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    Yapılı çevre üzerinden mimarlık bilgisinin üretilmesi:Eleştirel bir değerlendirme

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    Extended abstractThe main problem of this dissertation is how architectural knowledge is produced. By discussing various approaches about the knowledge of the built environment, on the way of reading a specific built environment for understanding, the potentiality of meaning and the process of conceptualization are discussed. Especially producing knowledge based on the same phenomenon, through different traditions and different positions, it proposes to discuss different meanings the phenomenon acquires. In producing knowledge, the evaluation strategies, take different names such as analysis, decoding explaining, defining, reading, describing or interpreting. In fact through these strategies, the thesis argues the concept of method which is problematized. The content of the method that designates the formula, schema, model which is valid in every circumstance aiming at generality and universality is enlarged which comprises context-bound, specific view points. With this consideration, the autonomy of knowledge is interrogated by obliteration of tools and thus the aims through the notion of method. When the contradistinction between conventional ways of producing knowledge and the modernist criticism to the epistemology that derives from the doctrines of objectivity, certainty, absoluteness and  utility is aimed to be deciphered; thinking about the mediating subject, language, truth and the question of legitimacy become inevitable. The knowledge is a problem of representation and knowledge as representation means charging with meaning rather than presenting, mirroring or indicating. Consequently, truth can not be discovered but it can be invented or speculated. On the way of truth, subject is the main mediator and language is the main medium of truth. An attempt to define a ground in architecture has to confront the prevalent concepts of the origin, the archetype, the pattern and the type. It is discussed then that when these concepts are freed from their metaphysical implications, their potential about producing knowledge in architecture can be undertaken more precisely. The notion of origin was the main target of the criticisms of metaphysical attempts. Instead of the notion of an origin as an absolute beginning, the idea of an origin constructed by the iterative permanence can restore the potential of the term. Origin in this thesis is proposed as an image in the deep which makes the archetype considerable. Archetype is a primary image which is immanent in memory. Pattern that has originated from archetype is beyond being a template or tool that makes the archetype visible; it gets its specific expression in different contexts with a specific stance. Christopher Alexander?s pattern language expands the conceptual borders of ?pattern? by holding experience, describing intricate relations and using a profound intuition. It gathers a new point of view apart from conventional epistemological direc-tions which concentrate on specificity. Type also makes significant contribution to the notion of specificity by emphasizing the importance of the context. In contemporary conjecture, typology is not only based on abstract principles, primary geometric forms or functions in other words it is not based on an idealized origin. Other than naming as mere labeling, if evaluated as first diagnostic steps on the way of description; the notions of pattern and type can be seen as naming acts which are related with the poetic. The critique to structuralism especially comes from the poststructuralist, phenomenological and hermeneutic perspectives. While evaluating the knowledge produced through these distinct approaches, the thesis accentuates their constricting attitude of framing the built environment. Axiomatic and model based view points which analyze built environment and environment-behavior theories have shortcomings. These shortcomings become inevitable because of their insistence on generalization, instrumentalization of language and fixing the meaning. By following this path of argument, the possibilities of the knowledge of a specific built environment based on interpretation of meaning developed mainly from the notions of memory and space are favoured. Consequently, today on the way of describing the image and constituting the sign when the distance between the matter and the idea, the signifier and the signified  is expanded as much as possible, the content of knowledge and the condensation of meaning become more refined.  For this reason, it is inevitable thinking on searching of alternative view points in which the phenomenon opens itself explicitly for becoming knowledge through the subject by overcoming the positivist stereotypes. Keywords:Built environment, producing knowledge, language, interpretation.Özet Bu çalışmada yapılı çevre üzerinden mimarlık bilgisinin, nasıl üretildiği sorun alanı olarak belir-lenmiştir.  ‘Nasıl’ üzerinden nedenlerin sorgulanması ve özne dolayımını temel alan kavramsal bir bakış açısı geliştirebilmek ve özgül yapılı çevrenin okunmasında, anlamak için anlamlandırmanın olanaklarını tartışmak amaçlanmaktadır. Bilgi üretiminde özerklikten bahsedebilmek için yöntem kavramı araçtan ve amaçtan boşalarak sorunsallaştırılmalıdır.  Aynı görüngüye ilişkin bilginin, farklı düşünce gelenekleri ve farklı duruşlar içinden üretilmesiyle görüngü farklı anlamlar kazanır. Bilgi üretimi de bir çeşit temsil etme ve bununla bağlantılı olarak anlamlandırma edimidir ve özne dolayımı, dil, hakikat ve meşruluk sorgusu bilgi üretiminin vazgeçilmez duraklarıdır.  Bu sorgula-mada dilin 20. yüzyıldaki ayrıcalıklı konumu özellikle dikkat çekicidir. Bilgi üretiminde, genelde konvansiyonel yaklaşımların zemin belirlemek için kullandıkları köken, arketip, kalıp ve tip kavram-larının, eleştirel bir bakışla anlamsal çerçeveleri genişletildiğinde bilgi üretiminde farklı açılımlar sağlanabilecektir. Özellikle pozitivizmin çizdiği çerçevenin dışına çıkıldığında bu açılımlar daha iyi gözlemlenebilmektedir. Bilgi üretiminde aksiyomatik, model kurucu yaklaşımlar ve çevre-davranış çalışmaları; fenomenoloji, hermeneutik ve post-yapısalcılık ile temellenen alternatif okuma ve yo-rumlama biçimleri ile karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alındığında zaaflarını ele vermektedir. Bu bağlamda özgül bir yapılı çevreye ilişkin bilgi, yorum temelli bir yaklaşımla da üretilebilmektedir. Sonuç itibariyle yapılı çevrenin anlamlandırılmasında özne dolayımıyla,  görüngünün pozitivist sterotiplerin dışına çıkılarak kendini açmasının olanaklarını araştırmak;  eleştirel, özgül olana odaklı, alternatif bakış açılarını gerektirmektedir.     Anahtar Kelimeler: Yapılı çevre, mimarlık bilgisi, dil, yorum

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