coordinates the entire manufacturing and supply chain. The aim is to design new food products that consumers will buy and at the same time ensure that these products will reach the consumer in time and at adequate quantity. On the product development side, our framework enables new food products that offer an integrated sensory experience of food and packaging, which encompass customization, healthy eating, and sustainability

    Trimaximal neutrino mixing from vacuum alignment in A4 and S4 models

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    Recent T2K results indicate a sizeable reactor angle theta_13 which would rule out exact tri-bimaximal lepton mixing. We study the vacuum alignment of the Altarelli-Feruglio A4 family symmetry model including additional flavons in the 1' and 1" representations and show that it leads to trimaximal mixing in which the second column of the lepton mixing matrix consists of the column vector (1,1,1)^T/sqrt{3}, with a potentially large reactor angle. In order to limit the reactor angle and control the higher order corrections, we propose a renormalisable S4 model in which the 1' and 1" flavons of A4 are unified into a doublet of S4 which is spontaneously broken to A4 by a flavon which enters the neutrino sector at higher order. We study the vacuum alignment in the S4 model and show that it predicts accurate trimaximal mixing with approximate tri-bimaximal mixing, leading to a new mixing sum rule testable in future neutrino experiments. Both A4 and S4 models preserve form dominance and hence predict zero leptogenesis, up to renormalisation group corrections.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, version to be published in JHE

    Strategic Planning in Australian Local Government: A Comparative Analysis of State Frameworks

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    Grab the Garb: the Influences of Translation Techniques in the Ludological Aspects of Video Game Translation (a Case Study of Square Enix's Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII)

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    Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan tipe teknik penerjemahan dalam terjemahan garb, kostum dengan kekuatan khusus dalam Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, dan pengaruhnya terhadap aspek ludologi, mekanika game yang dalam hal ini merujuk kepada kekuatan khusus (ability) yang terkandung dalam garb yang diterjemahkan. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya terdapat dua teknik penerjemahan yang digunakan dalam penerjemahan 93 nama garb yaitu pure borrowing (44 data) dan adaptasi (49 data). Dari 49 data adaptasi yang diperoleh, 40 adaptasi menunjukkan bahwa adaptasinya mampu mempertahankan aspek ludologi keikuatan khusus garb yang diperoleh dari pemahaman awal mengenai nama garb dan bentuk fisiknya. Sementara itu 9 adaptasi yang lain memberikan pengaruh negatif terhadap aspek ludologi karena putusnya keterkaitan antara makna nama garb dan ability yang dimilikinya. Temuan ini menandakan bahwa dalam penerjemahan video game, pesan yang dialihkan tidak hanya pesan lingustik tetapi juga pesan mekanis atau ludologis yang terdapat dalam elemen video game

    Perspektif Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup Dalam Islam

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    Promoting and appreciating Islamic religious spirituality is a condition sine qua non to keep its strength equal to that of natural law, economic law, and market mechanism over which none and no system could control. Nonetheless, leaving the economic law and market mechanism prevail uncontrolled is not an Islamic attitude of religious behavior. Authentic religious attitude and way of life must be prophetic and trans-formative in nature and manifested in the practical action of watching and controlling the development of the natural law and economic law themselves. Otherwise, human beings could be subordinated and co-opted by the natural law. Indeed, having firm religious traditions, Muslim communities are exercised to plead themselves from the shackling routines of daily life. There has to be a serious and continuous effort to understand fundamental and functional meaning of formal rituals of Islam, in such a way that Islam supports not only Theo-centric but also socio-economic concerns. Once Islam is shackled by its routines and finds no alternative interpretation of its rituals, there hardly is hope of important contributions made by Islamic scholars to cope with ecological and global crises. Kata

    Whales vs. gulls: Assessing trade-offs in wildlife and waste management in Patagonia, Argentina

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V.In Península Valdés, (Patagonia) Argentina, the consequences of poor waste management and an overpopulation of kelp gulls has led to gulls feeding on living southern right whales, potentially causing losses to the tourism industry through loss in coastal quality and suboptimal right whale viewing experiences. Despite local progress in closing waste disposal sites and culling gulls, both waste and pest problems persist. While this problem could impact the long-term viability of the site as a whale watching destination and present conservation concerns, little research has been done concerning the socio-economic aspects of the problem. The present study interviewed 650 tourists about their willingness to pay to manage the gulls versus the waste in order to reduce the gull population and remove the risk to the whales. This research finds that tourists favor addressing the human-driven component of the problem, the waste, over culling the natural component of the problem, the kelp gulls. These findings present a remarkable insight to assessing trade-offs between two management strategies to a local problem associated with coastal development and tourism. The results could further be broadened to other destinations facing waste and pest management challenges in the face of growing tourism and urbanization
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