32 research outputs found

    Fatal orbito-cerebral penetration by industrial grease viscous: Rare case report

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    Does the potential ammonium fixation of soils have an impact on the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate?

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    Field experiments were conducted to determine the effect of nitrogen (N) fertilizer forms and doses on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) on three soils differing in their ammonium (NH4) fixation capacity [high = 161 mg fixed NH4-N kg-1 soil, medium = 31.5 mg fixed NH4-N kg-1 soil and no = nearly no fixed NH4-N kg-1 soil]. On high NH4 + fixing soil, 80 kg N ha-1 Urea+ ammonium nitrate [NH4NO3] or 240 kg N ha-1 ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4]+(NH4)2SO4, was required to obtain the maximum yield. Urea + NH4NO3 generally showed the highest significance in respect to the agronomic efficiency of N fertilizers. In the non NH4 + fixing soil, 80 kg N ha-1 urea+NH4NO3 was enough to obtain high grain yield. The agronomic efficiency of N fertilizers was generally higher in the non NH4 + fixing soil than in the others. Grain protein was highly affected by NH4 + fixation capacities and N doses. Harvest index was affected by the NH4 + fixation capacity at the 1% significance level. © 2018, © 2018 Taylor & Francis.The authors thank the deceased Prof. Dr. Agr. Dr. H.C.K. Mengel for helpful discussions, and the Research Fund of Ege University for its financial support. -

    Residual effect of agro-industrial wastes on soil properties and Zea mays (L.) nutrition

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    The residual effect of agro-industrial wastes previously used for potato growing was investigated for soil characteristics and maize nutrition. The soil pH increased and organic matter decreased during maize growth. Nitrogen and K were generally low, but statistically higher almost in waste-applied soils. Soil phosphorus was greatest in the 'Only Wastes' and 'Min.P + Wastes NK' treatments. N, P, K and Ca decreased significantly in the soil of 'Only Wastes' during maize growth, as did the organic matter content. 'Only wastes' generally produced a maximum maize growth parameter. Zinc and Mn were low in soils and no pollution risk arose with respect to heavy metals. Nitrogen, K, Zn and Mn of leaves were below adequate levels. Lead and Cr in plants decreased with the chelating effect of increased organic matter. Phosphorus in wastes gave significantly the highest yield, and P in kernel had the effect of increasing some yield parameters in maize. Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

    Niğde İli (Türkiye) İhtiyofaunası

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    Bu çalışma Mayıs 2016-Temmuz 2017 tarihleri arasında Niğde İli tatlı su balık faunasını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Niğde il sınırları içerisinde yapılan arazi çalışmaları sonucunda iki takımdan beş familyaya mensup olmak üzere 12 tür tespit edilmiştir; Capoeta pestai, Capoeta baliki, Capoeta damascina, Cyprinus carpio, Gobio gymnostethus, Pseudophoxinus battalgilae, Salmo labecula, Squalius cappadocicus, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oxynoemacheilus ciceki, Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus ve Oxynoemacheilus eregliensis. Bu türlerden dokuz tanesi bulundukları havzalara endemik türlerdir. C. baliki, C. pestai, O. ciceki ve O. cilicicus türleri ise il için yeni kayıt niteliği taşımaktadır.This study was carried out between May 2016 and July 2017 to determine the freshwater fish fauna of the Niğde province. As a result of the field studies carried out in the provincial borders of Niğde, 12 species belonging to two order and five families were identified. These are Capoeta pestai, Capoeta baliki, Capoeta damascina, Cyprinus carpio, Gobio gymnostethus, Pseudophoxinus battalgilae, Salmo labecula, Squalius cappadocicus, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oxynoemacheilus ciceki, Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus and Oxynoemacheilus eregliensis. Of these nine species are endemic to the basins in which they are located. C. baliki, C. pestai, O. ciceki and O. cilicicus species were recorded for first time in the province

    MR imaging for early complications of transpedicular screw fixation

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