2,189 research outputs found

    Teleconnections: Summer Monsoon over Korea and India

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    This study investigates the relationship between the summer monsoon rainfall over Korea and India, by using correlation analysis and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Results reveal that summer monsoon rainfall over Korea is negatively (significant at the 99 level) correlated with the rainfall over the northwest and central parts of India. In addition, coupled spatial modes between the rainfall over Korea and India have been identified by the SVD analysis. The squared covariance fraction explained by the first mode is 70 and the correlation coefficient between the time coefficients of the two fields is significant at the 99 level, indicating that the coupled mode reflects a large part of the interaction between the summer monsoon rainfall over Korea and India. The first mode clearly demonstrates the existence of a significant negative correlation between the rainfall over the northwest and central parts of India and the rainfall over Korea. Possible mechanisms of this correlation are investigated by analyzing the variation of upper-level atmospheric circulation associated with the Tibetan high using NCEP / NCAR Reanalysis data

    Relationship between Soviet snow and Korean rainfall

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    In this study the statistical relationship between winter-spring Soviet snow depth and summer monsoon rainfall over South Korea has been investigated by lag correlation correlation coefficients and composite analysis. Data for the 1966-95 period are used. Results reveal that the winter/springtime snow depth over western Eurasia (over Kazakhstan) is negatively related, whereas the snow depth over eastern Eurasia (over Manchuria-eastern Siberia) is positively related with Korean monsoon rainfall. The dipole correlation pattern suggests that heavy snow over eastern Eurasia and light snow over western Eurasia is favourable, whereas the reverse situation is unfavourable for monsoon activity over South Korea. The NCEP-NCAR re-analyses data reveal that the dipole correlation configuration is indicative of a mid-latitude long-wave pattern with an anomalous ridge over north Asia during the winter prior to a weak Korean monsoon and an anomalous trough prior to a strong monsoon. The re-analyses data further suggest that the position, shape, and strength of the summertime North Pacific subtropical high and the low-level jet over the East Asian sector could be considerably influenced by the snow distribution over Eurasia

    The Euler-Glaisher Theorem over Totally Real Number Fields

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    In this paper, we study the partition theory over totally real number fields. Let KK be a totally real number field. A partition of a totally positive algebraic integer δ\delta over KK is λ=(λ1,λ2,…,λr)\lambda=(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\ldots,\lambda_r) for some totally positive integers λi\lambda_i such that δ=λ1+λ2+⋯+λr\delta=\lambda_1+\lambda_2+\cdots+\lambda_r. We find an identity to explain the number of partitions of δ\delta whose parts do not belong to a given ideal a\mathfrak a. We obtain a generalization of the Euler-Glaisher Theorem over totally real number fields as a corollary. We also prove that the number of solutions to the equation δ=x1+2x2+⋯+nxn\delta=x_1+2x_2+\cdots+nx_n with xix_i totally positive or 00 is equal to that of chain partitions of δ\delta. A chain partition of δ\delta is a partition λ=(λ1,λ2,…,λr)\lambda=(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\ldots,\lambda_r) of δ\delta such that λi+1−λi\lambda_{i+1}-\lambda_i is totally positive or 00

    The Sylvester Theorem and the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities over Totally Real Number Fields

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    In this paper, we prove two identities on the partition of a totally positive algebraic integer over a totally real number field which are the generalization of the Sylvester Theorem and that of the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities. Additionally, we give an another version of generalized Rogers-Ramanujan Identities

    Enhanced spin density wave in LaOFeSb

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    We predict atomic, electronic, and magnetic structures of a hypothetical compound LaOFeSb by first-principles density-functional calculations. It is shown that LaOFeSb prefers a stripe-type antiferromagnetic phase (i.e., spin density wave (SDW) phase) to the non-magnetic (NM) phase, with a larger Fe spin moment and greater SDW-NM energy difference than those of LaOFeAs. The SDW phase is found to favor the orthorhombic structure while the tetragonal structure is more stable in the NM phase. In the NM-phase LaOFeSb, the electronic bandwidth near the Fermi energy is reduced compared with LaOFeAs, indicating smaller orbital overlap between Fe dd states and subsequently enhanced intra-atomic exchange coupling. The calculated Fermi surface in the NM phase consists of three hole and two electron sheets, and shows increased nesting between two hole and two electron sheets compared with LaOFeAs. Monotonous changes found in our calculated material properties of LaOFePn (Pn=P, As, and Sb), along with reported superconducting properties of doped LaOFeP and LaOFeAs, suggest that doped LaOFeSb may have a higher superconducting transition temperature.Comment: 5 pages with 3 figures and 1 table, double colum

    Generation of structurally novel short carotenoids and study of their biological activity

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    Recent research interest in phytochemicals has consistently driven the efforts in the metabolic engineering field toward microbial production of various carotenoids. In spite of systematic studies, the possibility of using C(30) carotenoids as biologically functional compounds has not been explored thus far. Here, we generated 13 novel structures of C(30) carotenoids and one C(35) carotenoid, including acyclic, monocyclic, and bicyclic structures, through directed evolution and combinatorial biosynthesis, in Escherichia coli. Measurement of radical scavenging activity of various C(30) carotenoid structures revealed that acyclic C(30) carotenoids showed higher radical scavenging activity than did DL-α-tocopherol. We could assume high potential biological activity of the novel structures of C(30) carotenoids as well, based on the neuronal differentiation activity observed for the monocyclic C(30) carotenoid 4,4′-diapotorulene on rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Our results demonstrate that a series of structurally novel carotenoids possessing biologically beneficial properties can be synthesized in E. coli

    Refining Generative Process with Discriminator Guidance in Score-based Diffusion Models

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    The proposed method, Discriminator Guidance, aims to improve sample generation of pre-trained diffusion models. The approach introduces a discriminator that gives explicit supervision to a denoising sample path whether it is realistic or not. Unlike GANs, our approach does not require joint training of score and discriminator networks. Instead, we train the discriminator after score training, making discriminator training stable and fast to converge. In sample generation, we add an auxiliary term to the pre-trained score to deceive the discriminator. This term corrects the model score to the data score at the optimal discriminator, which implies that the discriminator helps better score estimation in a complementary way. Using our algorithm, we achive state-of-the-art results on ImageNet 256x256 with FID 1.83 and recall 0.64, similar to the validation data's FID (1.68) and recall (0.66). We release the code at https://github.com/alsdudrla10/DG.Comment: International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML23

    Application of chelating weak base resin Dowex M4195 to the recovery of uranium from mixed sulfate/chloride media

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    The use of untreated seawater or bore water in uranium mineral processing circuits may represent a cheaper and more sustainable water resource for Australia’s mining operations. Using present technologies, the increased salinity from these water sources results in decreased uranium extraction and increased extraction of impurities. There is incentive to overcome these challenges, either through new technologies, or repurposing existing technologies. The ion exchange behaviour of U from sulfate media on the weakly basic chelating resin Dowex M4195 (bis-picolylamine functionality) and the effect of competing chloride and impurity metal ions (Th, Fe, Al, Cu, Ni) has been studied. Experiments to determine acid, and sulfate media behaviour, and extraction thermodynamics including the effect of increasing chloride concentration upon extraction behaviour were carried out. Dowex M4195 was found to have pK1 and pK2 values at 4.13 ± 0.04 and 2.1 ± 0.1 determined at 1.0 M NaCl. Dowex M4195 shows affinity for U(VI) over Fe3+ and Al3+ in sulfuric acid media with a U(VI) pH50 a full pH unit below that of Fe3+ at 0.17 and 1.82 respectively. With increasing chloride concentrations U and Th extraction is suppressed but Fe extraction increases. At the highest chloride concentrations explored Fe is preferentially extracted over U, and Th is not extracted at all. As chloride concentration increases the extraction of U passes through a minimum (40%) before increasing to around 60% for 4.0 M chloride at pH 1.80. Al3+ is not extracted by M4195 under any conditions explored. Dowex M4195 does show high selectivity for Cu and Ni over everything else
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