68 research outputs found

    Individual differences in newborn visual attention associate with temperament and behavioral difficulties in later childhood

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    Recently it was shown that individual differences in attention style in infants are associated with childhood effortful control, surgency, and hyperactivity-inattention. Here we investigated whether effortful control, surgency and behavioral problems in childhood can be predicted even earlier, from individual differences in newborns’ average duration of gaze to stimuli. Eighty newborns participated in visual preference and habituation studies. Parents completed questionnaires at follow up (mean age = 7.5 years, SD = 1.0 year). Newborns’ average dwell time was negatively associated with childhood surgency (β = -.25, R2 = .04, p = .02) and total behavioral difficulties (β = -.28, R2 = .05, p = .04) but not with effortful control (β = .03, R2 = .001, p = .76). Individual differences in newborn visual attention significantly associated with individual variation in childhood surgency and behavioral problems, showing that some of the factors responsible for this variation are present at birth

    Characterization of ductal and lobular breast carcinomas using novel prolactin receptor isoform specific antibodies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prolactin is a polypeptide hormone responsible for proliferation and differentiation of the mammary gland. More recently, prolactin's role in mammary carcinogenesis has been studied with greater interest. Studies from our laboratory and from others have demonstrated that three specific isoforms of the prolactin receptor (PRLR) are expressed in both normal and cancerous breast cells and tissues. Until now, reliable isoform specific antibodies have been lacking. We have prepared and characterized polyclonal antibodies against each of the human PRLR isoforms that can effectively be used to characterize human breast cancers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Rabbits were immunized with synthetic peptides of isoform unique regions and immune sera affinity purified prior to validation by Western blot and immunohistochemical analyses. Sections of ductal and lobular carcinomas were stained with each affinity purified isoform specific antibody to determine expression patterns in breast cancer subclasses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that the rabbit antibodies have high titer and could specifically recognize each isoform of PRLR. Differences in PRLR isoform expression levels were observed and quantified using histosections from xenografts of established human breast cancer cells lines, and ductal and lobular carcinoma human biopsy specimens. In addition, these results were verified by real-time PCR with isoform specific primers. While nearly all tumors contained LF and SF1b, the majority (76%) of ductal carcinoma biopsies expressed SF1a while the majority of lobular carcinomas lacked SF1a staining (72%) and 27% had only low levels of expression.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Differences in the receptor isoform expression profiles may be critical to understanding the role of PRL in mammary tumorigenesis. Since these antibodies are specifically directed against each PRLR isoform, they are valuable tools for the evaluation of breast cancer PRLR content and have potential clinical importance in treatment of this disease by providing new reagents to study the protein expression of the human PRLR.</p

    IL10 Haplotype Associated with Tuberculin Skin Test Response but Not with Pulmonary TB

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    Evidence from genetic association and twin studies indicates that susceptibility to tuberculosis (TB) is under genetic control. One gene implicated in susceptibility to TB is that encoding interleukin-10 (IL10). In a group of 2010 Ghanaian patients with pulmonary TB and 2346 healthy controls exposed to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, among them 129 individuals lacking a tuberculin skin test (PPD) response, we genotyped four IL10 promoter variants at positions −2849 , −1082 , −819 , and −592 and reconstructed the haplotypes. The IL10 low-producer haplotype −2849A/−1082A/−819C/−592C, compared to the high-producer haplotype −2849G/−1082G/−819C/−592C, occurred less frequent among PPD-negative controls than among cases (OR 2.15, CI 1.3–3.6) and PPD-positive controls (OR 2.09, CI 1.2–3.5). Lower IL-10 plasma levels in homozygous −2849A/−1082A/−819C/−592C carriers, compared to homozygous −2849G/−1082G/−819C/−592C carriers, were confirmed by a IL-10 ELISA (p = 0.016). Although we did not observe differences between the TB patients and all controls, our results provide evidence that a group of individuals exposed to M. tuberculosis transmission is genetically distinct from healthy PPD positives and TB cases. In these PPD-negative individuals, higher IL-10 production appears to reflect IL-10-dependent suppression of adaptive immune responses and sustained long-term specific anergy

    Measuring quality of life in Duchenne muscular dystrophy : a systematic review of the content and structural validity of commonly used instruments

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an inherited X-linked neuromuscular disorder. A number of questionnaires are available to assess quality of life in DMD, but there are concerns about their validity. This systematic review aimed to appraise critically the content and structural validity of quality of life instruments for DMD. Five databases (EMBASE, MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and Cochrane Library) were searched, with supplementary searches in Google Scholar. We included articles with evidence on the content and/or structural validity of quality of life instruments in DMD, and/or instrument development. Evidence was evaluated against the Consensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) criteria. Fifty five articles featured a questionnaire assessing quality of life in DMD. Forty instruments were extracted and 26 underwent assessment. Forty-one articles contained evidence on content or structural validity (including 37 development papers). Most instruments demonstrated low quality evidence and unsatisfactory or inconsistent validity in DMD, with the majority not featuring direct validation studies in this population. Only KIDSCREEN received an adequate rating for instrument design and a satisfactory result for content validity based on its development, yet, like the majority of PROMs, the measure has not been directly validated for use in DMD. Further research is needed on the validity of quality of life instruments in DMD, including content and structural validity studies in this population

    Bace1-dependent amyloid processing regulates hypothalamic leptin sensitivity in obese mice

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    Obesity places an enormous medical and economic burden on society. The principal driver appears to be central leptin resistance with hyperleptinemia. Accordingly, a compound that reverses or prevents leptin resistance should promote weight normalisation and improve glucose homeostasis. The protease Bace1 drives beta amyloid (Aβ) production with obesity elevating hypothalamic Bace1 activity and Aβ₁–₄₂ production. Pharmacological inhibition of Bace1 reduces body weight, improves glucose homeostasis and lowers plasma leptin in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice. These actions are not apparent in ob/ob or db/db mice, indicating the requirement for functional leptin signalling. Decreasing Bace1 activity normalises hypothalamic inflammation, lowers PTP1B and SOCS3 and restores hypothalamic leptin sensitivity and pSTAT3 response in obese mice, but does not affect leptin sensitivity in lean mice. Raising central Aβ₁–₄₂ levels in the early stage of DIO increases hypothalamic basal pSTAT3 and reduces the amplitude of the leptin pSTAT3 signal without increased inflammation. Thus, elevated Aβ₁–₄₂ promotes hypothalamic leptin resistance, which is associated with diminished whole-body sensitivity to exogenous leptin and exacerbated body weight gain in high fat fed mice. These results indicate that Bace1 inhibitors, currently in clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease, may be useful agents for the treatment of obesity and associated diabetes

    Dynamic GABAergic afferent modulation of AgRP neurons

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    Agouti-related peptide (AgRP) neurons of the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARC) promote homeostatic feeding at times of caloric insufficiency, yet they are rapidly suppressed by food-related sensory cues prior to ingestion. Here we identify a highly selective inhibitory afferent to AgRP neurons that serves as a neural determinant of this rapid modulation. Specifically, GABAergic projections arising from the ventral compartment of the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (vDMH) contribute to the pre-consummatory modulation of ARCAgRP neurons. In a manner reciprocal to ARCAgRP neurons, ARC-projecting leptin receptor (LepR)-expressing GABAergic DMH neurons exhibit rapid activation upon availability of food that additionally reflects the relative value of the food. Thus, DMHLepR neurons form part of the sensory network that relays real-time information about the nature and availability of food to dynamically modulate ARCAgRP neuron activity and feeding behavior

    The many faces of leptin—a novel role for leptin signalling in obesity-induced hypertension

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    Ras blooms on sterile ground

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