28 research outputs found

    The pediatric glucocorticoid toxicity index

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    Objectives: To develop a Pediatric glucocorticoid toxicity index (pGTI), a standardized, weighted clinical outcome assessment that measures change in glucocorticoid (GC) toxicity over time. Methods: Fourteen physician experts from 7 subspecialties participated. The physician experts represented multiple subspecialties in which GCs play a major role in the treatment of inflammatory disease: nephrology, rheumatology, oncology, endocrinology, genetics, psychiatry, and maternal-fetal medicine. Nine investigators were from Canada, Europe, or New Zealand, and 5 were from the United States. Group consensus methods and multi-criteria decision analysis were used. The pGTI is an aggregate assessment of GC toxicities that are common, important, and dynamic. These toxicities are organized into health domains graded as minor, moderate, or major and are weighted according to severity. The relative weights were derived by group consensus and multi-criteria decision analysis using the 1000MindsTM software platform. Two quantitative scores comprise the overall toxicity profile derived from pGTI data: (1) the Cumulative Worsening Score; and (2) the Aggregate Improvement Score. The pGTI also includes a qualitative, unweighted record of GC side-effects known as the Damage Checklist, which documents less common toxicities that, although potentially severe, are unlikely to change with varying GC dosing. Results: One hundred and seven (107) toxicity items were included in the pGTI and thirty-two (32) in the Damage Checklist. To assess the degree to which the pGTI corresponds to expert clinical judgement, the investigators ranked 15 cases by clinical judgement from highest to lowest GC toxicity. Expert rankings were then compared to case ranking by the pGTI, yielding excellent agreement (weighted kappa 0.86). The pGTI was migrated to a digital environment following its development and initial validation. The digital platform is designed to ensure ease-of-use in the clinic, rigor in application, and accuracy of scoring. Clinic staff enter vital signs, laboratory results, and medication changes relevant to pGTI scoring. Clinicians record findings for GC myopathy, skin toxicity, mood dysfunction, and infection. The pGTI algorithms then apply the weights to these raw data and calculate scores. Embedded logic accounts for the impact of age- and sex-related reference ranges on several health domains: blood pressure, lipid metabolism, and bone mineral density. Other algorithms account for anticipated changes in the height Z-scores used in the growth domain, thereby addressing a concern unique to GC toxicity in children. The Damage Checklist ensures comprehensive measurement of GC toxicity but does not contribute to pGTI scoring, because the scored domains emphasize manifestations of GC toxicity that are likely to change over the course of a trial. Conclusions: We describe the development and initial evaluation of a weighted, composite toxicity index for the assessment of morbidity related to GC use in children and adolescents. Developing the pGTI digital platform was essential for performing the nuanced calculations necessary to ensure rigor, accuracy, and ease-of-use in both clinic and research settings

    Genetic Organisation, Mobility and Predicted Functions of Genes on Integrated, Mobile Genetic Elements in Sequenced Strains of Clostridium difficile

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    Background: Clostridium difficile is the leading cause of hospital-associated diarrhoea in the US and Europe. Recently the incidence of C. difficile-associated disease has risen dramatically and concomitantly with the emergence of 'hypervirulent' strains associated with more severe disease and increased mortality. C. difficile contains numerous mobile genetic elements, resulting in the potential for a highly plastic genome. In the first sequenced strain, 630, there is one proven conjugative transposon (CTn), Tn5397, and six putative CTns (CTn1, CTn2 and CTn4-7), of which, CTn4 and CTn5 were capable of excision. In the second sequenced strain, R20291, two further CTns were described.Results: CTn1, CTn2 CTn4, CTn5 and CTn7 were shown to excise from the genome of strain 630 and transfer to strain CD37. A putative CTn from R20291, misleadingly termed a phage island previously, was shown to excise and to contain three putative mobilisable transposons, one of which was capable of excision. In silico probing of C. difficile genome sequences with recombinase gene fragments identified new putative conjugative and mobilisable transposons related to the elements in strains 630 and R20291. CTn5-like elements were described occupying different insertion sites in different strains, CTn1-like elements that have lost the ability to excise in some ribotype 027 strains were described and one strain was shown to contain CTn5-like and CTn7-like elements arranged in tandem. Additionally, using bioinformatics, we updated previous gene annotations and predicted novel functions for the accessory gene products on these new elements.Conclusions: The genomes of the C. difficile strains examined contain highly related CTns suggesting recent horizontal gene transfer. Several elements were capable of excision and conjugative transfer. The presence of antibiotic resistance genes and genes predicted to promote adaptation to the intestinal environment suggests that CTns play a role in the interaction of C. difficile with its human host

    MR fluoroscopy in vascular and cardiac interventions (review)

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    Vascular and cardiac disease remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in developed and emerging countries. Vascular and cardiac interventions require extensive fluoroscopic guidance to navigate endovascular catheters. X-ray fluoroscopy is considered the current modality for real time imaging. It provides excellent spatial and temporal resolution, but is limited by exposure of patients and staff to ionizing radiation, poor soft tissue characterization and lack of quantitative physiologic information. MR fluoroscopy has been introduced with substantial progress during the last decade. Clinical and experimental studies performed under MR fluoroscopy have indicated the suitability of this modality for: delivery of ASD closure, aortic valves, and endovascular stents (aortic, carotid, iliac, renal arteries, inferior vena cava). It aids in performing ablation, creation of hepatic shunts and local delivery of therapies. Development of more MR compatible equipment and devices will widen the applications of MR-guided procedures. At post-intervention, MR imaging aids in assessing the efficacy of therapies, success of interventions. It also provides information on vascular flow and cardiac morphology, function, perfusion and viability. MR fluoroscopy has the potential to form the basis for minimally invasive image–guided surgeries that offer improved patient management and cost effectiveness

    Assessment of blood flow and valvular heart disease using phase-contrast cardiovascular magnetic resonance.

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    Measurement of blood flow is important for assessing the severity of disease processes involving the cardiovascular system. Phase-contrast cardiovascular magnetic resonance (PC-CMR) can be used to measure blood flow noninvasively without ionizing radiation or limitations imposed by body habitus. This review describes the performance of PC-CMR and its clinical utility in assessing patients with cardiovascular or valvular heart disease