4 research outputs found

    The impact of forest reserves on livelihoods of fringe communities in Ghana

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    This study looked at how the livelihoods of forest fringe communities have been affected by the constitution of four forest reserves in Brong Ahafo and Ashanti Regions of Ghana. The selection of the reserves for study was based on the fact that the reserves were surrounded by a numberof relatively new and old settlements and have potential for socio-economic activities (agricultural production and ecotourism). Two main research approaches, structured questionnaire and semi-structured interviews were used in the data collection. A structured questionnairetogether with open-ended questions was used to collect quantitative and qualitative information on household and community characteristics, including household incomes, farm sizes and tenancy arrangements. An open-ended questionnaire was designed for selected groups and community leaders to solicit their views and perceptions. The study found that farming was the main occupation of the people with cocoa and oil palm being the major cash crops grown in the area. Food crops grown include plantain, maize, cocoyam, cassava and rice. The major tenancy arrangements include family lands, outright purchase and sharecropping. Environmental problems in the area are decline in soil fertility, soil erosion, deforestation, bush fires and depletion of game and wildlife. Incomes were found to be low resulting in high poverty levels. The study shows that the communities have little role to play in the management of forest reserves

    Management and growth paradox of rural small-scale industrial sector in Ghana

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    It has been argued that Small Scale Industries (SSIs) scarcely grow rather they stagnate and most of them eventually die off mainly due to poor management. The situation has been blamed on a number of factors and therefore a systematic analysis of the key influential factors will givebetter understanding of the phenomenon. Data was mainly collected through interviews of owners/ managers of small industrial units in the Mfantseman District of Central Region of Ghana. Logistic regression was used to distinguish the factors influencing management and growth of the RSSI sector and to estimate the impact of each explanatory variable in the equations. The study shows that record keeping and banking, which are key ingredients of good management practices are largely influenced by the age of the firm, the type of technology used, how proprietors acquired their skills, the production level and the source of investment capital. Similarly, growth of firm is influenced by the gender of the proprietor, the sources of raw materials and how proprietors acquired their skill

    Indigenous People, Leadership and Development: The Role of Chieftaincy Institution in the Development of Ghana

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    This paper explores the institution of chieftaincy in Ghana and assesses its relevance and contribution to national development. Chieftaincy institution in Ghana dates back in history and it is associated with movement of people from different places to the present day Ghana. The British who colonized the Gold Coast recognized its uniqueness and made use of it in what become known as indirect rule. Because of the important role the chieftaincy institution plays in the lives of the people, the institution has been given due recognition by successive governments and constitutions since independence in 1957. Primarily, the function of the chief was to rule for social stability, cohesion and order, as well as to bring development to the people. More importantly, the Chieftaincy institution remained an important focal point for grassroots mobilization, and an instrument for social cohesion. This paper reaffirms the relevance of the chieftaincy institution in national development notwithstanding the rapid modernization and the socio-economic changes taking place in modern day Ghana. Keywords: Chieftaincy, Traditional Authorities, Community, Development, Natural Resource