11 research outputs found

    Alterações neuropsicológicas em pacientes com traumatismo crânio encefálico leve-moderado

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most frequent causes of brain damage. Cognitive deficits reported in the literature after moderate to severe TBI include memory, language, executive functions, attention and information processing speed impairments. However, systematic studies on patients with mild TBI are scarce although neuropsychological changes are present. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the cognitive functioning of patients with mild to moderate TBI. METHOD: We evaluated 12 patients with mild to moderate TBI using a comprehensive protocol (PN01) of neuropsychological tests. RESULTS: There were significant deficits of episodic memory including immediate and delayed verbal memory recall, verbal recognition, immediate and delayed visual memory recall, naming, verbal fluency and information processing speed. CONCLUSION: These results emphasize the importance of comprehensive neuropsychological assessments even in cases of mild TBI in order to identify impaired and preserved functions providing adequate managing including rehabilitation programs for each case.Traumatismo craniencefálico (TCE) é uma das causas mais freqüentes de lesão cerebral. São relatados na literatura déficits cognitivos após TCE moderado-grave relacionados à memória, linguagem, funções executivas, atenção e velocidade de processamento de informações. Estudos em pacientes com TCE leve são escassos embora alterações neuropsicológicas sejam encontradas nestes pacientes. OBJETIVO: Investigar o funcionamento cognitivo de pacientes com TCE leve e moderado através de um protocolo abrangente (PN01) de testes neuropsicológicos. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 12 pacientes com TCE leve e moderado. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados déficits graves de memória episódica verbal para evocação imediata, tardia e de reconhecimento, de memória episódica visuo-espacial para evocação imediata e tardia, nomeação, fluência verbal nominal e velocidade de processamento de informações. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados do estudo argumentam a favor da importância de avaliação neuropsicológica abrangente mesmo em casos de TCE leve a fim de se identificar funções comprometidas e preservadas, proporcionando condutas e programas de reabilitação adequados a cada caso

    Cognitive rehabilitation of neuropsychological deficits and mild cognitive impairment A review of the literature

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    Abstract -Neuropsychological rehabilitation is related to the treatment or optimization of disabilities, handicaps and cognitive deficiencies including emotional, behavioral and personality alterations, aiming at the best cognitive, neurobiological and social re-adaptation. Objective: The main aim of this paper is to review scientific studies published over the last five years on cognitive training with rehabilitation, focusing on elderly subjects with cognitive complaints and patients diagnosed with MCI. Methods: Data were generated from Medline, PsychoInfo and EMBASE including publications from 2002 to 2007 using the search terms "Mild Cognitive Impairment", "Cognitive Complaints", "Rehabilitation" and "Intervention Studies". Data collection criteria were restricted to the quality of evidence Class I. Results: Eight articles out of sixty eight previously selected were chosen because of their randomized studies, including techniques of cognitive rehabilitation in patients with cognitive complaints, MCI and neuropsychological training. Conclusions: The studies showing generalization of rehabilitation techniques to practical real life situations and use of an errorless learning approach were considered more effective in terms of maintaining treatment follow up, although further studies are recommended. Key words: mild cognitive impairment, neuropsychological rehabilitation, cognitive training. Reabilitação cognitiva de déficits neuropsicológicos e transtorno cognitivo leve: revisão da literatura Resumo -A reabilitação cognitiva se ocupa do tratamento e otimização das incapacidades, desvantagens e deficiências cognitivas, bem como de alterações emocionais, comportamentais e de personalidade. Visa a melhor readaptação neuropsicológica, neurobiológica e social. Objetivo: Realizar revisão literária sobre os estudos cientí-ficos publicados nos últimos cinco anos em reabilitação cognitiva, em sujeitos com queixas cognitivas e pacientes idosos diagnosticados com TCL. Métodos: As informações foram obtidas nas bases de dados Mediline, PsychoInfo e EMBASE com recomendações baseadas na qualidade de evidência Classe I. Resultados: Foram encontrados 68 artigos. Destes, selecionados oito, por caracterizarem estudos randomizados, incluir técnicas de reabilitação cognitiva em pacientes com queixas cognitivas e TCL e por documentarem avaliações neuropsicológicas. Conclusões: As pesquisas que demonstraram técnicas de reabilitação com abordagens capazes de generalização para as atividades práticas da vida e uso da abordagem aprendizagem sem erro se mostraram mais efetivas quanto à manutenção no seguimento, contudo, são necessários estudos mais detalhados. Palavras-chave: transtorno cognitivo leve, reabilitação neuropsicológica e treino cognitivo. Due to the growth in the elderly population over recent decades, an increase in the number of degenerative diseases including dementia has been documented. Consequently, an increasing number of non-pharmacological treatments aimed at cognitive improvement have emerged, 1 particularly because these deficits are the first to appear, affecting memory, behavior alterations and loss of functional activities

    Cognitive rehabilitation of neuropsychological deficits and mild cognitive impairment: A review of the literature

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    Abstract Neuropsychological rehabilitation is related to the treatment or optimization of disabilities, handicaps and cognitive deficiencies including emotional, behavioral and personality alterations, aiming at the best cognitive, neurobiological and social re-adaptation. Objective: The main aim of this paper is to review scientific studies published over the last five years on cognitive training with rehabilitation, focusing on elderly subjects with cognitive complaints and patients diagnosed with MCI. Methods: Data were generated from Medline, PsychoInfo and EMBASE including publications from 2002 to 2007 using the search terms "Mild Cognitive Impairment", "Cognitive Complaints", "Rehabilitation" and "Intervention Studies". Data collection criteria were restricted to the quality of evidence Class I. Results: Eight articles out of sixty eight previously selected were chosen because of their randomized studies, including techniques of cognitive rehabilitation in patients with cognitive complaints, MCI and neuropsychological training. Conclusions: The studies showing generalization of rehabilitation techniques to practical real life situations and use of an errorless learning approach were considered more effective in terms of maintaining treatment follow up, although further studies are recommended

    Performance of a sample of patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and healthy elderly on a lexical decision test (LDT) as a measure of pre-morbid intelligence

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to describe the performance of healthy elderly patients with aging-related pathologies (MCI) and patients with AD on a lexical decision test. Methods: The study included 38 healthy elderly subjects, 61 MCI and 26 AD patients from the Neurology Department of the Hospital das Clinicas, Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology Group. The neuropsychological instruments included the episodic memory test (RAVLT), subtests from the WAIS-III (Matrix Reasoning and Vocabulary) to determine estimated IQ, the Boston naming test (BNT) and Lexical Decision Test (LDT). Results: All groups differed on the MMSE, as expected according to their pathologies, memory tests, naming and estimated IQ. For the vocabulary and the LDT - measures of crystalized intelligence no differences were found. Conclusion: The LDT demonstrated that lexical decision can be used as a measure of pre-morbid IQ among the individuals assessed in a Brazilian sample

    Performance of an adult Brazilian sample on the Trail Making Test and Stroop Test

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    ABSTRACT Objective: The Trail Making Test (TMT) and Stroop Test (ST) are attention tests widely used in clinical practice and research. The aim of this study was to provide normative data for the adult Brazilian population and to study the influence of gender, age and education on the TMT parts A and B, and ST cards A, B and C. Methods: We recruited 1447 healthy subjects aged ≥18 years with an educational level of 0-25 years who were native speakers of Portuguese (Brazilian). The subjects were evaluated by the Matrix Reasoning and Vocabulary subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III, along with the TMTA, TMTB and ST A, B and C. Results: Among the participants, mean intellectual efficiency was 103.20 (SD: 12.0), age 41.0 (SD: 16.4) years and education 11.9 (SD: 5.6) years. There were significant differences between genders on the TMTA (p=0.002), TMTB (p=0.017) and STC (p=0.024). Age showed a positive correlation with all attention tests, whereas education showed a negative correlation. Gender was not found to be significant on the multiple linear regression model, but age and education maintained their interference. Conclusion: Gender did not have the major impact on attentional tasks observed for age and education, both of which should be considered in the stratification of normative samples